

单词 月初
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BEGINNING〕We pay our rent at the beginning of the month. 我们月初付房租。朗文写作活用〔BEGINNING〕We're planning to go to Barcelona in early September. 我们打算9月初去巴塞罗那。朗文写作活用〔GROUP〕It's an attractive shrub with dark shiny leaves, that has clusters of white flowers in early June. 那是一丛美丽的灌木,叶子深绿得发亮,在6月初已经开满了一簇簇白色的花儿。朗文写作活用〔HOLIDAY/VACATION〕Campgrounds in Glacier National Park open in late May and early June. 冰川国家公园的营地于5月底、6月初开放。朗文写作活用〔HOT〕There was a heatwave during the first part of July. 7月初,热浪逼人。朗文写作活用〔March〕I flew to Milan in early March.我3月初乘飞机到了米兰。柯林斯高阶〔March〕She went abroad in early March.她在三月初出国。文馨英汉〔May〕University examinations are held in early May.大学考试于5月初进行。柯林斯高阶〔November〕It snowed in early November.11 月初下过雪。朗文当代〔October〕He started early/late in October.他于十月初/底启程。韦氏高阶〔October〕Most seasonal hiring is done in early October.大部分季节性招聘在10月初进行。柯林斯高阶〔October〕She started her job in early/mid-/late October.她在十月初/中旬/底开始工作。韦氏高阶〔Pisces〕He was born early in March, under the sign of Pisces.他生于3月初, 属于双鱼宫。外研社新世纪〔September〕The matter came to a head in early September.九月初, 事情到了紧要关头。外研社新世纪〔TOWN〕There is a village festival every year at the beginning of May. 每年5月初都有一个乡村节日。朗文写作活用〔action〕In the cool days of early June, Agnes decided to put her plan into action.在凉爽的六月初, 阿格尼丝决定将她的计划付诸实施。外研社新世纪〔beginning〕I'll be away for two weeks at the beginning of April.我4月初要离开两个星期。麦克米伦高阶〔beginning〕I'm paid at the beginning of each month.每月月初给我发工资。牛津搭配〔beginning〕She contacted me at the beginning of August.她8月初的时候跟我联系过。外研社新世纪〔beginning〕The wedding will be at the beginning of March.婚礼定于三月初举行。柯林斯高阶〔beginning〕We're going to Japan at the beginning of July.我们七月初要去日本。牛津高阶〔business〕The 15-member committee is expected to be in business by early June.15人组成的委员会可望于6月初开始活动。英汉大词典〔clamp down〕Banking regulators failed to clamp down until earlier this month.银行监管机构直到本月初才开始严格管制。柯林斯高阶〔commence〕The academic year commences at the beginning of October.学年于10月初开始。外研社新世纪〔commence〕The academic year commences at the beginning of October.学年于10月初开始。柯林斯高阶〔costing〕Costing of the project will be completed early next month.这个项目的成本计算将于下月初完成。韦氏高阶〔deposit〕Our records show that she made a large deposit to her account earlier in the month.我们的记录显示月初时她在自己的账户存了一大笔钱。韦氏高阶〔dog days〕The hot, sultry period of summer between early July and early September.三伏天:介于七月上和九月初的闷热炎夏美国传统〔duty〕He leaves the hospital tomorrow and is expected to resume his duties at the beginning of next month.他明天出院,预计下个月初重新开始工作。牛津搭配〔effect〕The government has cut interest rates with effect from the beginning of next month.政府已削减利率,从下月初起开始生效。牛津高阶〔effect〕The new timetable will take effect from the beginning of May.新的时间表将从5月初开始实行。麦克米伦高阶〔far〕I thought it would happen in early April, and I wasn't far wrong.我认为将会在4月初发生,我的看法基本正确。麦克米伦高阶〔fixture〕Next season's fixtures will be published early next month.下赛季的赛事日程将在下月初公布。剑桥高阶〔forth〕They set forth on their travels in early June.他们6月初起程旅行。剑桥高阶〔harbinger〕The first May blossoms are harbingers of doom to the hay fever sufferer.五月初绽的花朵预示着花粉症患者要难熬了。外研社新世纪〔hatch〕Eagle eggs usually hatch between late May and early June.鹰的蛋通常在5月底6月初间孵化。麦克米伦高阶〔indent for〕Remember to indent for a fresh supply of order cards at the begining of every month.请记住在每月初正式申请领取新订货卡。21世纪英汉〔interview〕Applicants will be interviewed early next month.申请者将于下月初接受面试。麦克米伦高阶〔khamsin〕A generally southerly hot wind from the Sahara that blows across Egypt from late March to early May.喀新风:从三月底到五月初从撒哈拉沙漠上吹来的席卷埃及的热南风美国传统〔live〕Our new payments system will go live at the beginning of next month.下个月初我们新的支付系统将开始运行。剑桥高阶〔loyalty〕This is seen as a reward for the army's loyalty during a barracks revolt earlier this month.此举被视为是对在本月初一场军营叛变中表现忠心不贰的军队的奖赏。柯林斯高阶〔loyalty〕This is seen as a reward for the army's loyalty during a barracks revolt earlier this month.此举被视为是对在本月初军营叛变中忠心不二的军队的奖赏。外研社新世纪〔middle〕The month began and ended quite dry, but the middle fortnight saw nearly 100mm of rain fall nationwide.本月月初和月末颇为干燥, 不过中旬的两周全国有将近100毫米的降水。柯林斯高阶〔mix〕A new mix of their hit single is due to be released early next month.他们热门单曲的新混音版唱片定于下月初发行。剑桥高阶〔monsoon〕Each year in early June the summer monsoon arrives over the southernmost tip of India.每年6月初夏季季风都会越过印度的最南端吹来。外研社新世纪〔month〕Could we meet earlier in the month? 我们可否在月初见面?麦克米伦高阶〔part company〕The world's number one tennis player and his coach parted company earlier this month.世界头号网球选手和他的教练本月初分道扬镳了。剑桥高阶〔plant sth out〕Plant out the geraniums in early June.在6月初把天竺葵移植到室外。剑桥高阶〔practical〕We've got our practicals at the beginning of June.我们在6月初参加了实践考试。外研社新世纪〔prorate〕The rental will be prorated if occupancy does not begin on the first day of the month.如果房客不是月初入住的话,租金将按比例计算。剑桥高阶〔purplish〕The large, purplish blue flowers appear in early June.略微发紫的大朵蓝花在6月初绽放。柯林斯高阶〔purplish〕The large, purplish blue flowers appear in early June.那种紫蓝色的大花在6月初开放。外研社新世纪〔rent〕I pay the rent at the beginning of every month.我每月初交付房租。朗文当代〔scarcely〕Early March is scarcely the time of year for sailing.3 月初可不是帆船运动的季节。朗文当代〔set〕The album is set for an early March release.这张专辑预计在三月初发行。韦氏高阶〔set〕The album is set to be released in early March.这张专辑预计在三月初发行。韦氏高阶〔ship〕Both products are due to ship at the beginning of June.这两种产品都定于六月初上市。朗文当代〔slate〕The conference was slated for early June.会议定于6月初召开。英汉大词典〔snow〕There was a heavy snow early in December.12月初下过一场大雪。英汉大词典〔spring〕When she contacted me at the beginning of August to enlist support, Sharon and I sprang into action.她 8 月初和我联系请求帮助时,我和沙伦便立即行动起来了。柯林斯高阶〔spring〕When she contacted me at the beginning of August to enlist support, Sharon and I sprang into action.她在八月初联系我寻求帮助时, 我和莎伦便立即行动起来。外研社新世纪〔thronged〕They throng the beaches between late June and early August.6 月底到 8 月初,他们群聚在海滩上。柯林斯高阶〔throng〕They throng the beaches between late June and early August.他们于六月末到八月初群集在海滩上。外研社新世纪〔unearth〕Building at the site was halted after human remains were unearthed earlier this month.自从本月初在工地挖出人类遗骸之后,施工就停止了。剑桥高阶〔up〕Early last month, fuel prices went up by 3 per cent.上个月初燃料价格上涨了3%。麦克米伦高阶〔warmish〕It was a warmish day for early May.在五月初这天气算是相当暖和的。外研社新世纪A new mix of their hit single is due to be released early next month.他们一炮打响的单曲唱片的新的混音版定于下月初发行。剑桥国际Next season's fixtures will be published early next month.下一季的体育活动安排将于下个月初公布。剑桥国际Plant out the geraniums/tomatoes in early June.在6 月初把天竺葵/番茄移植到室外。剑桥国际Summer vacation normally starts in early July. 暑假一般在七月初开始。译典通The Australian rock-star released his eponymous debut album earlier this month.这位澳大利亚的摇滚歌星本月初推出了以自己的名字命名的处女专辑。剑桥国际The camera should hit the shelves in early May.这种照相机将在五月初上市。牛津商务The terminal examinations will be held in early May. 期终考试将在五月初举行。译典通The world's number one tennis player and his coach parted company earlier this month.世界第一号网球选手和他的教练本月初散伙了。剑桥国际They set forth on their travels in early June.他们六月初出去旅行。剑桥国际We need to have the main shape of the proposals decided by early April.我们需要在四月初的时候把这些提案的框架定下来。剑桥国际




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