

单词 海绵
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DRY〕Clean the plastic cover with a damp sponge, then dry it off with a soft cloth. 用湿海绵把塑料盖擦干净,然后用一块柔软的布把它擦干。朗文写作活用〔PRESS〕Alice squeezed the wet sponge. 艾丽斯挤了挤湿漉漉的海绵。朗文写作活用〔Pan-Cake〕A trademark used for a semisolid cosmetic or theatrical makeup pressed into a flat cake and usually applied with a damp sponge.水粉饼:一种商标,用于一种半干化妆品或演员用的化妆品,压成扁平饼状,常和湿海绵一起使用美国传统〔Proterozoic〕Of, belonging to, or being the later of two divisions of Precambrian time, during which sponges, sea worms, and other forms of sea life appeared.原生代的,元古代的:前寒武纪两个时期中的后一个时期的,属于这个时期的,在这个时期的在这个时期海绵、海洋蠕虫和其它形式的海洋生命出现美国传统〔SOFT〕Protecting the edge of the bone is a layer of soft, spongy tissue. 保护骨头边沿的是一层海绵状的软组织。朗文写作活用〔absorb〕A sponge absorbs water.海绵吸水。21世纪英汉〔absorb〕A sponge absorbs water.海绵吸水。韦氏高阶〔applicator〕Please use the sponge applicator provided.请使用附带的海绵敷抹器。剑桥高阶〔coverage〕Apply it with a damp natural sponge for the smoothest coverage over a large area.用潮湿的天然海绵涂抹, 以达到在大片面积内最光滑的覆盖效果。外研社新世纪〔crus〕A body part consisting of elongated masses or diverging bands that resemble legs or roots.海绵体:一个由可延伸的团块或分叉的腱带组成的身体部位,象腿或根美国传统〔diploe〕The spongy, porous, bony tissue between the hard outer and inner bone layers of the cranium.板障骨:颅骨骨盘坚硬外层与里层之间的海绵状的骨质组织美国传统〔drink up〕The sponge drank up the water.海绵把水吸干了。21世纪英汉〔dunk〕Dunk the sponge in water every once in a while to stop it from drying out.时常把海绵浸在水里可避免它变干。剑桥高阶〔filter feeder〕An aquatic animal, such as a clam, barnacle, or sponge, that feeds by filtering particulate organic material from water.滤食动物:一种通过从水中滤取特殊的有机物质作为食物的水生动物,例如蛤蚌、藤壶或海绵动物美国传统〔finish〕When you've finished with the sponge, simply rinse it in cold water.用完海绵后,在冷水里冲洗一下就行了。麦克米伦高阶〔foam〕Any of various light, porous, semirigid or spongy materials used for thermal insulation or shock absorption, as in packaging.海绵:如打包时用于隔热或吸震的轻质蜂状半硬性或海绵状材料美国传统〔foam〕We had given him a large foam mattress to sleep on.我们给了他一张大海绵床垫用来睡觉。柯林斯高阶〔foam〕We had given him a large foam mattress to sleep on.我们给了他一张大海绵床垫让他睡觉。外研社新世纪〔foodstuff〕The sponge obtains its necessary foodstuffs from the plankton.海绵从浮游生物身上摄取必需的养料。英汉大词典〔fossil〕Marine sponges have a long fossil record (=their development has been recorded over a long period) .海洋里的海绵化石记录历史悠久。朗文当代〔genoise〕A delicate, buttery sponge cake.热那亚糕,海绵蛋糕:一种美味的涂有黄油的海绵蛋糕美国传统〔imbibe〕A sponge imbibes moisture.海绵吸收水分。英汉大词典〔ladyfinger〕A small oval sponge cake shaped like a human finger.指状小松糕:一种小的椭圆形的状如人手指的海绵蛋糕美国传统〔lather〕Lather the carpet with a sponge.用海绵在地毯上涂皂沫。外研社新世纪〔osculum〕The mouthlike opening in a sponge, used to expel water.出水孔:海绵中象口一样的开口,用于排水美国传统〔ostium〕Any of the small openings or pores in a sponge.孔隙:海绵上的小孔或小口美国传统〔pad〕He sits with a foam pad behind him to help support his lower back.他坐着,后面垫着海绵垫支撑腰部。韦氏高阶〔permeable〕A sponge is permeable by (或to) water.海绵能透水。英汉大词典〔pillow〕Do you prefer a feather pillow or a foam pillow? 你喜欢羽绒枕头还是海绵枕头?剑桥高阶〔pith〕Botany The soft, spongelike, central cylinder of the stems of most flowering plants, composed mainly of parenchyma.【植物学】 (木)髓:许多生花植物树干中心部位中的软似海绵的物质,主要由薄壁组织构成美国传统〔plunge in/into〕I plunged the sponge into the bucket of water.我猛地把海绵摁入水桶中。韦氏高阶〔popularly〕In Britain, BSE was popularly known as Mad Cow Disease.在英国,牛海绵状脑病俗称疯牛病。剑桥高阶〔poriferan〕Any of various members of the phylum Porifera constituting the sponges.多孔动物:包括海绵在内的多孔动物门的多种动物之一种美国传统〔probang〕A long, slender, flexible rod having a tuft or sponge at the end, used to remove foreign bodies from or apply medication to the larynx or esophagus.除鲠器,食管探子:纤细而可弯曲的长圆棒,其一端有一小片海绵或毛撮,用来去除喉部或食管的外来异物或给喉部或食道上药美国传统〔sandwich〕Sandwich the two halves of the sponge together with cream.在两半儿海绵蛋糕中间夹入奶油。柯林斯高阶〔saturate〕Saturate the sponge with water.用水把海绵浸湿。韦氏高阶〔soak sth up〕Given the right environment, children are like sponges and will soak up information.在适当的环境中,孩子们就会像海绵一样消化吸收接触到的信息。剑桥高阶〔soak〕A sponge soaks up water.海绵能吸水。牛津同义词〔soak〕Sponges soak in moisture.海绵能吸收水分。英汉大词典〔sponge bath〕A bath in which the bather is washed with a wet sponge or washcloth without being immersed.海绵擦身浴:指洗浴者用一块湿海绵或擦洗布洗澡而不用进入水中美国传统〔sponge cake〕A very light, porous cake made of flour, sugar, beaten eggs, and flavoring and containing no shortening.海绵蛋糕,松软蛋糕:一种轻的,用面粉、糖、蛋液,调味香料制成的多孔蛋糟糕美国传统〔sponge down〕If your child's temperature rises, sponge him or her down gently with tepid water.如果孩子体温上升, 就用海绵蘸温水轻轻给他或她擦洗一下。外研社新世纪〔sponge down〕Sponge yourself down, and then take a shower.先用海绵擦洗一下,再冲淋浴。21世纪英汉〔sponger〕One that gathers sponges.采集海绵的人美国传统〔sponge〕A sponge soaks up much water.海绵能吸许多水。英汉大词典〔sponge〕Don't immerse it in water; just sponge it lightly.别把它泡在水里, 用湿海绵轻轻擦拭即可。外研社新世纪〔sponge〕Fill a bowl with water and gently sponge your face and body.在一只盆里放上水,轻轻地用蘸湿的海绵擦拭你的面部及身体。柯林斯高阶〔sponge〕He had a brain like a sponge.他有个像海绵一样的大脑。外研社新世纪〔sponge〕He sponged off his face.他用海绵把脸擦干净。韦氏高阶〔sponge〕He sponged the table.他用海绵擦桌子。韦氏高阶〔sponge〕He wiped off the table with a sponge.他用一块海绵擦桌子。柯林斯高阶〔sponge〕His active mind was a sponge, soaking up impressions and information.他活跃的头脑像块海绵,能大量吸入种种印象和知识。英汉大词典〔sponge〕I had a sponge (down).我用海绵擦洗了身体。英汉大词典〔sponge〕I'll sponge that jacket for you — there are a few dirty marks on it.我用海绵把你那件茄克衫擦洗一下,上面有几处污渍。英汉大词典〔sponge〕If your child's temperature rises, sponge her down gently with tepid water.如果你孩子的体温上升,就用海绵蘸上温水轻轻地擦拭她的身体。柯林斯高阶〔sponge〕It soaks up water like a sponge.它像海绵一样吸水。外研社新世纪〔sponge〕Just sponge the paint on, like this.用海绵把油漆涂上去,就像这样。朗文当代〔sponge〕Porous plastics, rubber, cellulose, or other material, similar in absorbency to this skeleton and used for the same purposes.人造海绵:多孔的塑料、橡胶、纤维质或其他物质,与海绵体的吸收性能相近,用于同等用途美国传统〔sponge〕She sponged the dirt off her shirt.她用海绵把衬衫上的脏东西擦掉。韦氏高阶〔sponge〕She sponged the paint on the walls. = She sponged the walls.她用海绵往墙上涂漆。韦氏高阶〔sponge〕She sponged up the spilt milk.她用海绵吸洒出来的牛奶。韦氏高阶〔sponge〕She stood on the bathmat and sponged herself down.她站在浴室踏脚垫上用海绵擦身。朗文当代〔sponge〕Sponge it down thoroughly before you paint it again.再次刷漆之前要用海绵彻底地把它擦洗下来。麦克米伦高阶〔sponge〕Sponge up the spilled orange juice.请用海绵把溅出的橙汁吸掉。英汉大词典〔sponge〕Sponges can grow up to a very considerable size.海绵能长得非常大。英汉大词典〔sponge〕Take your jacket off and I'll sponge it down with water.把你的夹克脱下来,我要用海绵蘸上水把它擦一擦。牛津高阶〔sponge〕The light, fibrous, flexible, absorbent skeleton of certain of these organisms, used for bathing, cleaning, and other purposes.海绵体:轻的、纤维质的、弹性的、一定组织组成吸收性种结构,用于洗澡、清洁或其它目的美国传统〔sponge〕The mother sponged crayon marks off the wall.母亲用湿海绵擦去了墙上的蜡笔痕迹。英汉大词典〔sponge〕To fish for sponges.钩:用钩捞取海绵美国传统〔sponge〕Will this mark sponge off? 这污渍用海绵擦洗得掉吗?英汉大词典〔sponge〕Wipe the surface with a damp sponge.用湿海绵擦拭表面。牛津搭配〔sponge〕You need to give your whole body a thorough sponge.你得用海绵把全身彻底地擦洗一下。麦克米伦高阶〔spongiform〕Resembling a sponge in appearance or texture; spongy.海绵似的,海绵状的:外观或质地上类似海绵的;海绵似的美国传统〔spongin〕A horny, sulfur-containing protein related to keratin that forms the skeletal structure of certain classes of sponges.海绵硬朊:一种坚硬的与角朊相关的含硫蛋白,形成海绵的基本结构美国传统〔spongocoel〕The central cavity of a sponge, which opens to the outside by way of the osculum.海绵腔:海绵中间的空腔,通过排水孔使其向外张开美国传统〔spongy〕Resembling a sponge in elasticity, absorbency, or porousness.松软多孔的:与海绵一样有弹性、吸收性、多孔性的美国传统〔spongy〕The earth was soft and spongy underfoot.脚下的泥土像海绵一样松软。朗文当代〔spongy〕The ground beneath my feet felt spongy.我感觉脚下的地面像海绵一样松软。外研社新世纪〔squishy〕Soft and wet; spongy.湿软的;海绵似的美国传统〔sweep〕He swept the sponge over the tile. The conductor swept her baton through the air.他用海绵擦洗瓷砖。指挥家在空中挥舞着她的指挥棒美国传统〔take〕Sponges take up water.海绵吸水。英汉大词典〔texture〕Sponge cakes have a light texture.海绵蛋糕口感松软。牛津搭配〔the magic sponge〕He was rolling around in agony, then the physio rubs him with the magic sponge and he's fine! 他在地上痛苦地滚来滚去,队医给他擦了擦魔术海绵,于是他就一点没事了!剑桥高阶〔ventriculus〕The digestive cavity in the body of a sponge.海绵的体腔:海绵体内的消化腔美国传统〔wet〕I wet/wetted a sponge under the faucet.我在水龙头下把海绵弄湿。韦氏高阶〔wipe〕I'll just get a sponge and wipe the crumbs off the table.我这就去找块海绵把桌子上的碎屑擦掉。剑桥高阶〔zoophyte〕Any of various invertebrate animals, such as a sea anemone or sponge, that attach to surfaces and superficially resemble plants.植形动物:一种无脊椎动物,附着在表面而且看上去象植物一样,例如海葵和海绵美国传统He rubbed her back with a soapy sponge.他用一块涂满肥皂的海绵擦她的背。剑桥国际He'd made a chocolate sponge.他做了一块巧克力海绵蛋糕。剑桥国际I'll just get a sponge and wipe the crumbs off the table.我就去弄块海绵来擦掉桌上的碎屑。剑桥国际It was spongy to the touch. 这东西摸上去像海绵。译典通People often forget that humans are animals, as are sponges and jellyfish.人们常常忘记,人也是动物,如同海绵和水母。剑桥国际Please use the sponge applicator provided.请使用所提供的海绵抹拭块。剑桥国际She sponged up the spilt milk. 她用海绵将泼出的牛奶吸干了。译典通Sponge is either artificial or it is the soft skeleton of a simple sea creature of the same name.海绵既指人造的,又指一种同名的海洋软体生物。剑桥国际The proportion of fat to flour is different in pastry and sponge.在馅饼和海绵蛋糕中,脂肪和面粉的比例是不同的。剑桥国际The sponge soaked in the water on the desk. 海绵将书桌上的水吸了进去。译典通The sponged yellow walls are Angie's own handiwork, to brighten up the place a bit (= make it brighter and therefore more pleasant).用海绵擦洗的黄色的墙是安琪亲手干的,它使房间明亮了许多。剑桥国际Trifle consists of a layer of sponge together with fruit, custard and cream.酒浸果酱布丁是由海绵蛋糕层加水果、蛋奶沙司和奶油所组成的。剑桥国际Wipe the surface with a clean sponge. 用干净海绵擦拭表面。译典通




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