

单词 场景
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔biblical〕biblical scholarship/times/scenes 与《圣经》有关的研究╱时代╱场景牛津高阶〔clubland〕the clubland scene 夜总会场景剑桥高阶〔club〕the club scene in Newcastle 纽卡斯尔的夜总会场景牛津高阶〔continuity〕a continuity of scenes 一连串的场景文馨英汉〔cut〕approved the final cut for distribution. 核准最后一个场景美国传统〔delightful〕a movie that's full of delightfully comic moments 一部充满愉快喜剧场景的影片朗文当代〔dialogue〕a badly dialogued scene对白很糟糕的场景外研社新世纪〔domestic〕a cosy domestic scene 温馨的家庭场景麦克米伦高阶〔evoke〕the scene evoking memories of those old movies. 唤起对那些老电影的记忆的场景柯林斯高阶〔excise〕excised the tumor; excised two scenes from the film. 切掉一个肿瘤;切掉电影中两个场景美国传统〔factor〕factor the panorama into a few scenes 把全景分解成几个场景英汉大词典〔gambol〕the sight of newborn lambs gambolling in the fields新出生的小羊羔在田野里蹦蹦跳跳的场景外研社新世纪〔gory〕the gory death scenes, shown in graphic detail历历在目的血腥死亡场景外研社新世纪〔graphically〕graphic scenes of drug taking. 赤裸裸的吸毒场景柯林斯高阶〔image〕painters capturing images of war 表现战争场景的画家韦氏高阶〔interiorize〕interiorize a scene 把某一场景内景化英汉大词典〔landscape〕a far-reaching change in the political landscape of the country 国家政治场景上的深远变化英汉大词典〔mawkish〕a mawkish scene悲伤的场景外研社新世纪〔mime〕a dance in which a woman mimed a lot of dainty housework一名女性舞者以多种优美的动作表现家务劳动场景的舞蹈外研社新世纪〔nightmarish〕a nightmarish scene of dead bodies lying in the streets满街死尸的恐怖场景外研社新世纪〔real-life〕a real-life scene 真实生活场景英汉大词典〔retake〕a retake of a scene一个场景的重拍镜头外研社新世纪〔scene〕the funeral/wedding scene 葬礼/婚礼场景剑桥高阶〔scene〕the opening scene of 'A Christmas Carol'. 《圣诞颂歌》的开篇场景柯林斯高阶〔scored〕scored scenes 配乐的几个场景英汉大词典〔setting〕a dramatic setting in Cornwall 设置在康沃尔的戏剧场景牛津搭配〔set〕a movie set 电影场景剑桥高阶〔shocking〕scenes of shocking violence 让人极其反感的暴力场景麦克米伦高阶〔shoot〕shot the scene in one take. 一次就把这个场景拍完美国传统〔soft〕soft charcoal shading; a scene filmed in soft focus. 柔和的木炭画;焦点迷散的拍摄场景美国传统〔style〕six scenes in the style of a classical Greek tragedy. 6 个古典希腊悲剧式的场景柯林斯高阶〔superimpose〕a Shakespearean play superimposed upon a modern setting 套在现代场景中的莎士比亚戏剧韦氏高阶〔tableau〕a nativity tableau. 基督降生的舞台场景柯林斯高阶〔tableau〕historical tableaux 历史场景的舞台造型韦氏高阶〔televisual〕televisual views of actual historical scenes 实际历史场景的电视镜头英汉大词典〔theory〕probably thea [a viewing] 可能为 thea [场景] 美国传统〔vibrant〕a vibrant scene of village life 一幕生气盎然的乡村生活场景英汉大词典〔visualize〕tried to visualize the scene as it was described. 尽力设想所描绘的场景美国传统〔visual〕a visual memory of the scene. 对场景的形象记忆美国传统〔work〕an image of teaching which highlighted the stressful and difficult aspects of the teacher's work. 突出显示了教师工作的压力和困难的教学场景柯林斯高阶




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