

单词 深灰色
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Norwegian elkhound〕Any of a Scandinavian breed of hunting dog, having a compact body, heavy grayish coat, and a tail that curls over the back.挪威猎狗:斯堪的纳维亚种猎狗,有小巧的身子、深灰色皮毛和卷过背上的尾巴美国传统〔charcoal〕The uniform is charcoal (grey) (= dark grey) and red.制服是深灰色配红色的。剑桥高阶〔dressed〕He was dressed in a dark grey suit.他穿着深灰色西装。剑桥高阶〔flecked〕It's a dark grey material but it's flecked with white.这是块深灰色的布料,但是带有白色斑点。剑桥高阶〔fleck〕His hair is dark grey with flecks of ginger.他深灰色的头发夹杂着几缕姜黄色。柯林斯高阶〔fusain〕A dull dark-gray, brittle, porous type of bituminous coal resembling charcoal.炭煤:一种似炭的深灰色、无光泽、易碎的多孔美烟煤美国传统〔gallium arsenide〕A dark-gray crystalline compound, GaAs, used in transistors, solar cells, and semiconducting lasers.砷化镓:一种深灰色的晶体材料,CaAs,用于晶体管、太阳能电池和半导体激光美国传统〔grey〕He wore a dark grey suit.他穿了套深灰色的衣服。麦克米伦高阶〔gunmetal〕Color A dark gray.【色彩】 炮铜色:深灰色美国传统〔line〕He wore a black coat lined with dark grey silk.他穿了一件有深灰色绸子衬里的黑色外衣。麦克米伦高阶〔mudstone〕A fine-grained, dark gray sedimentary rock, formed from silt and clay and similar to shale but without laminations.泥岩:一种细粒的、深灰色的沉积岩,主要由淤泥或粘土组成,类似页岩但不具纹层美国传统〔nimbostratus〕A low, gray, often dark cloud that precipitates rain, snow, or sleet.雨层云:一种呈深灰色的低云层,预示有雨、雪或冻雨美国传统〔orthochromatic〕Of or relating to a film, plate, or emulsion that is sensitive to all colors except red and renders red as dark gray and blue and green as light gray.正色底片:属于或关于对除了红色外所有颜色敏感并能将红色变成深灰色、蓝色和绿色变成浅灰色的胶片、胶盘或感光乳胶的美国传统〔sepia〕Color A dark grayish yellow brown to dark or moderate olive brown.【色彩】 深褐色:带深灰色的黄褐色到深的或中度橄榄色的褐色美国传统〔shade〕In the mornings the sky appeared a heavy shade of mottled gray.清晨,天空呈现出斑驳的深灰色。柯林斯高阶〔slate〕Color A dark or bluish gray to dark bluish or dark purplish gray.【色彩】 石板色,深蓝灰色:深灰色或蓝灰色至深蓝灰色或深紫灰色美国传统〔steel grey〕The sky turned steel grey.天空变成深灰色。剑桥高阶Darker shades of grey are represented in halftones with a greater number of dots.深灰色是以有更多数量点的网目版来表现的 。剑桥国际Their uniform is charcoal (grey) (=dark grey) and red.他们的制服是深灰色配红色的。剑桥国际




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