

单词 挫折
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔PROBLEM〕He had been depressed over a number of business setbacks. 做生意遭受了许多挫折,他心灰意冷。朗文写作活用〔PROBLEM〕The decision is a legal setback for the steel company. 这个判决对那家钢铁公司来说在法律上是个挫折。朗文写作活用〔PROBLEM〕The two losses are a serious setback for the team's playoff hopes. 输了两场对该队进入季后赛的希望是个很大的挫折。朗文写作活用〔REASON〕It's frustration that motivates babies to learn to walk. 激励婴儿学习行走的是挫折感。朗文写作活用〔SHOW〕To have those sort of setbacks and still keep everything together says a lot about Richard. 遭遇那样的挫折还能坚强不屈,这充分说明了理查德的性格。朗文写作活用〔a kick in the teeth〕Losing that game was a real kick in the teeth.输了那场比赛实在是一次重大挫折。韦氏高阶〔balk〕This was a balk to them.这对他们是一个挫折。英汉大词典〔bate〕That was setbacks that bated her hopes.那是个使她感到绝望的挫折。21世纪英汉〔body blow〕A serious setback; a major disappointment.挫折:严重的挫折;使人失望的事美国传统〔boom〕The teacher boomed the disappointed student.教员鼓励那名受挫折的学生。21世纪英汉〔bottle〕It's healthier to release frustration than to bottle it up.受到挫折之后发泄一场比强忍着对健康较为有益。英汉大词典〔bounce〕He's had a lot of problems, but he always seems to bounce back pretty quickly.他遭遇过很多挫折,但他似乎总能很快地振作起来。牛津高阶〔check〕His ambitions received a sharp check.他的雄心受到了严重的挫折。英汉大词典〔costly〕The project was subject to several costly delays/setbacks.该工程经历了几次代价昂贵的拖延/挫折。剑桥高阶〔dampen〕None of the setbacks could dampen his enthusiasm for the project.任何挫折都不能减弱他对这个项目的热情。牛津高阶〔defeat〕The defeats were a real setback for Thorne.对于索恩而言, 这几次失败意味着严重的挫折。外研社新世纪〔defeat〕The government suffered an unexpected defeat in the Commons.政府在下议院遭到意外挫折。英汉大词典〔defeat〕Their party suffered a heavy defeat in the election.他们党在选举中遭受重大挫折。牛津搭配〔delay〕Various setbacks and problems delayed production.各种各样的挫折和问题耽搁了生产进度。柯林斯高阶〔despair〕This latest setback has brought/carried/driven her to the depths of despair.最近的这次挫折使她陷入绝望的深渊。韦氏高阶〔difficulty〕It was a time fraught with difficulties and frustration.这是一个充满困难和挫折的时期。牛津高阶〔dim〕The latest setback has dimmed hopes of an early settlement.最近的挫折使早日解决问题的希望变得渺茫了。韦氏高阶〔discouragement〕He finished the job in spite of many discouragements.尽管遭到许多令人灰心丧气的挫折,他仍然完成了工作。英汉大词典〔discourage〕Don't be discouraged by setbacks.别因挫折而泄气。英汉大词典〔disheartened〕Don't be [get] disheartened at this setback.不要为这次挫折感到气馁。文馨英汉〔dog〕The problems that have dogged him all year are just a temporary setback.一时的挫折竟困扰了他一整年。柯林斯高阶〔downturn〕The 1990s witnessed a sharp downturn in the party's fortunes.20 世纪 90 年代是该党遭遇严重挫折的时期。牛津搭配〔empty-handed〕Blair returned empty-handed after a series of embarrassments and diplomatic setbacks.在经历了一系列尴尬和外交挫折后, 布莱尔无功而返。外研社新世纪〔fallen〕It's the latest setback in a horrendous year for the fallen hero.这是这位昨日英雄在诸事不顺的一年遭受的最新挫折。外研社新世纪〔financial〕Many computer software corporations are experiencing financial reverses.许多计算机软件公司在经济上遇到了挫折。美国传统〔foil〕The security officer foiled the thieves.那个保安人员叫小偷受到了挫折。牛津同义词〔fortitude〕She has endured disappointments with fortitude and patience.她凭借毅力和耐心在挫折中坚持下来。韦氏高阶〔frustration〕People often feel a sense of frustration that they are not being promoted quickly enough.人们经常有一种挫折感,就是升职不够快。朗文当代〔frustration〕The act of frustrating or an instance of being frustrated.挫折:阻挠的行为或受挫的事例美国传统〔frustration〕This job has more than its fair share of frustrations.做这份工作本不该有如此多的挫折。剑桥高阶〔gradual〕The process is gradual and not without setbacks.这个过程是循序渐进的, 而且不无挫折。外研社新世纪〔have〕We've had another setback.我们又经历了一次挫折。韦氏高阶〔hiccup〕This one defeat was the only hiccup in the team's steady progress.这次失利只是球队在稳步前进的道路上唯一的小挫折。牛津搭配〔jeopardy〕A series of setbacks have put the whole project in jeopardy.一系列的挫折令整个项目岌岌可危。外研社新世纪〔keep〕Despite all setbacks, he keeps on.尽管遇到种种挫折,他仍坚持下去。 英汉大词典〔knockback〕Everyone experiences a few knockbacks in their lives.每个人在生活中都会经历一些挫折。韦氏高阶〔knock〕He's taken (或 had) quite a few knocks lately.他近来遭受了不少挫折。英汉大词典〔knock〕She took some knocks early in her career.她在早期的职业生涯里经历了一些挫折。韦氏高阶〔let〕He's been let down so much in the past that he trusts no one.他过去受挫折太多,因此对谁也不信任了。英汉大词典〔lick〕To recuperate after a defeat.从挫折中恢复美国传统〔meekly〕They could not meekly accept such a setback.他们不能顺从地接受这样的挫折。外研社新世纪〔naturalness〕Anger is the natural reaction we experience when we feel threatened or frustrated.我们觉得受到威胁或遭受挫折时本能地会感到气愤。柯林斯高阶〔normal〕These little setbacks are a normal part of life.生活中出现这些小挫折是正常的。韦氏高阶〔only〕Failure and setback only strengthened our determination.失败和挫折反而增强我们的决心。英汉大词典〔opt〕After recent setbacks in the market, most people are now opting for low-risk investments.经历了近来证券市场上的多次挫折后,大部分人现在都转而选择低风险的投资。麦克米伦高阶〔persevere〕To persist in or remain constant to a purpose, an idea, or a task in the face of obstacles or discouragement.坚持不懈,锲而不舍:在面临阻碍或挫折时,坚持或永久保存一个目标、想法或任务美国传统〔pick up〕What matters most is sheer stamina, the physical and mental ability to pick yourself up after the latest setback.最重要的是具备十足的耐力, 是让自己从上一次挫折中振作起来的身体和心理素质。外研社新世纪〔precede〕Victories are often preceded by minor setbacks.胜利之前常常会遇到一些小挫折。牛津搭配〔quell〕This latest setback will have done nothing to quell the growing doubts about the future of the club.最近这次挫折对消除人们对俱乐部前景与日俱增的疑虑没有一点好处。剑桥高阶〔redemption〕That setback proved (或 was) his redemption.那次挫折倒成了他迷途知返的契机。英汉大词典〔regroup〕To reorganize for renewed effort, as after a temporary setback.重新部署:重新组织进行新的努力,如在暂时的挫折之后美国传统〔rejection〕The government's rejection of the plans is a setback for us.政府拒绝批准这些计划使我们大受挫折。剑桥高阶〔reversal〕In spite of setbacks and reversals, his business was at last making money.尽管有挫折和失败,他的生意最后还是赚钱了。朗文当代〔reversal〕The company's financial problems were only a temporary reversal.公司的财务问题只是暂时的挫折。牛津高阶〔reversal〕They teach managers to accept reversals as a fact of business life.他们教给管理人员要将挫折视为生意上的平常事。柯林斯高阶〔reverse〕It's clear that the party of the former Prime Minister has suffered a major reverse.显然,前首相所在党派遭受了重大的挫折。柯林斯高阶〔reverse〕Losing the Senate vote was a serious reverse for the President.失去参议院的投票支持对总统来说是严重挫折。朗文当代〔reverse〕The loss of their support was a serious reverse for the project.失去他们的支持对于这一计划是个严重的挫折。韦氏高阶〔reverse〕We suffered a number of reverses last year.去年我们碰到若干挫折。牛津同义词〔setback〕Despite some early setbacks, they eventually became a successful company.尽管一开始遇到一些挫折,但他们最终发展为一家成功的公司。韦氏高阶〔setback〕He has suffered a serious setback in his political career.他的政治生涯遭遇了一次严重挫折。柯林斯高阶〔setback〕He is struggling to overcome the latest setbacks.他正努力战胜新近遇到的挫折。牛津搭配〔setback〕That would represent a huge setback in the fight to change our criminal justice system.那将会是在刑事司法体制改革中遇到的重大挫折。牛津搭配〔set〕All his efforts were set back.他的一切努力都受到了挫折。英汉大词典〔skin〕He was in a bad skin over his recent setback.他因最近的挫折而心绪恶劣。英汉大词典〔snag〕A police clampdown on car thieves hit a snag when villains stole one of their cars.警方打击偷车贼的行动遭遇了一点小挫折:匪徒偷走了一辆警车。柯林斯高阶〔snub〕To dismiss, turn down, or frustrate the expectations of.拒绝:摒除、拒绝或使…的期望遭受挫折美国传统〔strengthen〕This temporary setback merely strengthened her resolve.暂时的挫折只不过是更坚定了她的决心。牛津搭配〔stride〕He is not a man to be put off his stride by one little setback.他不是那种因为一点儿小挫折就乱了阵脚的人。外研社新世纪〔strong〕The business remains strong despite the setbacks.尽管遭受挫折,公司经营仍然兴旺。韦氏高阶〔surmountable〕These setbacks are surmountable.这些挫折是可以克服的。韦氏高阶〔test run〕Japan's space ambitions have had a set-back after the failure of an engine in a test run.一次试运行中的引擎失灵使得日本的太空梦想遭受了挫折。柯林斯高阶〔test run〕Japan's space ambitions have had a set-back after the failure of an engine in a test run.一次试运行中的引擎失灵使日本的太空梦想遭受了挫折。外研社新世纪〔thank〕He can thank himself for this setback.这个挫折要怪他。英汉大词典〔threatened〕Anger is the natural reaction we experience when we feel threatened or frustrated.我们感觉受到威胁或遭遇挫折时,生气是正常反应。柯林斯高阶〔undermine〕Business confidence was undermined by a series of major failures.商界信心因一系列重大挫折而动摇。麦克米伦高阶〔voice〕The predominant opinion voiced by Detroit's Arab population seems to be one of frustration.底特律的阿拉伯人所表达的似乎主要是一种挫折感。外研社新世纪He met with many a setback in his lifetime. 他一生中遭到过许多挫折。译典通He vented his frustration on his wife. 他受到挫折却把气发泄到妻子身上。译典通He was balked in his attempt. 他的企图遭到了挫折。译典通His career met with many reverses. 他的事业遭到许多挫折。译典通In spite of the recent setbacks in sales, the general manager spoke with assuredness at the meeting. 尽管最近销售受到挫折,总经理在会上的讲话还是很自信。译典通Life is full of frustrations. 生活充满了挫折。译典通Screaming at the top of your voice is a good way of venting pent-up frustration.放开嗓子尖叫是发泄被压抑的挫折感的一种好方法。剑桥国际Setbacks made him downcast. 挫折使他沮丧。译典通Teachers’opposition to the proposed changes to the education system has been a setback for the government.教师们的反对使政府提出的教育体系改革计划遭到了挫折。剑桥国际That was a balk to us. 那对我们是个挫折。译典通The fire (=strong emotion) in her speech inspired everyone to carry on campaigning in spite of the recent setbacks.尽管最近遇到了一些挫折,她演讲中的激情激励着大家把运动继续下去。剑桥国际The government have suffered one of their worst setbacks since they came to power.这是政府执政以来遇到的最严重的挫折之一。剑桥国际The knee injury was a serious upset to her chances of being selected for the team.膝盖受伤对她被选入运动队的机会来讲是一大挫折。剑桥国际Their hopes of winning the championship have received a serious setback.他们赢得冠军的希望遭受了严重的挫折。剑桥国际There has been a slight/temporary setback in our plans.我们的计划遭到了一点小小的/暂时的挫折。剑桥国际They suffered a serious military/financial/political reverse.他们遭受了一次严重的军事/财政/政治挫折。剑桥国际This latest defeat constitutes a major set-back for the government.最近这次失败是政府受到的主要挫折。剑桥国际We suffered a major setback when the new product failed safety tests.新产品未能通过安全检测,使我们遭受了重大挫折。牛津商务




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