

单词 录像
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CHEAP〕You can pick up video recorders for very little money if you know where to look. 如果你找对地方,就能买到很便宜的录像机。朗文写作活用〔CONTINUE〕Nobody really wants to sit through four solid hours of someone else's wedding video. 没有人真的想一连坐上四个小时看别人的婚礼录像。朗文写作活用〔FAULT〕If you used the same tape later and had no trouble with the picture, the problem is probably in the VCR. 假如后来又使用同一盘录像带而图像没有问题,那么问题可能就出在录像机上。朗文写作活用〔KEEP〕The new video store has a huge stock of movies to rent. 这家新开的录像店有大量的影片出租。朗文写作活用〔MEAL〕After supper we watched a video. 晚餐后我们看了一盒录像。朗文写作活用〔PART〕That was one of the best episodes - I wish I'd got it on tape. 那一集棒极了—我真希望能用录像机录了下来。朗文写作活用〔PART〕We saw a video showing the second stage in the development of a human embryo. 我们看了一部人类胚胎发育第二阶段的录像片。朗文写作活用〔PROVE〕Wright was accused of pretending to be injured, and this was backed up by video evidence. 赖特被指责假装受伤,这有录像为证。朗文写作活用〔STEAL〕In full view of our cameras, looters calmly walked off with TVs, radios, and VCRs. 从我们的摄影机可以清楚看到,抢劫的人不慌不忙地搬走了电视机、收音机和录像机。朗文写作活用〔TAKE〕The only time we use the VCR is when they bring Joey to our house. 我们只是在他们把乔伊带到我们家里来的时候才用录像机。朗文写作活用〔TYPICAL〕If you want to know how not to make a video, this is a perfect example! 如果你想知道制作录像时不应该做什么,这就是极好的例子!朗文写作活用〔USELESS〕In-store videos were of no help in identifying the criminals. 店内录像对于辨认罪犯毫无用处。朗文写作活用〔USELESS〕She gave me a video, but of course it's useless without a player. 她给我一盘录像带,可是没有播放器当然没有用。朗文写作活用〔WITH/TOGETHER〕The video recorder has an accompanying booklet which contains full instructions. 录像机附带一本含详细说明的小册子。朗文写作活用〔analogue〕The analogue signals from the video tape are converted into digital code.采自该录像带的模拟信号被转换成数字代码。柯林斯高阶〔arrive〕Several long-awaited videos will finally arrive in the shops this month.几部让人翘首企盼的录像片终于将在这个月到货。柯林斯高阶〔bootleg〕He was caught bootlegging videotapes.他因非法贩卖录像带而被捕。21世纪英汉〔camera〕Police are checking security camera footage.警方正在查看安保录像。牛津搭配〔catch〕The thief was caught on videotape.录像带记录下了窃贼的行踪。外研社新世纪〔company〕If you can't program the video recorder, you're in good company.你不会预设录像机也没关系,不会的又不是就你一个。朗文当代〔complexity〕The video emphasizes the complexity of this debate.该录像强调了这场辩论的复杂性。牛津搭配〔confession〕His confession is recorded on video tape.他的招供被记录在录像带上。外研社新世纪〔cue〕The videotape's cued up and ready to go! 录像带已经到位,可以开始了!朗文当代〔device〕The store sells TVs, VCRs, and other electronic devices.商店销售电视机、录像机和其他电子设备。韦氏高阶〔duplicate〕She duplicated the video to give to family and friends.她复制了这段录像,送给家人和朋友。韦氏高阶〔edification〕Demonstrations, films, and videotapes are shown for your edification.采用了演示及播放电影和录像带的形式, 以提高道德修养。外研社新世纪〔exchange〕I exchanged the book for a video.我用书换了一盘录像带。外研社新世纪〔fast forward〕Just fast forward the video.让录像带快进就行了。柯林斯高阶〔fast-forward〕A function on an electronic recording device, such as a videocassette or tape player, that permits rapid advancement of the tape.快进:录像机或录音机等电动录音设备的一种功能,可以让磁带快速前进美国传统〔footage〕An amount or length of film or videotape.尺数,长度:影片或录像带的数量或长度美国传统〔freeze-frame〕The VCR allows you to fast-forward, reverse, or put the picture in freeze-frame.录像机可以快进、倒退或者定格图片。韦氏高阶〔haywire〕The video had gone completely haywire.录像机彻底坏了。麦克米伦高阶〔home video〕Videotapes for viewing in the home.家庭录像:在家中观看的录像美国传统〔insert〕She inserted a tape in the VCR.她把录像带放进录像机里。韦氏高阶〔lighting〕No special lighting was used when making the video.制作录像的时候没有使用任何特殊照明。牛津搭配〔load〕A technician loads a videotape into one of the machines.一位技术人员把录像带放进一台机器里。外研社新世纪〔material〕Videos often make good teaching material.录像常常可用作很好的教学材料。朗文当代〔naughty〕He was watching naughty videos.他当时正在看黄色录像。外研社新世纪〔one〕It's a TV, radio and VCR all in one.它集电视机、收音机和录像机多种功能于一体。朗文当代〔onside〕Watson's goal was ruled out for offside, despite replays later revealing the player was onside.沃森的进球被判越位无效, 尽管事后录像回放证明他没有越位。外研社新世纪〔or〕He doesn't have a television or a video.他没有电视机,也没有录像机。朗文当代〔outtake〕They showed a video of funny outtakes from various movies.他们播放了一段由多部电影中剪掉的滑稽镜头拼成的录像。剑桥高阶〔photograph〕Frame the subject in the video viewfinder as you would for a still photograph.就像你拍静物照片时那样,在录像机的取景器里框定拍摄对象。牛津搭配〔picture〕I'd rather see it at the pictures than on video anyway.我本来就宁可去电影院看,而不是看录像。柯林斯高阶〔pirated〕A school technician pirated anything from video nasties to computer games.学校的一名技术人员做盗版,从黄色录像到计算机游戏什么都有。柯林斯高阶〔pitch in〕After we had seen the video everyone started pitching in with comments on its faults.看完录像后,我们大家都纷纷评论其不足之处。剑桥高阶〔platinum〕Her first children's video has gone platinum.她的第一部儿童录像片已达白金销量。英汉大词典〔pornographic〕I found out he'd been watching pornographic videos.我发现他一直在看色情录像。外研社新世纪〔programme〕I've programmed the video to come on at ten.我已经把这台录像机设置在十点钟开机。朗文当代〔recording〕I want to play you a recording of the rehearsal.我想给你放一下彩排的录像。牛津搭配〔record〕There is nothing to stop viewers recording the films on videotape.没有什么办法可以阻止观众用录像机把电影录下来。柯林斯高阶〔release〕The film never got a theatrical release but went straight to video.这部电影从来没有上映过,而是直接制作成了录像带。牛津搭配〔replay〕We watched a replay of the wedding on DVD.我们看了婚礼 DVD 录像的重放。牛津高阶〔resourced〕The school is very well resourced—we have a language laboratory and use computers and videos.我们学校设施完备——我们有一个语言实验室,可以使用计算机和录像设备。柯林斯高阶〔sale〕All video equipment is on sale today and tomorrow.所有录像设备今明两天降价出售。牛津高阶〔secretly〕The videotapes were secretly recorded by the FBI.录像带是联邦调查局秘密录制的。麦克米伦高阶〔servo〕LP (of the recorder) is servoed with 5V.(录像机的)LP方式由伺服系统输出的5伏电压控制。21世纪英汉〔set〕Remember to set the video to record the film.别忘了把录像机设定好录下这部影片。朗文当代〔sit〕Sometimes we just sit up and watch videos all night.有时我们通宵熬夜看录像。朗文当代〔smuggle〕They managed to smuggle a video of the captive journalists out of the prison.他们设法把被俘记者的录像带偷偷带出了监狱。剑桥高阶〔supplant〕DVDs have supplanted videos.*DVD已经取代了录像带。韦氏高阶〔supplant〕Videos have been supplanted by DVDs.录像带已经被DVD取代了。韦氏高阶〔tape〕We need a blank tape so that we can record the film.我们需要一盒空白录像带来录这部电影。麦克米伦高阶〔tape〕We've got the film on tape.本片有录像带。朗文当代〔tide〕This rule was used to stem the tide of imported videos.制定本规定是为了遏制进口录像带的增长。麦克米伦高阶〔tune〕To watch videos, tune the TV to Channel 0.要看录像的话, 调到0频道。外研社新世纪〔vee-jay〕A video jockey.流行音乐电视录像节目播放员美国传统〔video clip〕Video clips from a security camera showed the men breaking into the store.安保摄像机拍摄的一段监控录像中显示那帮人非法闯入了商店。剑桥高阶〔videotape recorder〕A device for making a videotape recording.磁带录像机美国传统〔videotape〕To make a videotape recording of.把…录在录像磁带上美国传统〔video〕A wedding is the perfect subject for video.婚礼是极好的录像主题。牛津高阶〔video〕Andrew videoed us skiing down the mountains.安德鲁拍摄了我们从山上滑雪下来的录像。麦克米伦高阶〔video〕Can you set the video to record the football match? 你能把录像机设定一下录下这场足球比赛吗?朗文当代〔video〕Did you remember to set the video for 'EastEnders'? 你记得把录像机设定好录制《伦敦东区人》了吗?牛津搭配〔video〕He'd set the video for 8.00.他已设好时间, 8点录像。外研社新世纪〔video〕I have seen this video before.我以前看过这部录像。英汉大词典〔video〕Let's stay at home and watch a video .我们呆在家里看录像吧。朗文当代〔video〕My new laptop handles video really well.我的新手提电脑很适合播放录像。剑桥高阶〔video〕She lent me a video.她借给我一盘录像带。外研社新世纪〔video〕The audio is OK but there's a problem with the video.音响还好,但录像画面有问题。韦氏高阶〔video〕The group's new video will be released next month.这个音乐组合的新录像将在下个月发行。牛津搭配〔video〕The movie is already out on video.这部电影已经发行了录像带。牛津搭配〔video〕The school will be making a video of the play.学校将把这出戏拍摄成录像。朗文当代〔wear out〕The tape is worn out.这盘录像带被磨坏了。韦氏高阶〔wind〕Can you wind the video back a little way – I want to see that bit again.你把录像带往回倒一点好吗 — 我想再看一遍那一段。朗文当代〔work〕Many adults depended on their children to work the video.很多成年人仍然要靠孩子来操作录像机。外研社新世纪〔work〕My parents can't even work the video.我父母甚至连录像机都不会使用。朗文当代I don't know what to do tonight -- I'm torn between staying in and watching a video and going to Erika's party.我不知道今晚该做什么----是留在家里看录像还是去参加埃丽卡的聚会,我难以作出选择。剑桥国际I want to record this television programme, but I can't find any blank videos (= those on which nothing has yet been recorded).我想把这电视节目录下来,但是找不到空白的录像带。剑桥国际I've made/put a down payment on a new TV and video.我已支付了一台新买的电视机和录像机的首期款额。剑桥国际In the raid police found several boxes of obscene videotapes.警察在突然搜查中发现了几箱淫秽录像带。剑桥国际Many people now own a video recorder.如今许多人都有录像机。剑桥国际Our catalogue contains a wide range of marital aids, including sex toys, erotic books and educational videos.我们有许多性辅助商品,包括性玩具,性知识书籍和教育录像带。剑桥国际Prices of video recorders have come down --we paid £250 for ours and now it's on sale for only £150.录像机的价格下降了----我们的那台付了250英镑,现在只卖150镑。剑桥国际Send for an educational video post-free.寄教育录像带邮资免付。剑桥国际The police replayed the video of the robbery in court.警方在法庭上重放了有关抢劫的录像。剑桥国际The remote control works by sending infra-red impulses to a receiver in the video recorder.遥控器靠向录像机上的接收器发射红外脉冲而运作。剑桥国际They turned the man/the videos over to the police.他们把那个男人/录像送交警方。剑桥国际This new video-recorder is supposed to be foolproof.这种新型录像机说是傻瓜都会用的。剑桥国际Video rental is now a major counterattraction to cinema-going.录像带租赁如今已成为上电影院的主要竞争形式。剑桥国际




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