

单词 柏拉图哲学
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔academy〕Platonism.柏拉图哲学美国传统〔demiurge〕Demiurge A Platonic deity who orders or fashions the material world out of chaos. Demiurge 造物主:柏拉图哲学中将物质世界从混沌中创造出来的神美国传统〔disseminate〕Plato's philosophy has been disseminated throughout the world.柏拉图哲学已被广泛传遍全世界。21世纪英汉〔ideal〕Existing as an archetype or pattern, especially as a Platonic idea or perception.观念的,理念的:以原型或固定形式出现的,特指柏拉图哲学中的观点或概念美国传统〔idea〕In the philosophy of Plato, an archetype of which a corresponding being in phenomenal reality is an imperfect replica.理念:柏拉图哲学中的一种原型,它在现实物质世界中有一个并不完美的复制品美国传统〔phantasm〕In Platonic philosophy, objective reality as perceived and distorted by the five senses.幻觉,错觉:柏拉图哲学思想中,被第五感觉察觉并歪曲的客观事实美国传统It has been said that all philosophy is a footnote to Plato. 有人说过一切哲学都不过是柏拉图哲学的一个脚注而已。译典通




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