

单词 暴涨
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔bonanza〕a sales bonanza for computer makers计算机制造商暴涨的销售额外研社新世纪〔dramatic〕a dramatic increase in sales 销售额暴涨麦克米伦高阶〔dramatic〕a dramatic increase/fall/change/improvement 暴涨;暴跌;巨变;巨大的改进牛津高阶〔foretell〕prophesying a stock-market boom; 预测股票市场暴涨;美国传统〔inflationary〕inflationary prices; inflationary policies. 暴涨的价格;导致通货膨胀的政策美国传统〔jump〕a jump in prices.价格暴涨。牛津同义词〔jump〕the jump in prices last month上个月价格的暴涨外研社新世纪〔leap〕a huge leap in the price of fuel 燃料价格的暴涨麦克米伦高阶〔leap〕a leap in oil prices 石油价格的暴涨英汉大词典〔overbought〕an overbought stock market. 一个因过度购买而价格暴涨的股市美国传统〔sky-high〕the effect of falling house prices and sky-high interest rates. 房价下跌和利率暴涨产生的影响柯林斯高阶〔skyrocket〕the skyrocketing costs of health care. 暴涨的医疗费用柯林斯高阶〔spectacular〕a spectacular rise in house prices 房价的暴涨英汉大词典〔swingeing〕a swingeing increase in price.物价的暴涨。牛津同义词〔upsurge〕the upsurge in oil prices. 油价的暴涨柯林斯高阶〔upsurge〕the upsurge in oil prices油价暴涨外研社新世纪〔volatile〕a jump in volatile food prices 粮价波动中的一次暴涨英汉大词典〔year-end〕the year-end upsurge of prices 年关的物价暴涨英汉大词典a sharp run-up in share prices 股价的暴涨牛津商务




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