

单词 支票
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ACCEPT〕Will you take a cheque? 你们收支票吗?朗文写作活用〔ALL/EVERYTHING〕I left my purse with my cheque book and car keys on the kitchen table and thieves broke in and stole the lot. 我把皮夹子、支票簿和汽车钥匙都放在厨房的桌子上,小偷进来把它们统统偷走了。朗文写作活用〔Giro〕He lived on an invalidity pension which came as a weekly giro.他靠每周领取的作为病残养老金的直接转账救济支票过日子。柯林斯高阶〔JOIN〕Once we have received a cheque for the course fees, your enrolment will be complete. 我们一收到学费的支票,你的注册就完成了。朗文写作活用〔SEND〕I'll put a cheque in the post for you tonight. 今天晚上我寄一张支票给你。朗文写作活用〔SEND〕Send a cheque for £50 with your order. 随订单附寄一张50英镑的支票。朗文写作活用〔TELL〕I wanted to pay by cheque but the landlord insisted that I pay him in cash. 我想用支票付钱,但房东坚持要我付他现金。朗文写作活用〔WRITE〕He made out a cheque for $100. 他开出一张100美元的支票。朗文写作活用〔accept〕Cheques can only be accepted with a cheque guarantee card.只能在有支票保证卡的情况下才可接受支票。外研社新世纪〔back〕Write your name on the back of the cheque.把你的名字写在支票背面。牛津高阶〔bank〕He had waited about a week after signing the contract before he banked the cheque.签订合同后, 他等了约一个星期才把支票存入银行。外研社新世纪〔bingo〕I was just about to borrow some money when bingo! - the cheque arrived.我正打算去借钱时,嘿——支票到了。剑桥高阶〔bounce〕Her cheque has bounced.她的支票被拒付而退回。21世纪英汉〔by〕Some customers prefer to pay by cheque.有些客户喜欢用支票支付。朗文当代〔cash in〕You may cash in this cheque at all times and all places.你可以随时随地把这张支票兑成现金。21世纪英汉〔cash〕I have no cash with me; can I pay by cheque? 我身边没带钱,付支票行吗?英汉大词典〔cash〕The bank will cash your 50-dollar check.银行将兑现你的五十元美金支票。文馨英汉〔cash〕The bank will cash your cheque.银行会把你的支票兑成现金。21世纪英汉〔cash〕The store wouldn't cash the check.商店不肯兑现这张支票。韦氏高阶〔cash〕There are similar charges if you want to cash a cheque at a branch other than your own.如在别的分行兑现支票, 也有类似的收费。外研社新世纪〔cash〕There are similar charges if you want to cash a cheque at a branch other than your own.如果你想在开户行以外的网点兑现支票,也要收取类似的费用。柯林斯高阶〔cash〕Traveller's cheques can be cashed at most hotels for a small charge.旅行支票在大多数酒店都可以兑换成现金,但是要支付一小笔手续费。朗文当代〔cheap〕Promises are cheap.承诺就是空头支票。外研社新世纪〔cheque〕Cheques should be made payable to Toyland.支票抬头应该开“玩偶世界”。牛津搭配〔cheque〕I'd like to pay by cheque.我想用支票付款。外研社新世纪〔clear〕To pass (a bill of exchange, such as a check) through a clearing-house.交换清帐:通过票据交换所传递(交换票据,如支票)美国传统〔commission〕Travel agents charge 1 per cent commission on sterling cheques.旅行社对英镑支票收取1%的服务费。外研社新世纪〔cop〕She's probably copped a look at Nic's Chanel No5 6.5m paycheck.她很可能瞄到了妮可拍摄香奈尔5号香水广告得到的那张650万的支票。外研社新世纪〔countersign〕Dolores, please come in and countersign a cheque.多洛雷斯, 请进来连署支票。外研社新世纪〔coupon〕Send the coupon with a cheque for £18.50, made payable to 'Good Housekeeping'.将订单连同一张18.50英镑的支票一起寄出, 支票抬头为“《好管家》杂志”。外研社新世纪〔course〕You can pay by cheque, assuming of course you have a valid cheque card.你可以用支票来支付,不过当然你必须有一张有效的支票卡。朗文当代〔credit〕The cheque has been credited to your account.支票已存入你的账户了。朗文当代〔cross〕Don't forget to cross the cheque.别忘了在支票上画两条平行线。外研社新世纪〔cut a check〕The company cut him a check and he cashed it.公司给他开了一张支票,他兑换成了现金。韦氏高阶〔cut〕When the damage assessor called, he cut a check for $139.估损员被叫来后,他开了一张 139 美元的支票。朗文当代〔date〕He forgot to date the check.他忘了在支票上写日期。文馨英汉〔date〕You forgot to date the cheque.你忘了在支票上注明日期了。外研社新世纪〔discount broker〕An agent who discounts a bill, note, or other commercial paper.贴款票据经纪人:以折扣的利率借贷支票、钞票或其他商业票据美国传统〔draw〕The cheque was drawn on his personal account.这张支票从他的个人账户中支付。牛津高阶〔draw〕You are now authorized to draw checks from the corporate account.经授权,你现在可以开支票从公司账户取款。韦氏高阶〔dud〕A customer had tried to pay with a dud cheque (= one for which a bank will not give money).有个顾客想用一张假支票蒙混过关。剑桥高阶〔either〕Cheque or credit card – you can use either.支票或信用卡你都可以用。麦克米伦高阶〔eliminate〕The credit card eliminates the need for cash or cheques.有了信用卡就不需要使用现金或支票了。朗文当代〔enclose〕A cheque is enclosed herewith.随信附上支票一张。英汉大词典〔endorsable〕Endorse the check on the back.在支票背面签字。21世纪英汉〔endorsement〕We need your endorsement before we can cash this check.我们需要你的背书,才能兑现这张支票。韦氏高阶〔endorse〕The payee of the cheque must endorse the cheque.领款人必须在支票上背书。柯林斯高阶〔favour〕He had tricked her into writing a cheque in his favour.他骗她开具了一张以他为受款人的支票。麦克米伦高阶〔following〕Payment may be made in any of the following ways: cheque, cash, or credit card.可用以下任何一种方式付款: 支票、现金或信用卡。朗文当代〔giro〕As soon as you cash your giro, you just want to go out.一旦你把失业津贴转账支票兑现, 你就会想要出去玩。外研社新世纪〔giro〕She didn't know how she would manage until her next giro.她不知道在她领到下一张直接转账救济支票前,日子该怎么过。剑桥高阶〔hand ... out〕He handed out a cheque for £500 from the drawer and gave it to me.他从抽屉里拿出一张500镑的支票交给了我。21世纪英汉〔hand〕He handed over a cheque for $200 000.他交出了一张 20 万元的支票。牛津高阶〔invalid〕Unless it is signed, a check is invalid.支票除非是签了字,否则是无效的。文馨英汉〔invalid〕Unless it is signed, a cheque is invalid.支票除非签了字,否则是无效的。英汉大词典〔kite〕A bank check drawn on insufficient funds to take advantage of the time interval required for collection.通融票据:利用筹款需要的时间间隔开出不足的资金的银行支票美国传统〔kite〕To use (a bad check) to sustain credit or raise money.用(空头支票)获取信贷或钱美国传统〔mail〕I hope the check hasn't gotten lost in the mail.我希望支票不要在邮递途中丢失。韦氏高阶〔mail〕Your cheque is in the mail.你的支票已经寄出。外研社新世纪〔make out〕If you would like to send a donation, you can make a cheque out to Feed the Children.您如果有捐款的意愿,可以填写一张支票寄给救助儿童基金会。柯林斯高阶〔mandate〕The bank had no mandate to honour the cheque.银行没有得到指令来承兑这张支票。牛津高阶〔mark〕The bank marks the check 'certified'.银行在支票上标有“保付”字样。外研社新世纪〔may〕The bill may be paid by cheque or by credit card.账单可以用支票或信用卡支付。麦克米伦高阶〔note〕They exchange traveller's cheques at a different rate from notes.他们兑换旅行支票时依据的汇率跟兑换现钞时不同。柯林斯高阶〔patiently〕Please be patient — your cheque will arrive.请耐心点——你的支票会来的。柯林斯高阶〔pay in〕I went to the bank to pay in a cheque.我去银行存入一张支票。韦氏高阶〔pay in〕I'll need to pay this cheque in today.我今天得把这张支票存进去。外研社新世纪〔payable〕Cheques should be made payable to Euro Travel Ltd.支票应写明付给“欧洲旅行有限责任公司”。外研社新世纪〔payment〕Payment can be made by cheque or credit card.款项可以用支票或信用卡支付。朗文当代〔pay〕Did you remember to pay that cheque in? 你记得把那张支票存进去了吗?朗文当代〔pay〕I paid in a cheque this morning.我今天上午存入一张支票。牛津高阶〔pay〕Will you be paying by cash, cheque, or credit card? 您打算用现金、支票,还是信用卡来支付?麦克米伦高阶〔raise〕It is said that she raised the cheque.据说她私自涂改了支票。21世纪英汉〔registered post〕You'd better send the cheque (by) registered post.这张支票你最好挂号邮寄。剑桥高阶〔remember〕Then I remembered the cheque, which cheered me up.然后我想起了那张支票,这让我精神大振。柯林斯高阶〔remit〕Please remit payment by cheque.请用支票汇付货款。朗文当代〔seal〕Make sure you've signed the cheque before sealing the envelope.一定要在支票上签了名再封信封。牛津高阶〔simply〕You can order new checks simply by calling or going online.你只需打电话或是上网就可以订购新支票了。韦氏高阶〔stop payment〕An order to one's bank not to honor a check one has drawn.停付令:给银行的对某人签发的某支票不予付款的命令美国传统〔stop〕Did you stop the cheque? 你停止兑付那张支票了吗?麦克米伦高阶〔tear out〕He tore out the cheque and handed it over.他撕下支票递了过去。外研社新世纪〔up〕He tore up the cheque.他将支票撕成碎片。英汉大词典〔wait〕I've been waiting for a refund cheque for several months.我盼着退款支票已经有好几个月了。麦克米伦高阶Cheques should be written in ink.支票要用墨水填写。剑桥国际He drew a large cheque on his company's account.他用支票从公司账户中取了一大笔钱。牛津商务He handed me a blank check. 他递给我一张空白支票。译典通I am afraid your cheque bounced (= was not paid by your bank because there was not enough money in your account). 我担心你的支票会被银行退回。牛津商务I paid the cheque into my bank account.我把支票存入我的银行账户。牛津商务I sent all the instalments together, as three post-dated cheques.我用三张填迟了日期的支票将所有分期付款款项一起寄出。牛津商务I wrote him a cheque for £50.我给他开了一张50英镑的支票。剑桥国际In her agitation as she was paying, she forgot to sign the cheque.付款时由于焦虑,她忘记了签支票。剑桥国际Payment must be made by certified cheque or bank draft.必须使用保付支票或银行汇票付款。牛津商务She saves all her bank statements and cheque stubs.她保存着所有的银行对账单和支票票根。牛津商务The cheque had been credited in the cash book but not yet presented to the bank.支票已贷记现金出纳账,但还没有向银行提示付款。牛津商务The cheque was undated.这张支票未注日期。剑桥国际The clearing house exchanges cheques worth over $20 billion every day.票据交换所每天清算价值超过 200 亿元的支票。牛津商务There may be a €20 negotiation fee for each cheque.每张支票可能要支付 20 欧元的兑付费用。牛津商务They found that payroll checks had been issued to dead or non-existent employees.他们发现薪金支票签发给了已死亡或不存在的员工。牛津商务When the cheque arrived he hugged me in glee.当支票送到的时候,他欣喜地拥抱我。剑桥国际You can cash cheques here by prior arrangement with the bank.如果你和银行事先安排好,即可在这里兑现支票。牛津商务




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