

单词 一个人
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔IN/INSIDE〕in a person's body or mind 在一个人的身体或心里朗文写作活用〔alone〕a lone jogger in the park 在公园里独自慢跑的一个人牛津高阶〔another〕another person 另一个人英汉大词典〔appose〕to appose food before a person把食物放在一个人的面前21世纪英汉〔a〕a man/horse/unit 一个人;一匹马;一个单位牛津高阶〔background〕a person's family/social/cultural/educational/class background 一个人的出身╱社会╱文化╱教育╱阶级背景牛津高阶〔chase up〕the story of a man who comes to Hollywood to chase up a client who has defaulted on a debt. 一个人到好莱坞追踪欠债客户的故事柯林斯高阶〔conform〕conform one's ideas to (或 with) another's 使自己的思想和另一个人的相一致英汉大词典〔declining〕one's declining years 一个人的晚年文馨英汉〔earthly〕earthly delights; one's earthly possessions. 世俗快乐;一个人在尘世上的所有财产美国传统〔feature in〕a character who features in many of his novels 在他多部小说中出现的一个人物韦氏高阶〔feign〕feign another's voice. 模仿另一个人的声音美国传统〔fisted〕one's close-fisted hand 一个人握紧拳头的手文馨英汉〔gauge〕gauge a person's ability. 评估一个人的能力美国传统〔genius〕pl. ge.ni.i[jēʹnē-ī'] Roman Mythology A tutelary deity or guardian spirit of a person or place. 【复数】 ge.ni.i[jēʹnē-ī'] 【罗马神话】 守护神:一个人或地方的保护神或守护神美国传统〔hunch〕a hunched figure sitting by the fire 缩起肩膀坐在火边的一个人朗文当代〔impair〕when a person's mental faculties are extremely impaired当一个人的智力严重受损时外研社新世纪〔importance〕a figure of crucial importance in the history of design 设计史上至关重要的一个人物牛津搭配〔incompatible〕the incompatible offices of prosecutor and judge. 检察官和法官的职位不能由一个人兼任美国传统〔innermost〕one's innermost feelings. 一个人内心最深处的情感美国传统〔love〕one of these people that loves to be in the outdoors. 喜欢户外活动的这样一个人柯林斯高阶〔make-up〕a person's genetic make-up 一个人的遗传性格牛津高阶〔man〕a man's right to work 一个人工作的权利朗文当代〔metal〕the native metal of a man 一个人的本质英汉大词典〔morsel〕break a bulky, dry subject into palatable morsels 把内容浩繁的枯燥课题分解作一个又一个人们乐于接受的小部分英汉大词典〔one-man〕a one-man bobsled team; built a one-man business empire. 只有一个人的连撬滑雪队;建立一个独裁的商业帝国美国传统〔one-man〕a one-man show/business 独角戏;一个人经营的生意牛津高阶〔oneself〕when one discovers how different others are from oneself 当一个人发现别人与自己多么不同的时候韦氏高阶〔onstage〕a man whose off-stage and onstage personality is most alike 台下台上个性很相似的一个人英汉大词典〔paper〕papers A collection of letters, diaries, and other writings, especially by one person: papers 文集:书信、日记和其它作品的收集,尤指一个人的:美国传统〔pattern〕one's pattern of behavior. 一个人的行为特点美国传统〔phase〕the main Catholic rituals that mark important phases in a person's life 标志着一个人一生中各重要阶段的主要天主教仪式牛津搭配〔refute〕to refute a person/theory/argument/claim 驳斥一个人/理论/论点/说法剑桥高阶〔respect〕a society in which every single person is respected for himself 每一个人都因自己的人格而受到尊敬的社会 英汉大词典〔set〕set a high value on every man's life 高度重视每一个人的生命 英汉大词典〔shamable〕to shame a man into going把一个人羞辱走了21世纪英汉〔shot〕the opening shot of a character walking acr oss a desert 影片开头呈现一个人穿越沙漠的镜头牛津高阶〔singularly〕a singularly unattractive individual 特别不起眼的一个人剑桥高阶〔sin〕sin against a person 冒犯一个人英汉大词典〔sole〕go forth sole 独自一个人去英汉大词典




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