

单词 担任主席
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔act as〕He acted as chairman in my absence.我不在时他担任主席。21世纪英汉〔appoint to〕He will be appointed to the chairmanship.他将被派担任主席。21世纪英汉〔be up for〕His name is up for the chairmanship.他被提名担任主席职务。21世纪英汉〔bylaw〕Under the company's bylaws, he can continue as chairman until the age of 70.根据公司规章, 他可以继续担任主席到70岁。外研社新世纪〔bylaw〕Under the company's bylaws, he can continue as chairman until the age of 70.根据该公司的规定,他可以继续担任主席,一直到70岁。柯林斯高阶〔chairmanship〕A committee was set up under the chairmanship of Edmund Compton.成立了一个委员会,由埃德蒙‧康普顿担任主席。朗文当代〔chairmanship〕His chairmanship lasted a year.他担任主席一职有一年时间。剑桥高阶〔date〕Johnson had agreed at an earlier date to take on the role of chairman.约翰逊早些时候答应担任主席职务。麦克米伦高阶〔presidency〕Poverty had declined during his presidency.在他担任主席期间, 贫困人口减少了。外研社新世纪〔re-elect〕The committee voted to re-elect him (as) chairman.委员会投票再次选举他担任主席。牛津高阶〔serve out〕He vowed that he would serve out his five-year term as chairperson.他宣誓他会担任主席之职到五年期满。韦氏高阶〔stay〕Rollings will stay as chairman this year.罗林斯今年将继续担任主席一职。朗文当代〔suggest〕She suggested John as chairman.她提议约翰担任主席。牛津搭配〔think of〕They have thought of George for the chairmanship.他们认为乔治适于担任主席。21世纪英汉〔think〕Many people have thought of him for the chairmanship.许多人认为他有资格担任主席的职位。 英汉大词典〔valedictory〕Mr Walker, making his valedictory address after two years as chairman.沃克先生,在担任主席职务两年后发表了告别演说柯林斯高阶A heavy hitter has been brought in as chairman.一个重量级人物获邀担任主席。牛津商务All the members of the committee take it in turns to act as chairperson.委员会的所有成员轮流担任主席。剑桥国际I accepted the appointment as chairman. 我同意担任主席一职。译典通Mr. Miller is slated to become chairman next month. 密勒先生已定于下个月担任主席。译典通She will assume the role of chairperson on July 1.她从 7 月 1 日起将担任主席。牛津商务The negotiations have snagged on (= had problems because of) a dispute about who should chair them.关于由谁来担任主席的争议妨碍了谈判的进展。剑桥国际This latest scandal has raised new doubts over the accession of Sir Richard Binns to the role of chairman.这一最新丑闻对理查德·宾斯爵士担任主席一职提出了新的疑问。剑桥国际




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