

单词 推广
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔abstinence〕the Government's promotion of sexual abstinence as the best method of AIDS prevention政府将节欲作为预防艾滋病最有效方法的推广外研社新世纪〔advert〕an advert for the local radio station 当地广播电台推广节目的广告剑桥高阶〔campaign〕a health awareness campaign to promote a healthy lifestyle 为推广健康生活方式而进行的增强健康意识的活动牛津搭配〔dogfight〕promote cockfights and dogfights 推广斗鸡和斗狗英汉大词典〔fat〕a fat promotion. 一次有利可图的产品推广美国传统〔generalize〕generalize the use of a new insecticide 推广使用新杀虫剂英汉大词典〔market〕if you marketed our music the way you market pop music. 要是你用了推广流行音乐的方式宣传我们的音乐的方式柯林斯高阶〔merchandise〕the promoters who are trying to merchandise the film努力宣传推广该影片的承销商外研社新世纪〔popularization〕the popularisation of sport through television体育运动通过电视得以推广外研社新世纪〔popularize〕popularize the results of sb.'s experience 推广某人经验的成果英汉大词典〔popularize〕to popularize a new product.推广新产品。牛津同义词〔programme〕an ambitious programme of educational expansion 雄心勃勃的教育推广计划麦克米伦高阶〔promote〕a special St Lucia week where the island could be promoted as a tourist destination. 在特殊的圣卢西亚活动周期间这个岛屿可以作为旅游胜地进行宣传推广柯林斯高阶〔promote〕an advertising campaign to promote the new brand推广新品牌的广告活动外研社新世纪〔promote〕to promote a new product.推广新产品。牛津同义词〔promotion〕the promotion of a healthy lifestyle 对健康生活方式的宣传推广剑桥高阶〔promotion〕the promotion of a new product.新产品的推广。牛津同义词〔push〕the government's big push to promote healthy eating政府对健康饮食的大力推广外研社新世纪〔selling〕a selling phrase 起推广销路作用的词语英汉大词典〔technique〕popularize the new advanced techniques 推广先进新技术英汉大词典a leading promoter of goods made in Spain 西班牙产品的主要推广者牛津商务a trade promo 贸易推广片牛津商务tie-in products to help market the movies 帮助推广电影的相关产品牛津商务




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