

单词 女帽
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔cloche〕A close-fitting woman's hat with a bell-like shape.钟形女帽:一种紧套于头上、呈钟状的女帽美国传统〔dub〕To thrust at; poke.刺向;撑边女帽美国传统〔fall〕A veil hung from a woman's hat and down her back.帽纱:从妇女帽子后面垂下掉在其后部的细薄织物美国传统〔hatpin〕A long straight pin usually with an ornamental head, used to secure a hat to the wearer's hair.妇女帽针:一种用来把帽子固定在戴者的头发上,通常带有装饰性的头的长而直的针美国传统〔millinery〕Articles, especially women's hats, sold by a milliner.女帽,妇女头饰:帽商出售的商品,尤指女帽美国传统〔millinery〕The profession or business of a milliner.女帽或妇女头饰制造业:帽商的工作或业务美国传统〔osprey〕A plume formerly used to trim women's hats.装饰羽毛:用作装饰妇女女帽的羽毛美国传统〔picture hat〕An elaborately decorated, broad-brimmed hat for women.阔边花式女帽:女士戴的一种精心装饰的宽边帽子美国传统〔pillbox〕A woman's small hat with upright sides and a flat crown.筒状女帽:有直立的帽边和扁平冒顶的一种女式小帽美国传统〔poke〕A large bonnet having a projecting brim.宽前檐女帽:有突出帽沿的一顶大的女帽美国传统〔poke〕A projecting brim at the front of a bonnet.宽前檐:一顶女帽前面突出的帽沿美国传统〔sunbonnet〕A woman's wide-brimmed bonnet with a flap at the back to protect the neck from the sun.遮阳女帽:一种宽边的女用软帽,后面有帽盖可以保护后颈免受太阳照射美国传统〔tam-o'-shanter〕A tight-fitting Scottish cap or braided bonnet, sometimes having a pompon, tassel, or feather in the center.苏格兰宽顶无檐圆帽:一种头形紧合的苏格兰便帽或编织的女帽,有时帽中央会饰有一个绒球、流苏或羽毛美国传统〔toque〕A woman's small, brimless, close-fitting hat.无边女帽:女用无边小型紧帽美国传统〔turban〕A woman's close-fitting hat that consists of material wound around a small inner cap.头巾式女帽:一种妇女戴的无边贴发帽,系在一顶小内帽周围,缠上其它材料制成美国传统




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