

单词 be present at
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ADVISE〕I will be present at committee meetings, but purely in an advisory capacity. 我将出席委员会的会议,但纯粹以顾问的身份出席。朗文写作活用〔BABY〕It's quite common now for fathers to be present at the birth of their babies. 现在,孩子出生时父亲在场是很普遍的事。朗文写作活用〔accessory〕Law Serving to aid or abet a lawbreaker, either before or after the commission of the crime, without being present at the time the crime was committed.【法律】 同谋的,帮凶的:在犯罪前或犯罪后帮助、教唆违法者,但实施犯罪时不在现场美国传统〔birth〕John wanted to be present at the birth.约翰想在孩子出生时在场。麦克米伦高阶〔exhumation〕He never liked being present at exhumations, but it was part of his job.他从不喜欢掘尸时在现场,但那是他工作的一部分。文馨英汉〔insist〕She insisted on being present at all the interviews.她坚持所有采访自己都要在场。柯林斯高阶〔liberation〕He had been present at the liberation of Nazi death camps in Europe.解放欧洲纳粹死亡集中营时他就在现场。外研社新世纪〔marriage〕She wanted to be present at the marriage of her grandson.她想参加孙子的婚礼。牛津搭配〔necessary〕Is it necessary for all of us to be present at the meeting this afternoon? 我们必须全体出席今天下午的会议吗?剑桥高阶〔present〕He had been present at the dance.他出席了舞会。外研社新世纪〔recommend〕Doctors strongly recommend that fathers should be present at their baby's birth.医生极力建议,孩子出生时父亲应该在场。朗文当代〔ringside〕According to law, a doctor must be present at the ringside.按法律规定,场边必须有一名医生。牛津高阶〔screening〕The film-makers will be present at the screenings to introduce their works.制作人将出席电影放映礼介绍他们的作品。柯林斯高阶〔stick〕The prisoner stuck out that he had not been present at the scene of the crime.犯人坚决说他不在作案现场。 英汉大词典〔witness〕One who is called on to be present at a transaction in order to attest to what takes place.见证人:被召到某交易现场以证明所发生的事的人美国传统〔witness〕To be present at or have personal knowledge of.出席或知道美国传统He will be present at the meeting in person. 他将亲自参加会议。译典通I think being present at the meeting would be to your advantage.我认为,出席会议会对你有利。剑桥国际The executor of the document must be present at the close of the deal. 在这笔交易签署时,文件的执行者必须在场。译典通




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