

单词 爱发
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔OBEY〕She made all the decisions, gave all the orders, and Ramón slavishly complied. 她专权独断,爱发号施令,而拉蒙卑躬屈膝地顺从。朗文写作活用〔OFTEN〕Be careful not to annoy the boss. He has a habit of losing his temper. 小心别去惹老板,他爱发脾气。朗文写作活用〔VOICE〕He was an irritable old man, who seldom spoke except to say a gruff hello. 他是个爱发脾气的老人,除了生硬地打声招呼外很少说话。朗文写作活用〔authoritative〕She has an authoritative manner that at times is almost arrogant.她爱发号施令,有时几乎到了盛气凌人的地步。剑桥高阶〔bad-tempered〕She gets very bad-tempered when she's tired.她累的时候就爱发脾气。牛津高阶〔become〕After giving up smoking, he became fat and irritable.戒烟后,他发福了,而且老爱发火。剑桥高阶〔complainer〕He was a terrible complainer - always moaning about something.他特爱发牢骚, 总是抱怨个没完。外研社新世纪〔complainer〕He was a terrible complainer — always moaning about something.他特别爱发牢骚,老是抱怨这抱怨那。柯林斯高阶〔could〕Though he had a temper and could be nasty, it never lasted.虽然他爱发脾气,而且有时还很讨厌,但向来都只是一阵儿。柯林斯高阶〔crabby〕Grouchy; ill-tempered.爱发牢骚的;脾气坏的美国传统〔crank〕She's always a crank first thing in the morning.她早上一起来总爱发脾气。剑桥高阶〔crosspatch〕A peevish, irascible person; a grouch.脾气暴躁易怒的人;爱发牢骚的人美国传统〔domineering〕She is not a domineering mother.她不是一个爱发号施令的母亲。外研社新世纪〔domineering〕She is not a domineering mother.她不是一个爱发号施令的母亲。柯林斯高阶〔far〕He loses his temper far too often.他太爱发脾气了。剑桥高阶〔further〕People often described him as a bitter academic, but nothing could be further from the truth.人们经常说他是个爱发牢骚的书呆子,但事实完全不是那样。朗文当代〔give〕She certainly likes giving orders.她确实爱发号施令。朗文当代〔grouchy〕Tending to complain or grumble; peevish or grumpy.爱发牢骚的:易于抱怨或发牢骚的;脾气坏的,暴躁的美国传统〔grouch〕A habitually complaining or irritable person.爱发牢骚的人:经常抱怨或易被激怒的人美国传统〔miserable〕Why should I argue with miserable people like him.我为什么要和像他这样老爱发牢骚的人争论?麦克米伦高阶〔moan〕Dad's a gloomy old moaner.爸爸是个心情郁闷、爱发牢骚的老家伙。朗文当代〔order around〕When we're out he gets really bossy and starts ordering me around.当我们在外面的时候,他变得很爱发号施令,开始不停地让我干这干那。柯林斯高阶〔order around〕When we're out, he gets really bossy and starts ordering me around.我们出门在外时, 他变得很爱发号施令, 开始不停地支使我干这干那。外研社新世纪〔prickly〕You know how prickly she is.你知道她有多么爱发脾气。柯林斯高阶〔snappy〕He wasn't irritable or snappy or anything, just slightly perplexed.他并不是爱发火或爱起急什么的,他只是有点困惑。柯林斯高阶〔touchy〕Are you always so touchy about your work? 你对工作总是这么爱发火吗?麦克米伦高阶〔understand〕She understands why I get tired and grumpy.她懂我为什么会厌倦、为什么爱发火。外研社新世纪〔understand〕She understands why I get tired and grumpy.她理解我为什么累、为什么爱发火。柯林斯高阶〔used to〕I didn't use to worry so much.我过去不这么爱发愁。外研社新世纪〔whinger〕His friend Jon is such a whinger.他的朋友乔恩真是个爱发牢骚的人。剑桥高阶〔worrier〕Her mother was a born worrier.她母亲天生是一个爱发愁的人。朗文当代He loses his temper far too often.他太爱发脾气了。剑桥国际She has an authoritative (=seeming to have an ability to control) manner that at times is almost arrogant.她那种爱发号施令的态度有时简直达到盛气凌人的地步。剑桥国际You're turning into a complaining old curmudgeon! 你就快变成一个爱发牢骚的老怪物了。剑桥国际




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