

单词 星期天
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔baptize〕baptize a child in church on Sunday 星期天在教堂为孩子施洗礼英汉大词典〔born〕a baby born on Sunday 出生在星期天的婴孩英汉大词典〔carless〕carless Sunday 不使用汽车的星期天英汉大词典〔dike〕be all diked out like Sunday 像过星期天似地穿着盛装英汉大词典〔edition〕the afternoon (Sunday) edition (报纸的)下午(星期天)版英汉大词典〔expect〕expecting a telephone call; expects rain on Sunday. 等电话;等待星期天下雨美国传统〔fall〕the oddly named Quasimodo Sunday which falls on the first Sunday after Easter. 适逢复活节后第一个星期天的名字古怪的“卸白衣主日”柯林斯高阶〔heavy〕the Sunday heavies星期天的严肃报纸外研社新世纪〔last〕the last Sunday in June 6月份的最后一个星期天英汉大词典〔midday〕on Sunday midday 在星期天中午文馨英汉〔outing〕a Sunday outing to the park 星期天去公园的游玩英汉大词典〔outing〕families on a Sunday afternoon outing. 星期天下午远足的家庭柯林斯高阶〔outside〕church services given on Sundays by outside chaplains. 外请牧师主持的星期天礼拜仪式柯林斯高阶〔prohibition〕a prohibition on Sunday trading 星期天禁止营业的法令朗文当代〔reposeful〕a reposeful Sunday in bed 躺在床上悠闲度过的星期天英汉大词典〔scraps〕the scraps from the Sunday dinner table星期天留下来的残羹剩饭外研社新世纪〔scrap〕the scraps from the Sunday dinner table. 星期天晚餐的残羹剩饭柯林斯高阶〔scrubbed〕stroll in the scrubbed Sunday twilight 在星期天明净如洗的曙光里溜达英汉大词典〔slick〕be slicked up for Sunday 打扮起来过星期天英汉大词典〔slosh〕slosh around much of a Sunday 星期天大部分时间都在闲逛英汉大词典〔somnolent〕a somnolent Sunday afternoon 使人昏昏欲睡的星期天下午牛津高阶〔stint〕do a stint of work every Sunday 每个星期天做一点工作英汉大词典〔supplement〕the Sunday colour supplement 星期天的彩色增刊麦克米伦高阶〔supplement〕the Sunday supplements 星期天的增刊朗文当代〔tube〕went tubing on Sunday afternoon. 星期天下去玩飘游美国传统〔wax〕all those Sundays spent washing and waxing the car. 那些用来洗车和给车上蜡的星期天柯林斯高阶〔wile〕wile away a Sunday afternoon. 消磨掉星期天下午的时光美国传统




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