

单词 晴空万里
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔dawn〕The day dawned with a cloudless sky.东方发白,晴空万里无云。21世纪英汉〔dawn〕The morning dawned fresh and clear after the storm.暴雨过后,一大早空气清新,晴空万里。朗文当代〔promise〕The day dawned bright and clear, with the promise of warm, sunny weather.拂晓时晴空万里,预示着温暖晴朗的天气。牛津高阶〔rule〕Sunny skies are the rule at this time of year.每年这个时候晴空万里是很常见的。麦克米伦高阶〔unpredictable〕The weather there can be unpredictable - one minute it's blue skies and the next minute it's pouring rain.那儿的天气有点儿变幻莫测—— 一会儿晴空万里,一会儿又大雨倾盆。剑桥高阶The weather there can be a bit unpredictable--one minute it's blue skies and the next minute it's pouring down.那儿的天气有点变幻无常----这会儿还是晴空万里, 一会儿后就是大雨倾盆。剑桥国际




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