

单词 毛细管
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔arteriole〕One of the small terminal branches of an artery, especially one that connects with a capillary.小动脉:动脉的一个小的末端分支,尤指连接毛细管的美国传统〔blood vessel〕An elastic tubular channel, such as an artery, a vein, or a capillary, through which the blood circulates.血管:一种有弹性的管道,例如动脉、血管或毛细管,血液通过它们进行循环美国传统〔capillary bed〕The network of capillaries in a particular area or organ of the body.毛细管床:身体某一特定区域或器官中毛细管的网络美国传统〔capillary〕A tube with a very small internal diameter.毛细管:一根内径十分细小的管子美国传统〔capillary〕Anatomy Of or relating to the capillaries.【解剖学】 毛细管的:毛细管的或关于毛细管的美国传统〔capillary〕The capillaries of the leaf were visible.可以看见叶子的毛细管。外研社新世纪〔microcirculation〕The flow of blood or lymph through the smallest vessels of the body, as the venules, capillaries, and arterioles.微循环:身体最小血管中的血液或淋巴流,如小静脉、毛细管或小动脉中的美国传统〔telangiectasia〕Chronic dilation of groups of capillaries causing elevated dark red blotches on the skin.毛细血管扩张:导致皮肤上暗红色斑点突起的毛细管组的慢性扩张美国传统〔turgor〕Biology The normal fullness or tension produced by the fluid content of blood vessels, capillaries, and plant or animal cells.【生物学】 膨压,紧涨:活细胞中紧张度和张力的正常状态,是由血管、毛细管和动植物细胞中的液体成分引起的美国传统〔venule〕A small vein, especially one joining capillaries to larger veins.小静脉:细小的静脉,尤指连接毛细管和大静脉的小静脉美国传统




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