

单词 修女
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔catholic〕a Catholic bishop/nun/priest 天主教主教/修女/牧师韦氏高阶〔convent〕enter a convent 当修女英汉大词典〔enclosed〕monks and nuns from enclosed orders. 与世隔绝的修道士和修女柯林斯高阶〔enclose〕an enclosed order of nuns 与世隔绝的修女会英汉大词典〔habit〕a monk's/nun's habit 修士/修女长袍韦氏高阶〔habit〕a nun in a grey habit 身穿灰色修道服的修女英汉大词典〔habit〕a nun's habit 修女服朗文当代〔hooded〕a hooded nun 戴兜帽的修女文馨英汉〔hooded〕a hooded nun 戴兜帽的修女英汉大词典〔irreverent〕irreverent portrayals of nuns 对修女不敬的描绘韦氏高阶〔laicize〕a nun who is laicized 已还俗的修女英汉大词典〔lay〕a lay brother [sister] 凡人修士[修女];庶务修士[修女](从事劳动而不从事僧职者)文馨英汉〔livery〕the livery of a nun 修女服英汉大词典〔novice〕a novice nun/monk 见习修女/修士麦克米伦高阶〔nun〕a convent school run by Catholic nuns 天主教修女开办的女修道院学校剑桥高阶〔recluse〕a recluse monk (nun) 隐居的修士(修女)英汉大词典〔recollected〕a recollected nun 静修女英汉大词典〔religion〕a nun in her twentieth year of religion 出家修道已20年的修女英汉大词典〔renunciation〕a life of complete renunciation as a nun 像修女那样克己的苦行生活 英汉大词典〔sisterhood〕the Christian sisterhood 基督教修女会朗文当代〔sister〕the Hospice of the Sisters of Charity at Lourdes. 卢尔德仁爱修女会的安养院柯林斯高阶〔sister〕the Sisters of Charity 仁爱修女会牛津高阶〔sister〕the Sisters of St. Joseph 圣约瑟夫会修女们韦氏高阶〔veil〕to take the veil (= become a nun) 做修女牛津搭配〔vows〕a nun who had taken final vows发了终身愿的修女外研社新世纪〔white〕a white nun 白衣修女英汉大词典〔white〕white nuns. 白衣修女美国传统〔women's studies〕to major in women's studies. 主修女性研究牛津高阶〔world〕monks and nuns renouncing the world 弃绝俗世享乐的修道士和修女牛津高阶




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