

单词 一个人说
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ASK〕Being the only person in the office who speaks German, I'm often called upon to translate. 办公室里只有我一个人说德语,所以我经常被叫去当翻译。朗文写作活用〔TRANSLATE〕No one in our tour group spoke Spanish so we had to ask the guide to interpret. 旅行团里没有一个人说西班牙语,所以我们得请导游作翻译。朗文写作活用〔anyone〕I haven't spoken to anyone all day.整整一天我都没跟一个人说过话。朗文当代〔capture〕Their mood was captured by one who said, 'Students here don't know or care about campus issues.'有一个人说的话恰好道出了他们的心情:“这里的学生不了解或者不关心校园问题。”外研社新世纪〔conversation〕Cara kept up a one-sided conversation.谈话时,卡拉只顾着一个人说个不停。牛津搭配〔deserve〕One of them said the two dead joy riders got what they deserved.他们中的一个人说这两名开偷来的车去兜风的人死得活该。柯林斯高阶〔deserve〕One of them said the two dead joyriders got what they deserved.他们中间有一个人说:那两个开偷来的车去兜风的家伙活该去死。外研社新世纪〔not〕Not a single person said thank you.没有一个人说谢谢。朗文当代〔one-man band〕The organization seems to have become a one-man band with just one person making all the decisions.那个组织似乎变成了个一人乐队,所有的决定都是一个人说了算。剑桥高阶〔perfectly〕Nobody speaks English perfectly.没有一个人说的英语是绝对正确的。英汉大词典〔performative〕I now pronounce you husband and wifeat a wedding ceremony, thus creating a legal union, or as one utteringI promise,thus performing the act of promising.我现在宣告你们成为丈夫与妻子所体现的合法性,由此产生合法的配偶,或者当一个人说我发誓,因此而履行誓言美国传统〔revealing〕A joke can be very revealing about/of what someone's really thinking.从一个人说的笑话中可以看出他内心的真实想法。剑桥高阶〔truth〕You can't punish a man for speaking the truth .不能因为一个人说真话而惩罚他。朗文当代〔word〕Nobody had a good word to say about him.没有一个人说过他好。牛津高阶I was so pleased when you rang--I hadn't spoken to anyone all day.听到你的电话我真高兴----我一整天没跟一个人说过话。剑桥国际It can be very hard to tell someone you love them without sounding trite.很难对一个人说你爱他而话语听上去又不觉得俗气。剑桥国际She monopolized the conversation. 她一个人说个没完,别人无法插嘴。译典通




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