

单词 敲击
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔SOUND〕sounds made by glass or metal hitting something 玻璃或金属敲击某物时发出的声音朗文写作活用〔SOUND〕sounds made by something hitting or falling onto something 某物敲击或跌落至另一物时发出的声音朗文写作活用〔SOUND〕sounds made by something repeatedly hitting something 某物不断敲击时发出的声音朗文写作活用〔bell〕bells Music A percussion instrument consisting of metal tubes or bars that emit tones when struck. bells 【音乐】 钟琴:由金属管或条棒组成的,敲击时能发出乐音的打击乐器美国传统〔bone〕bones Flat clappers made of bone or wood originally used by the end man in a minstrel show. bones 打拍者:巡游演出中站在一端敲击骨制或木制响板的人美国传统〔clash〕a clash of cymbals/swords 铙钹的敲击声;剑的撞击声牛津高阶〔cymbal〕a clash/crash of cymbals 铙钹的敲击声牛津高阶〔cymbal〕the sound of cymbals crashing 铙钹敲击的声音牛津搭配〔drum〕drum the table with one's fingertips 用手指尖嗒嗒地敲击桌子英汉大词典〔drum〕nervously drummed on the table. 紧张地在桌上嗒嗒地敲击美国传统〔flick〕the busy flick and chatter of typewriter keys 劈劈啪啪响个不停的打字机键敲击声英汉大词典〔haywire〕funk percussiveness and absolutely haywire melodies放克音乐的敲击声和绝对疯狂的旋律外研社新世纪〔key〕hit [strike] the keys of a typewriter 敲击打字机的字键文馨英汉〔knock〕knock a table with one's knuckles 用指节敲击桌子英汉大词典〔peg〕the noise of the hammer striking the steel pegs. 锤子敲击钢栓的噪音柯林斯高阶〔percussive〕using all manner of percussive effects运用各种敲击效果外研社新世纪〔rap〕rap the meeting to order 啪啪敲击宣布开会英汉大词典〔rap〕rapping the glass with the knuckles of his right hand. 用他右手指关节敲击玻璃柯林斯高阶〔reflex〕tests for reflexes, like tapping the knee or the heel with a rubber hammer. 如用橡胶槌敲击膝盖或脚跟那样的反射性动作测试柯林斯高阶〔tattoo〕heels tattooing the sidewalk 得得得地敲击着人行道的靴跟英汉大词典〔tattoo〕the tattoo of rain on a roof 雨点的连续敲击屋顶英汉大词典




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