

单词 laid
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ARRANGE〕I like the way your new office is laid out. 我喜欢你们新办公室的布局。朗文写作活用〔BASIC〕Copernicus's findings laid the foundations for the later work of Galileo. 哥白尼的发现为伽利略后来的研究工作奠定了基础。朗文写作活用〔BLAME〕Farmers have laid the blame for their problems entirely on EU policies. 农场主把他们的问题全归咎于欧盟的政策。朗文写作活用〔COMFORT/MAKE SB FEEL BETTER〕She laid a comforting hand on my arm. 她带着一丝抚慰将手搭在我的胳膊上。朗文写作活用〔CRITICIZE〕The teacher really laid into us this morning -- told us we'd all fail if we didn't start doing some work. 今天上午,老师狠狠地教训了我们——说如果我们不开始用功的话,都会不及格的。朗文写作活用〔DO/NOT DO〕In the afternoon, there will be plenty of activities laid on for the kids. 下午的时候,将为孩子们安排许多活动。朗文写作活用〔PEACE〕In March, the Popular Liberation Army laid down arms and registered as a political party. 3月,民众解放军放下武器,注册为政党。朗文写作活用〔PEACE〕No sooner had they laid down their arms than the English broke their word and attacked. 他们一放下武器,英格兰人就违背诺言发起攻击。朗文写作活用〔PROVIDE/SUPPLY〕Games and entertainment were laid on in the afternoon. 下午安排了游戏和娱乐活动。朗文写作活用〔PUT〕Farley laid the gun down and surrendered. 法利放下枪投降了。朗文写作活用〔PUT〕She unfolded the map and laid it on the table. 她展开地图,放在桌子上。朗文写作活用〔READY/NOT READY〕Everything was laid out on the bed, in readiness for the new baby. 所有东西都摆在床上,准备迎接新生儿。朗文写作活用〔SAY〕It is laid down in the club rules that guests are not allowed in unless they are accompanied by a club member. 俱乐部规则里写明,宾客若无会员陪同不得入内。朗文写作活用〔appetizing〕The tables were simply and appetisingly laid out.餐桌摆好了,食物虽然简单但很能激起食欲。柯林斯高阶〔ascot〕A broad neck scarf knotted so that its ends are laid flat with one end upon the other.领巾式领带:一种打结的阔领带,一端压在另一端上以使两端平展美国传统〔awry〕My carefully laid plans had already gone awry.我精心设计的计划已经出了岔子。朗文当代〔bankruptcy〕The massacre laid bare the moral bankruptcy of the regime.大屠杀使该政权的道德沦丧暴露无遗。柯林斯高阶〔bare〕The earth had been laid bare.土壤裸露在外。牛津搭配〔barre〕A fingering technique used with fretted stringed instruments in which a finger is laid across the fretboard to stop all or several strings at once.按弦弹拨法:带音品弦乐器的弹拨技巧,将一根手指放在音品板上按住所有的弦或几根弦美国传统〔baseball〕Games A game of darts in which the players attempt to score points by throwing the darts at a target laid out in the form of a baseball diamond.【游戏】 投镖游戏:参加者朝设置的靶子投去以尽力得分,这种游戏在棒球的内场进行美国传统〔bed〕A layer of mortar upon which stones or bricks are laid.灰浆层:一层铺放石头或砖的砂浆层美国传统〔bed〕The blocks should be laid on a bed of concrete.石块应该固定在混凝土基座上。牛津高阶〔buffeting〕A cold buffet had been laid out in the dining-room.餐厅里已经摆好了自助冷食。柯林斯高阶〔buffet〕A buffet was laid out for the conference delegates.为与会代表安排了自助餐。牛津搭配〔butt〕We laid the boards so that the ends were butted against the wall.我们铺了木板,使木板的两端正好顶着墙。韦氏高阶〔corduroy〕To build (a road) of logs laid down crosswise.用排成十字形的圆木建造(路)美国传统〔corpse〕The corpse had been laid out on a marble slab.尸体被放在一张大理石板上作了殡葬准备。牛津搭配〔custom〕The rules have grown up through custom and are not laid down by law.那些规则源自相沿成习,而非由法律所规定。牛津搭配〔damp〕Hillsden damped a hand towel and laid it across her forehead.希尔斯登沾湿了一条手巾,将它敷在她的额头上。柯林斯高阶〔door〕I'm notsure his death can be laid at medicine's door alone.我不确信他的死亡单单是药物所致。柯林斯高阶〔door〕The failure of the plan was laid at his door.计划的失败归咎于他。英汉大词典〔door〕They laid the blame for the book's failure at my door.他们把这本书的失败归咎于我。韦氏高阶〔estranged〕He was laid to rest yesterday without a final goodbye from his estranged son.他昨天去世了,关系疏远的儿子没来作最后的道别。柯林斯高阶〔eye〕He had the most stunning build I ever laid eyes on.他是我看到过的人中间最魁伟的。 英汉大词典〔eye〕She had never laid eyes on him before.她之前从未见过他。外研社新世纪〔eye〕Tom fell in love the moment he laid eyes on her.汤姆对她一见钟情。牛津搭配〔flagging〕A pavement laid with flagstones.石板路:用石板铺的路美国传统〔flat〕We laid the map flat on the table.我们把地图平摊在桌子上。外研社新世纪〔for〕Special bus and rail services are being laid on to cater for the crowds.正在安排专门的巴士和铁路交通服务以满足群众的需要。柯林斯高阶〔glove〕To this point, they haven't laid a glove on him.到目前为止,他们还没有伤着他一根毫毛。英汉大词典〔grand〕A grand meal was laid before them.一道奢华的菜肴摆在他们面前美国传统〔groundwork〕His speech laid the groundwork for independence.他的演说为独立打下了基础。朗文当代〔law〕The teacher laid down the law to the two boys who skipped classes.教师对逃课的两名学生严加斥责。英汉大词典〔lay ... down〕He laid down 5 bottles of best wine on their wedding day.在他们的结婚日他贮藏了5瓶最好的酒。21世纪英汉〔lay ... on〕I have laid 100 dollars on that horse's victory.我已经为那匹马的获胜下了100美元的赌注。21世纪英汉〔lay ... on〕The school laid on a car for the foreign expert.学校为这个外国专家提供了一辆车。21世纪英汉〔lay ... on〕They laid on an acrobatic performance for the children.他们为孩子们安排了一场杂技表演。21世纪英汉〔lay ... out〕He laid out all his savings in buying a car.他把所有积蓄都用来买车了。21世纪英汉〔lay ... out〕She laid herself out to provide us with every facility.她想方设法为我们提供一切方便。21世纪英汉〔lay ... out〕The chairman laid out to adjourn the meeting for a week.主席提议休会一星期。21世纪英汉〔lay a hand on sb〕I never laid a hand on her! 我从未伤害过她!剑桥高阶〔lay about〕The mad man laid about him with a big stick.那个疯子拿着根大棍子对他乱打一气。21世纪英汉〔lay against〕The mother laid the sleeping boy against her.母亲让睡着的男孩紧靠着她。21世纪英汉〔lay aside〕She laid aside her magazine while she ate her tea.她把杂志放到一边, 用起茶点来。外研社新世纪〔lay away〕She laid away some money for future use.她存了些钱以备将来之用。21世纪英汉〔lay by〕The shop laid the cloth by for a customer.商店为一个顾客保留着这些布料。21世纪英汉〔lay down your life for sth〕Today we remember those who laid down their lives for their country.今天我们在此纪念那些为国捐躯的人。剑桥高阶〔lay down〕He also laid down plans to increase workers' rights.他还对增加工人权利的方案作了书面记录。外研社新世纪〔lay down〕In the cellar you will find the bottles of wine laid down from previous years.你在地窖里会发现一瓶瓶多年前储藏的葡萄酒。外研社新世纪〔lay down〕The railway was laid down as far as Manchester.这条铁路一直铺到曼彻斯特。外研社新世纪〔lay down〕The strikers laid down their tools.罢工者放下手中的工具。韦氏高阶〔lay for〕When she came back home,the children had already laid the table for the evening meal.当她回家时,孩子们已经为晚餐摆好餐具了。21世纪英汉〔lay into sb〕In the middle of the meeting she suddenly laid into him for no apparent reason.在会上她突然无缘无故地把他训斥了一顿。剑桥高阶〔lay into〕The robbers not only took his money but also laid into him.强盗们不仅抢了他的钱,而且还使劲打他。21世纪英汉〔lay it on a bit thick〕She went on and on about how she admired his work - laid it on a bit thick, if you ask me.她一直不停地在说对他的工作有多么钦佩——要我说有点过分了。剑桥高阶〔lay on〕Every facility was laid on to ease their homecoming.动用了一切设施以缓解他们的回乡之困。柯林斯高阶〔lay on〕Hounds were laid on and they ran up through the woods.猎狗被放出去追踪, 它们跑遍了树林。外研社新世纪〔lay out〕Andy turned round, marched over to Chris and just laid him out.安迪转过身, 大步走向克里斯, 一拳把他打昏。外研社新世纪〔lay out〕Andy turned round, marched over to Chris and just laid him out.安迪转过身,大步走向克里斯,一拳把他击倒在地。柯林斯高阶〔lay out〕He laid his opponent out with a hard right to the jaw.他以右拳猛击对手下颚,将其击倒。韦氏高阶〔lay out〕I laid out hundreds on decorating the new house.我花了一大笔钱装饰新房子。外研社新世纪〔lay out〕They laid him out in a plain coffin.他们把他安置在一口普通的棺材里供亲友瞻仰。韦氏高阶〔lay out〕When we laid out the car parks, we reckoned on one car per four families.规划停车场时,我们预计的是每4个家庭有一辆车。柯林斯高阶〔lay out〕Yesterday the president laid out his economic agenda.昨天总统阐明了他的经济纲领。外研社新世纪〔lay over〕Because of the weather,the football match will have to be laid over for a few days.由于天气的缘故,足球赛只得推迟几天举行。21世纪英汉〔lay siege to (something or someone)〕The army laid siege to the city.军队围攻了这座城市。韦氏高阶〔lay sth at sb's door〕Blame for the accident has been laid at the government's door.人们认为发生此次事故的责任在政府。剑桥高阶〔lay sth out〕Most of Manhattan is laid out in/on a grid pattern.在曼哈顿的大部分地区呈网格状排列。剑桥高阶〔lay to〕In spite of rainy weather,they laid to at the building site.尽管天在下雨,他们仍在建筑工地使劲地干着。21世纪英汉〔lay under〕The teacher was laid under the necessity of punishing the student who failed in the examination.老师不得不处罚那个考试不及格的学生。21世纪英汉〔lay up〕He was laid up for a year after knee surgery.他接受膝部手术后在家休养了一年。外研社新世纪〔lay up〕The boats were laid up and the crews dispersed.船只被搁置, 船员被遣散。外研社新世纪〔lay up〕They laid up a store of vegetables in the cellar.他们在地窖里贮藏了蔬菜。21世纪英汉〔lay up〕We laid up the boat for the winter.冬天,我们把船搁置起来。韦氏高阶〔lay with〕He laid the square table with a tablecloth.他在方桌上铺了一块桌布。21世纪英汉〔lay with〕The skirt was laid with silver threads.裙子装饰了银线。21世纪英汉〔lay〕A blow laid him to the ground.他被一下击倒在地。英汉大词典〔lay〕A display of local history material was laid out on the table.桌上展示的是地方历史文献资料。麦克米伦高阶〔lay〕A stiff right to the jaw laid the boxer out in the second round.第二回合时这拳击手下颚挨了右手重拳被打昏了。英汉大词典〔lay〕All he wants to do is go out and get laid .他心里就想着出去和女人睡觉。朗文当代〔lay〕All the facts of the investigation are finally being laid bare.调查到的所有事实真相最终都将被公诸于众。麦克米伦高阶〔lay〕Before they started they laid newspaper on the floor.他们开始前在地板上铺了报纸。牛津高阶〔lay〕Do you understand the seriousness of the charge (= legal accusation) that has been laid against you? 你知道对你的这项指控有多严重吗?剑桥高阶〔lay〕For years my mother laid aside a small amount from every pay cheque.几年来我母亲每周都从工资中存下一小笔钱。麦克米伦高阶〔lay〕He laid a hand on my arm.他把手搭在我的胳膊上。牛津高阶〔lay〕He laid hold of his brother's shirt and pulled him close.他抓住兄弟的衬衫, 把他拉近身边。外研社新世纪〔lay〕He laid the box on the floor.他把那个箱子放在地板上。文馨英汉〔lay〕He laid to his oars.他奋力划桨。英汉大词典〔lay〕He was laid away in his native village.他被安葬在出生的村子里。英汉大词典〔lay〕He's still laid up with a bad back.他因背疼还在卧床。麦克米伦高阶〔lay〕How they laid about them to fulfill the task! 他们是何等竭尽全力来完成这一任务啊!英汉大词典〔lay〕I laid my case before the committee.我把我的案子提交给委员会(审议)。文馨英汉〔lay〕I was laid up for a week with flu.我得流感卧床了一个星期。朗文当代〔lay〕I've laid myself on the line for him once already.我已经冒风险帮过他一回了。朗文当代〔lay〕Joe laid Ken out with one punch.乔一拳将肯打昏在地。麦克米伦高阶〔lay〕Relatives laid wreaths on the grave.死者亲属在墓前献了花圈。牛津高阶〔lay〕She was laid in a country churchyard.她葬在乡村教堂墓地。英汉大词典〔lay〕She'd laid aside a few pounds each week from her wages.她每个星期都从薪水里拿出几英镑存起来。朗文当代〔lay〕She's been laid low with flu for a week.她因流感病了一星期。朗文当代〔lay〕Tea is laid.午茶已上桌准备好了。英汉大词典〔lay〕The EU has laid down tough standards for water quality.欧盟规定了严格的水质标准。麦克米伦高阶〔lay〕The burglar realized the police had laid a trap and quickly surrendered.(给某人/某物)设置陷阱麦克米伦高阶〔lay〕The cards are laid face up on the table.纸牌正面朝上摊在桌上。英汉大词典〔lay〕The continued divisions within the party cannot be laid entirely at his door.党内一直存在分歧,不能把责任完全推到他的头上。朗文当代〔lay〕The contract laid down that the work must be completed before 2025.合同规定工程必须在 2025 年之前完成。朗文当代〔lay〕The financial considerations are laid out in a booklet called 'How to Borrow Money'.需要考虑的经济因素在一本题为《如何借钱》的小册子中写得很清楚。朗文当代〔lay〕The rumour was laid to rest.谣言平息了。英汉大词典〔lay〕The senator laid into the opponents of his bill.参议员激烈攻击反对他所提的议案的人。英汉大词典〔lay〕The ship left port and laid a course for the west coast.轮船离开港口, 向西海岸直驶而去。外研社新世纪〔lay〕The ship was laid up for repairs.船进坞检修。英汉大词典〔lay〕The storm laid the ground with leaves.暴风雨把树叶撒了满地。文馨英汉〔lay〕The terrorists laid mines near the pipelines.恐怖分子们在管道附近埋了炸药。英汉大词典〔lay〕The tiles were laid in a geometric pattern.瓷砖砌成几何图案。英汉大词典〔lay〕The tornado laid the house flat.龙卷风把房屋刮倒了。英汉大词典〔lay〕The town was laid in ruins.这个城镇成了一片废墟。英汉大词典〔lay〕The umpire laid down the conditions for settling the dispute.仲裁者阐明了解决争端的条件。英汉大词典〔lay〕These prices have been laid down by the manufacturers.这些价钱已由制造商们确定。英汉大词典〔lay〕They laid him to rest.他们把他安葬了。英汉大词典〔lay〕They laid on a special party to mark his 31 years of service.他们办了一个特别聚会以纪念他31年来所做的工作。麦克米伦高阶〔lay〕They laid the blame on us.他们责怪我们美国传统〔lay〕We laid secret plans.我们定下秘密的计划。牛津同义词〔lay〕We had electricity laid on.我们叫人接好了电。英汉大词典〔lay〕We're having a new carpet laid in the hall next week.我们准备下周给大厅铺新地毯。剑桥高阶〔lay〕When the tide goes out, vast stretches of sand are laid bare.潮水退去,露出大片大片的沙地。朗文当代〔lay〕Your employer has laid a serious charge of manslaughter against you.你的雇主已对你提出杀人这一严重指控。英汉大词典〔lead〕The leads were laid in.测深锤放下了水。英汉大词典〔ledger〕A slab of stone laid flat over a grave.平放在墓上的纪念碑石美国传统〔life〕He laid down his life for the drowning child.他为了救溺水的孩子而牺牲了自己的生命。英汉大词典〔limiting〕The conditions laid down to me were not too limiting.为我制定的条件并不是太有限定性。外研社新世纪〔line〕He had laid his own reputation on the line.他已经将自己的名誉豁出去了。外研社新世纪〔line〕The broad lines of company policy are already laid down.公司政策的总方针已经制定。牛津搭配〔material〕The artificial turf is laid onto a rubber composite material.人造草皮覆盖在橡胶复合材料上。牛津搭配〔mellow〕Paths should be laid in a material that is hardwearing but mellows well, such as brick or stone.铺就道路应采用耐用且会变得古香古色的材料, 如砖或石头。外研社新世纪〔midst〕Angelo laid the gun carefully on the table, in the midst of brochures and other papers.安杰洛小心翼翼地把枪放在桌上的一堆小册子和文件中间。外研社新世纪〔mine〕Soldiers laid anti-personnel mines in the fields.士兵们在战场上布设了杀伤人员地雷。牛津搭配〔mummify〕There were apples laid out on newspaper on the attic floors, gently mummifying.阁楼的地板上铺着报纸, 上面摆着的苹果正在逐渐变干。外研社新世纪〔nonessential〕All nonessential personnel had to be laid off.所有非必需人员必须解雇。韦氏高阶〔onlay〕Something laid or applied over something else, as to add relief to a surface.装饰用贴面:贴在某物表面上的材料,用来突出该物体表面特征美国传统〔on〕He laid a hand on my shoulder.他把一只手放在我的肩上。英汉大词典〔open〕I opened out the map and laid it on the table.我展开地图,平铺在桌子上。牛津搭配〔parameter〕The inquiry has to stay within the parameters laid down by Congress.调查必须局限于国会设定的范围之内。朗文当代〔perch〕A frame on which cloth is laid for examination of quality.框架:放置布的架子,用以检验布的质量美国传统〔pipe〕He laid the pipes under the floorboards.他把管子铺在地板下。牛津搭配〔plain〕The pavement thus laid is to be plained and polished.这样铺的路面需要弄平弄光滑。21世纪英汉〔pomp〕The prime minister was received with all the traditional pomp and ceremony that is laid on for visiting heads of government.首相受到迎接来访政府首脑的全套传统仪式礼遇接待。剑桥高阶〔presentation〕Check the presentation. Get it properly laid out with a title page.检查一下外观,保证有扉页和合适的版式。柯林斯高阶〔rest〕George was laid to rest beside his parents.乔治被安葬在他父母墓旁。牛津高阶〔rest〕She was laid to rest beside her husband.她被安葬在她丈夫身边。朗文当代〔rest〕Their smiling faces laid to rest the stories of an impending divorce.他们脸上的微笑揭穿了有关他们马上要离婚的说法。麦克米伦高阶〔rule〕His parents laid down the rule that he must do his homework before going out to play.父母规定他必须完成作业后才能出去玩。英汉大词典〔side〕They had laid him on his side.他们让他侧身躺下。柯林斯高阶〔siege〕Dozens of journalists laid siege to his flat.数十名记者包围了他的公寓。外研社新世纪〔siege〕Hundreds of students laid siege to the American embassy.围攻(某地)麦克米伦高阶〔siege〕King Henry laid siege to the castle in 1275.围攻(某地)麦克米伦高阶〔siege〕The English forces laid siege to the city of Tournai.英国军队包围了图尔奈城。牛津搭配〔slalom〕A race on skis or in vehicles along such a course, laid out with flag-marked poles.障碍赛:沿这种路线进行的在滑雪板或车辆上进行的赛跑,沿途有用旗子标志的杆美国传统〔smitten〕He was smitten with her from the moment he laid eyes on her.他对她一见钟情。韦氏高阶〔snip off〕She snipped off a bunch of grapes and laid it on her plate.她剪下一串葡萄, 放在盘子里。外研社新世纪〔specification〕The aircraft have to meet the strict specifications laid down by the FAA.航空器必须符合联邦航空局制定的严格规范。牛津搭配〔spread〕Informal An abundant meal laid out on a table.【非正式用语】 桌子上摆的丰盛的饭菜美国传统〔spread〕They had laid on a huge spread for the party.他们为聚会安排了丰盛的食物。牛津高阶〔statute〕Protection for the consumer is laid down by statute (=established by law) .保障消费者权益已有法律明文规定。朗文当代〔subgrade〕The level layer of rock or earth upon which the foundation of a road or railway is laid.路基,地基:在其上铺设路的基础或铁路道碴的岩石或泥土的水平层美国传统〔tile〕A thin, flat or convex slab of hard material such as baked clay or plastic, laid in rows to cover walls, floors, and roofs.瓦片,瓷砖:用烤过的粘土或塑料等硬质材料制成的薄而扁平或凸起的块板,成排摆放来覆盖墙面、地板和房顶美国传统〔track〕A course laid out for running or racing.跑道:铺设用于赛跑或赛马的道路美国传统〔triangulation〕The network of triangles so laid out.三角系(或网):做三角测量时划定的三角形构成的网络美国传统〔upon〕He bent forward and laid a kiss softly upon her forehead.他弯身向前,在她额头上轻轻一吻。柯林斯高阶〔walk〕They laid down their tools and walked out.他们放下工具罢工了。英汉大词典〔white flag〕The soldiers laid down their guns and walked towards the enemy camp, carrying a white flag.士兵们放下枪支,举着白旗向敌方营地走去。剑桥高阶〔worker〕Wages have been frozen and workers laid off.工资已被冻结, 工人遭到了解雇。外研社新世纪〔worker〕Wages have been frozen and workers laid off.工资被冻结,工人下岗。柯林斯高阶〔wreath〕The President laid a wreath of flowers on the hero's grave.总统为英雄的墓地献了花圈。韦氏高阶He laid to his oars. 他奋力划桨。译典通She laid / put the blame on him for the accident (= she said it was his fault).她将事故的原因推到他的身上。剑桥国际She was laid to rest next to her husband.她被葬在她丈夫的旁边。剑桥国际Soon after it has laid its eggs the mayfly dies.蜉蝣产卵后很快即死去。剑桥国际The builders laid the wrong floor tiles, so they'll have to make the floor over (= do it again).工人铺错了地砖,所以只能返工。剑桥国际The dog laid its ears back (= put them flat against its head) and howled.狗收起了耳朵号叫。剑桥国际The duties of company directors are laid down by statute.公司董事的职责由法律作出规定。牛津商务The incubation period varies depending on the time of year when the eggs were laid. (fig.) 孵化期是随着一年中产卵的时间而变化的。剑桥国际The insurrectionary army laid siege to the capital. 起义军围攻京城。译典通The kidney infection laid her low for a couple of months.肾炎使她病倒了几个月。剑桥国际The manager laid it on the line—some people would have to lose their jobs.经理实话实说 ── 某些人要失业了。牛津商务The proposal was laid before the committee. 建议被提交委员会讨论。译典通The ruffian laid about in desperation. 歹徒在绝望中向四周乱打一气。译典通They laid down a number of rules. 他们制定了一些规则。译典通They laid on a wonderful buffet after the wedding.婚礼之后他们准备了一顿丰盛的自助餐。剑桥国际They go away on holiday hoping to get laid (= to have sex).他们外出度假想搞性关系。剑桥国际This is in line with the policy laid down by the management.这与管理层颁布的政策一致。剑桥国际We ripped up (= removed) the carpets and laid a new wooden floor.我们拉掉了地毯,安装了新的木地板。剑桥国际




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