

单词 被当作
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HolyWrit〕Lenin's word was by no means accepted as holy writ.列宁的话没被当作是绝对正确的真理。朗文当代〔PURPOSE〕The company's main objective is to keep recyclable material out of landfills. 该公司的主要目标是尽量利用可回收利用的材料,以免它被当作垃圾填埋。朗文写作活用〔REDUCE〕Peppermint has long been regarded as a plant that can relieve indigestion. 薄荷长久以来一直被当作是可以减轻消化不良的植物。朗文写作活用〔RUMOUR〕Reports that the couple are getting a divorce have been dismissed as wild speculation. 有关这对夫妇即将离婚的报道已被当作是胡乱的猜测而遭否认。朗文写作活用〔UPSET〕Sylvie could still remember the hurt of being treated like an outsider. 西尔维还记得被当作局外人来对待所受的伤害。朗文写作活用〔analogue〕Surimi is marketed as an analogue of crabmeat.碎鱼块被当作蟹肉代用品出售美国传统〔art〕Can television and pop music really be considered art? 电视和流行音乐真的能被当作艺术吗?剑桥高阶〔button〕Informal The end of the chin, regarded as the point of impact for a punch.【非正式用语】 颏尖:下巴的下端,被当作拳击的攻击点美国传统〔byword〕His cowardice made him a byword to all who knew him.由于他的懦弱,他在认识他的人中已被当作笑料。英汉大词典〔cannon fodder〕The conscripts were treated as cannon fodder.新兵被当作了炮灰。外研社新世纪〔cannon〕The foot soldiers were just used as cannon fodder (= considered not as people but as material to be used up in war).这些步兵只不过被当作炮灰。牛津搭配〔citizen〕Old people are just treated like second-class citizens (= unimportant people).老年人只被当作二等公民对待。剑桥高阶〔confidence〕Any information given during the interview will be treated in the strictest confidence.采访期间提供的任何信息都会被当作机密来处理。麦克米伦高阶〔confidential〕The reports are treated as strictly confidential.这些报告被当作机密来处理。麦克米伦高阶〔crank〕Protesters were dismissed as cranks.抗议者被当作怪物赶走了。麦克米伦高阶〔criminal〕He was tried as a war criminal.他被当作战犯受审。牛津搭配〔deride〕His views were derided as old-fashioned.他的观点被当作旧思想受到嘲弄。牛津高阶〔didymium〕Symbol Di A metallic mixture, once considered an element, composed of neodymium and praseodymium.符号 Di 钕镨合金:一种金属混合金属,曾被当作一个元素,是由钕和镨组成的美国传统〔dismiss〕Vegetarians are no longer dismissed as cranks.素食主义者不再被当作怪人。牛津高阶〔division〕The wall serves as a division between the land of the two families.那堵墙被当作两家土地的分界线。英汉大词典〔doubtfully〕It is doubtful whether Tweed, even with his fluent French, passed for one of the locals.尽管特威德能说一口流利的法语,他是否能被当作当地人还很难说。柯林斯高阶〔drudge〕His wife is treated as a mere drudge.他的妻子只被当作苦工役使。英汉大词典〔ear〕Everything I tell them just goes in one ear and out the other.我无论对他们说什么都只被当作耳边风。牛津高阶〔eccentrically〕On first impressions it would be easy to dismiss Duke as an eccentric.凭第一印象,杜克很容易被当作怪人。柯林斯高阶〔factually〕Any comparison that is not strictly factual runs the risk of being interpreted as subjective.任何不完全切合实际的比较都有可能被当作主观臆断。柯林斯高阶〔farm ... out〕The prisoners are farmed out to work on the land.囚犯被当作劳力出租在田里干活。21世纪英汉〔fishwife〕A woman regarded as coarse and shrewishly abusive.泼妇:被当作粗野、彪悍的骂街妇的女人美国传统〔forge〕A number of forged works of art have been sold as genuine.一些艺术赝品已被当作真品出售。剑桥高阶〔form〕This plank will form a bed.这块木板将被当作床。21世纪英汉〔for〕He was given up for lost [dead].他被当作失踪[死亡]而被放弃。文馨英汉〔freak〕However, outside of these institutions the black thinking woman is looked upon as a freak.然而,在这些机构之外,有思想的黑人女性被当作怪胎看待。柯林斯高阶〔freak〕She was treated like a freak because she didn't want children.她因为不要孩子而被当作怪人。牛津高阶〔head shop〕K2 is commonly sold in head shops as incense.在专卖大麻烟草等的店里,K2被当作焚香出售。剑桥高阶〔inside〕He gave his men the feeling of being really and truly on the inside.他让手下人感到他们确实被当作心腹看待。英汉大词典〔insist〕People rightly insist on being treated as individuals.人们坚持要求被当作独立个体对待是合理的。牛津搭配〔insurance〕The hostages were being held as insurance against further bombing raids.为避免更多炸弹袭击,这些人质被当作安全保证扣押起来。麦克米伦高阶〔invalid〕I hate being treated as an invalid.我讨厌被当作病弱者对待。外研社新世纪〔joke〕English wine is sometimes considered a bit of a joke.英国葡萄酒有时被当作笑柄。麦克米伦高阶〔lost〕He was given up for lost.他被当作已死而放弃。文馨英汉〔mark〕Certain words were marked as important.有些词语被当作重点标了出来。牛津搭配〔medicinally〕The plant was once used medicinally.这种植物曾被当作药物使用。韦氏高阶〔metal〕The old trucks were sold as scrap metal (=old metal that is melted and used again) .这些旧卡车被当作废弃金属卖掉了。朗文当代〔milk〕The Barenaked Ladies were greeted as hometown heroes and milked it.裸体女郎乐队被当作故乡英雄受到欢迎, 他们也利用这一点大捞好处。外研社新世纪〔model〕The system has been used as a model for other organizations.该体制已被当作其他机构学习的样板。麦克米伦高阶〔monies〕Any monies received from this interest will be treated as capital.所有得自此利息的钱款都将被当作本金。剑桥高阶〔muktuk〕Whale blubber and skin, eaten as food.食用鲸脂,食用鲸皮:鲸脂与鲸皮,被当作食物食用美国传统〔paradigmatic〕Their great academic success was paraded as paradigmatic.他们辉煌的学术成就被当作了典范。柯林斯高阶〔paradigmatic〕Their great academic success was paraded as paradigmatic.他们辉煌的学术成就被当作了样板。外研社新世纪〔pass over〕Numerous persons with only a few Negroid traits annually pass over and are ab-sorbed into the dominant Caucasoid population.许许多多只有少许黑人特征的人每年都被当作白人而被吸收为占优势的高加索种群人口。21世纪英汉〔pass〕His French is so good that he can pass as a Frenchman.他的法语太好了,很可能被当作法国人。朗文当代〔pass〕With my hair cut short, I could have passed for a boy.我要是把头发剪短,或许会被当作是一个男孩。朗文当代〔pass〕You could pass for a teenager. The fake painting passed for an original.你可冒充十几岁的人。这幅伪造的画被当作真品美国传统〔pie〕At first his theories were dismissed as pie in the sky.开始的时候,他的理论被当作空中楼阁而未加以考虑。麦克米伦高阶〔poor〕The blood donor service complains that it has always been treated as a poor relation within the Health Service.献血者服务处抱怨说它一直都被当作是卫生部中一个不受重视的部门。麦克米伦高阶〔present〕Statistics can be used to challenge theories that are presented as facts.统计数据可用于挑战被当作事实摆出来的理论。麦克米伦高阶〔press〕Wooden barrels are pressed into service as tables in Irish bars.在爱尔兰的酒吧间里,这些木桶被当作桌子使用。麦克米伦高阶〔presume〕If a person is missing for nine years in that country, he is presumed dead.假如一个人在那个国家失踪9年,这人就会被当作死亡论。英汉大词典〔problem〕She is afraid to contact the social services in case they are labelled a problem family.她不敢联系社会服务部门,以免被当作问题家庭。柯林斯高阶〔ravin〕Something taken as prey.掠夺品:掠夺品;被当作战利品夺走的东西美国传统〔record〕Computer Science A collection of related, often adjacent items of data, treated as a unit.【计算机科学】 记录:一组相关的且通常为相邻的数据项目,被当作一个单位来处理美国传统〔reference〕A work frequently used as a source.参考书:常被当作出处的作品美国传统〔ribald〕He was made an object of ribald amusement.他被当作用粗俗话取笑的对象。英汉大词典〔roan〕A soft, flexible sheepskin leather, often treated to resemble morocco and used in bookbinding.漆叶鞣绵羊书面革,绵羊皮仿摩洛哥革:一种常被当作仿摩洛哥革且用于书籍装订的细滑柔韧的羊皮革美国传统〔roll〕A quantity, as of cloth or wallpaper, rolled into a cylinder and often considered as a unit of measure.一卷:一卷布或一卷墙纸等被卷成圆筒状且通常被当作度量单位的数量美国传统〔routinely〕Any outside criticism is routinely dismissed as interference.任何来自外界的批评通常都被当作干涉而不予理睬。柯林斯高阶〔sacrifice〕Goats were offered as sacrifices to the gods.山羊被当作献给神的祭品。麦克米伦高阶〔satanic〕The children were abused as part of a satanic ritual.这些儿童受到了虐待,被当作撒旦崇拜仪式的一部分。朗文当代〔scrap〕The engine has been sold for scrap.发动机被当作废品卖掉了。牛津搭配〔second class〕Women are still treated as second class citizens.女性仍然被当作二等公民对待。剑桥高阶〔second-class〕Why should old people be treated like second-class citizens ? 为什么老年人要被当作二等公民对待?朗文当代〔shame〕It is a national shame that our prisons serve as mental institutions.监狱被当作精神病院,这是我们的国耻。牛津搭配〔shoot〕If caught, the men could be summarily shot as spies.这些人一旦被抓就可能被当作间谍立即处决。牛津搭配〔shoot〕The soldier was shot for a spy.那名士兵被当作间谍枪毙。文馨英汉〔skivvy〕I'm tired of being treated like a skivvy.我受够了被当作女佣一样对待。韦氏高阶〔stumpage〕Standing timber regarded as a commodity.可被当作商品的未伐的木材美国传统〔tacit〕My attitude was taken as a tacit admission of guilt.我的态度被当作默认有罪。外研社新世纪〔transgendered〕Appearing as, wishing to be considered as, or having undergone surgery to become a member of the opposite sex.变性的:有异性外表的,希望被当作异性的,经外科手术变成异性的美国传统〔treat〕He was treated as a child.他被当作小孩看待。英汉大词典〔treat〕I was treated like a queen/criminal.我被当作女王/罪犯一样对待。韦氏高阶〔treat〕These payments will be treated as income.这些付款将被当作收益来处理。麦克米伦高阶〔type〕Such pieces considered as a group.铅字群:被当作是一个整体的活字美国传统〔vinculum〕Mathematics A bar drawn over two or more algebraic terms to indicate that they are to be treated as a single term.【数学】 线括号:在二个或二个以上的代数术语上所画的线条以表示它们应当被当作一个单个术语美国传统〔weakness〕Any change of policy will be interpreted as a sign of weakness.政策上的任何改变都会被当作是软弱的表现。剑桥高阶〔well-being〕Laughter is taken as a sign of well-being.笑被当作是幸福的标志。麦克米伦高阶〔wordage〕Words considered as a group.(总称)文字:被当作是一组的词美国传统A number of forged works of art have been sold as genuine.许多仿制的艺术品被当作真品出售。剑桥国际All these reports were laughed off as nonsense. 所有这些报导被当作一派胡言而一笑置之。译典通Auction houses are being used as a dumping ground for used or out-of-date PCs.拍卖行被当作处理二手或老式个人电脑的市场。牛津商务Baseball players should be treated as depreciable assets with a fixed useful life.棒球运动员应被当作有固定使用寿命的应折旧资产。牛津商务Carob is sometimes used in sweet foods as a healthier alternative to chocolate.角豆荚有时用在甜食里,被当作更有益于健康的替代品代替巧克力。剑桥国际Gum arabic is used as a glue, in ink and in the manufacture of sweets and the gum is extracted from the acacia tree.阿拉伯树胶被当作胶水使用,用在墨水和糖果的生产中,这种胶是从金合欢属树中提取的。剑桥国际He had been decoyed across the frontier and arrested as a spy. 他被诱骗越境,然后被当作间谍逮捕。译典通I hate being treated as a second-class citizen. 我痛恨被当作二等公民对待。译典通I was held prisoner in a tiny attic room.我被当作犯人一样关在小阁楼里。剑桥国际If you spend any time in prison you're labelled (= considered or referred to by most people) (as a) criminal for the rest of your life. [+ obj + (as) n/adj] 如果你坐过牢,你将一辈子被当作罪犯。剑桥国际In certain circles he has been dismissed as a literary lightweight.在某些圈子里他已被当作对文学一知半解的人而受到排斥。剑桥国际The Egyptian physician and architect Imhotep was worshipped as a god after he died.埃及医生和建筑家伊姆霍特普死后被当作神来崇拜。剑桥国际The news came as no surprise.这个消息并没被当作意外的事。剑桥国际The property was pledged as security for loans. 这地产被当作贷款的抵押。译典通They were extolled as heroes. 他们被当作英雄来颂扬。译典通




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