

单词 被强迫
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔OBEY〕Patients who are less compliant may be forced to take medication against their will. 不太听话的病人可能要被强迫服药。朗文写作活用〔WILLING〕No one should be forced to marry against their will. 谁都不应该被强迫结婚。朗文写作活用〔against〕No one will be forced to leave home against their will.没有人会被强迫离开家。麦克米伦高阶〔bondservant〕A person obligated to service without wages.奴隶:被强迫提供服务而得不到报酬的人美国传统〔confidential communication〕A statement made to someone, such as one's physician, attorney, priest, or spouse, who cannot be compelled to divulge the information.保留秘密(权利):向某人作出的声明,如个人的医生、律师、神父或配偶等,这些人不能被强迫泄露秘密美国传统〔conscript〕To enroll compulsorily into service; draft.征兵:被强迫征募服役;征兵美国传统〔drive〕To move along or advance quickly as if pushed by an impelling force.猛冲:迅速地移动仿佛被强迫力量推动美国传统〔exile〕Enforced removal from one's native country.流放:被强迫离开自己的国家美国传统〔force-feed〕Prisoners on hunger-strike were force-fed.绝食的犯人被强迫进食。外研社新世纪〔island〕They were forced to leave their island home and start a new life on the mainland.他们被强迫离开岛上的家园,到大陆上开始新的生活。牛津搭配〔make〕The prisoners are made to dig holes and fill them up again.囚犯们被强迫挖洞,然后再把它们填上。剑桥高阶〔overdraft〕The air so forced.烟道气流:以这种方法被强迫下流的空气美国传统〔press-gang〕She was a volunteer, she hadn't had to be press-ganged.她是一位志愿者, 不需要被强迫。外研社新世纪〔pressurize〕Do not be pressurized into making your decision immediately.别被强迫着立刻作出决定。外研社新世纪〔privileged communication〕A confidential communication that one cannot be forced to divulge.特许保密权:不能被强迫泄露的保密权利美国传统〔sex industry〕Almost half of forced labourers work in the sex industry.被强迫劳动的人中,几乎一半是在性产业。剑桥高阶〔shanghai〕The homeless are being shanghaied off the streets in some cities.在一些城市里,无家可归的人被强迫离开街道。剑桥高阶〔will〕He claims he was held in the flat against his will.他声称自己是被强迫留在房子里的。麦克米伦高阶In those days prisoners who refused to eat were always force-fed.在那时期,拒绝进食的囚犯们总是被强迫进食。剑桥国际The prisoners who were being force-fed had tubes rammed down their throats.那些正在被强迫进食的囚犯喉咙里塞着导管。剑桥国际




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