

单词 挫折
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔armada〕an armada of frustrations 接二连三的挫折英汉大词典〔balance〕balance up the frustrations of one's life by escapist types of recreation 以逃避现实方式的娱乐同生活中的挫折相抗衡英汉大词典〔cross〕suffer from a cross in love 在恋爱上受到挫折英汉大词典〔crow〕crow over sb.'s disappointment 因某人遭到挫折而幸灾乐祸英汉大词典〔defeat〕a proposal approved by the committee but defeated at the general meeting在委员会上获得通过但在全体会议上受到挫折的一项提案21世纪英汉〔embarrassing〕an embarrassing setback to sb.'s plans 对于某人计划的恼人挫折英汉大词典〔endure〕endure toothache (humiliation, torture, a setback, inconveniences) 忍受牙痛(羞辱,折磨,挫折,不便)英汉大词典〔finis〕setbacks that wrote finis to our venture. 是挫折给我们的冒险事业划上了句号美国传统〔frustrated〕a man fed up with the frustrations of everyday life. 受够了日常生活中各种失意挫折的男子柯林斯高阶〔galling〕a galling delay; a galling setback to their plans. 令人懊恼的延迟;计划的令人烦恼的挫折美国传统〔jolt〕a severe financial jolt 严重的金融挫折英汉大词典〔life〕the frustrations and disappointments of everyday life 日常生活中的挫折和失意朗文当代〔mild〕a mild setback 小挫折朗文当代〔minor〕a minor illness/injury/setback 小病;轻伤;小挫折韦氏高阶〔pent-up〕pent-up frustration/energy 压抑的挫折感╱精力牛津高阶〔pent-up〕years of pent-up anger and frustration 积压多年的愤怒和挫折朗文当代〔remediable〕remediable problems; a remediable setback. 可补救的问题;可换回的挫折美国传统〔reverse〕suffer financial (political) reverses 遭受金融(政治)方面的挫折英汉大词典〔setback〕a further setback for the coal industry 煤炭业的又一挫折牛津搭配〔setback〕a military setback 军事上的挫折英汉大词典〔setback〕a serious/minor/temporary setback 严重/轻微/暂时的挫折韦氏高阶〔setback〕a setback in one's business 商业上的挫折英汉大词典〔setback〕suffer (或receive, meet with) a setback 遭到挫折英汉大词典




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