单词 | 场景 |
释义 | DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DO/NOT DO〕The advertisement shows two firefighters in action putting out a blaze. 广告中出现两名救火员在扑灭大火的场景。朗文写作活用〔FEEL〕The scene at the end of Act III is very moving, when Rafaella finds out that her husband has betrayed her. 第三幕结束时的场景很感人,此时瑞法拉发现丈夫已背叛了她。朗文写作活用〔LAST〕The closing scene of ‘Casablanca’ is one of the great moments of film history. 《北非谍影》片尾的场景是电影史上最精彩的时刻之一。朗文写作活用〔Nativity〕They admired the tableau of the Nativity.他们欣赏着耶稣降生的场景造型。柯林斯高阶〔TIME〕The afternoon flew by as they went through the next scene together. 他们在一起排练下一个场景时,下午就不知不觉地很快过去了。朗文写作活用〔Vanity Fair〕A place or scene of ostentation or empty, idle amusement and frivolity.名利场:虚饰或空虚无聊的娱乐以及轻薄举动的场所或场景美国传统〔accessible〕I had to keep the video camera readily accessible in case I saw something that needed to be filmed.我必须把摄像机放在手边, 以备万一碰到需要拍摄的场景时可以立即拍摄。外研社新世纪〔adoration〕The painting depicts the Three Wise Men kneeling in adoration of the baby Jesus.这幅画描绘了三贤跪拜圣婴耶稣的场景。剑桥高阶〔apposite〕The film starts in a graveyard, an apposite image for the decaying society which is the theme of the film.这部电影以坟地的场景开场,这个恰如其分的意象揭示了电影的主题——一个走向衰亡的社会。剑桥高阶〔attention〕It 's clear that a great deal of care and attention was put into the movie sets.很明显,这部电影非常注意场景设计。牛津搭配〔brand〕The scene of slaughter was branded in their minds.屠杀的场景已铭刻在他们的心中。外研社新世纪〔camera〕They were caught on camera as they brutally attacked a man.他们粗暴打人的场景被拍了下来。剑桥高阶〔candidate〕They needed a location for the film, and the church was the obvious candidate.他们需要一个拍电影的场景,教堂显然可能被选中。麦克米伦高阶〔commentary〕The deleted scenes have an optional commentary by the director.被删除的场景有导演的随片可选评论。牛津搭配〔conceive〕I find the whole scenario hard to conceive.我感到整个场景都令人难以想象。麦克米伦高阶〔contextual〕The writer builds up a clever contextual picture of upper-class life.作家通过上下文巧妙展现了上流社会的生活场景。外研社新世纪〔cut〕The audience wants more music and less drama, so we've cut some scenes.观众想要多一些音乐,少一些表演,所以我们删掉了一些场景。柯林斯高阶〔cut〕The controversial scene was cut from the film.有争议的电影场景被剪掉了。外研社新世纪〔devour〕He watched intently, devouring the scene before him with his eyes.他聚精会神地注视着眼前的场景。韦氏高阶〔dismemberment〕They found a scene of unbelievable horror involving bodies in various states of decay and dismemberment.他们发现了一个令人难以置信的恐怖场景,里面是各种腐烂和被肢解的尸体。柯林斯高阶〔dissolve〕The scene dissolved into a flashback.这个场景淡入为一个闪回镜头。外研社新世纪〔distressing〕Some viewers may find these scenes distressing.有些观众可能会觉得这些场景令人难过。外研社新世纪〔disturbing〕The following programme contains scenes that may be disturbing to some viewers.以下节目可能会有一些使某些观众感到不适的场景。剑桥高阶〔disturb〕Some scenes are violent and may disturb younger viewers.某些场景中有暴力内容,可能会使年幼些的观众产生焦虑情绪。剑桥高阶〔dizziness〕The dizziness of the camerawork gives the scene a confusing quality.令人头晕目眩的镜头运动营造出一种惶惑的场景。剑桥高阶〔dolly〕To move the wheeled apparatus on which a movie or television camera is mounted toward or away from the scene of action.移动摄影车:以使电影或电视摄影机靠近或离开场景移动的摄影车美国传统〔end〕A wedding scene ends the film.这部电影以婚礼场景作为结尾。韦氏高阶〔evoke〕The scene evoked memories of those old movies.这个场景唤起了人们关于那些老电影的记忆。外研社新世纪〔explosion〕The filmmakers staged the car's explosion.影片制作人制造了汽车爆炸的场景。韦氏高阶〔extreme〕Some of the scenes were unpleasant in the extreme.有些场景令人极其反感。剑桥高阶〔fade〕Fade out the music at the end of the scene.在这个场景的末尾把音乐减弱。牛津高阶〔fast forward〕He fast-forwarded the tape past the explosion.他让带子快进,跳过爆炸场景。柯林斯高阶〔film〕The film opens with a bird's-eye shot of London.电影以伦敦的鸟瞰场景开始。牛津搭配〔film〕These scenes were filmed on location in Ireland.这些场景拍摄于爱尔兰的外景地。外研社新世纪〔flash-forward〕The episode or scene depicted by means of this device.用这种手法描写的事件或场景美国传统〔flat〕Stage scenery on a movable wooden frame.景片:安放在可移动的木架上的舞台场景美国传统〔flipping〕This is such a flipping horrible picture.这真是一幅可怕的场景。外研社新世纪〔gaiety〕Flags and bunting added to the gaiety of the scene.各色旌旗增添了场景的欢乐气氛。英汉大词典〔graphic〕The film contains graphic scenes of drug taking.这部电影有生动的吸毒场景。外研社新世纪〔gratuitous〕The film was criticized for its gratuitous violence.这部电影因其无端的暴力场景而受到指责。韦氏高阶〔hypothetical〕Let us consider a hypothetical scenario.让我们想象一种场景。外研社新世纪〔image〕I like to build up images of the characters and setting before I start to write.我喜欢在落笔之前想好人物形象和场景。牛津搭配〔imagination〕His imagination conjured up a vision of the normal family life he had never had.他脑海里勾画出一幅他从未体验过的普通家庭生活的场景。牛津搭配〔infinity〕A distance setting, as on a camera, beyond which the entire field is in focus.无限远标志:一个距离的设定,比如在照像机上,表示整个场景都在焦点内美国传统〔integral〕The scene isn't really integral to the plot.这个场景在情节中并非真的不可缺少。麦克米伦高阶〔little〕He memorized every little detail of the scene.他记住了那场景的每一个细节。韦氏高阶〔logger〕The scene shows one of the loggers threatening the environmentalists.这个场景表现一名伐木工人正在威胁这些环保人士。外研社新世纪〔magnet〕A person, a place, an object, or a situation that exerts attraction.有吸引力的人、地方、物体或者场景美国传统〔masking〕A piece of theatrical scenery used to conceal a part of the stage from the audience.垂幕:从观众的角度遮蔽舞台上某个部分的一块剧场景片美国传统〔meaning〕The movie ends with scenes that are supposed to leave us pondering its meaning.这部电影结尾的场景意在让我们自己去思索其含义所在。牛津搭配〔mime〕The art of portraying characters and acting out situations or a narrative by gestures and body movement without the use of words; pantomime.哑剧,模拟表演:用手势和身体的动作而不用言语来表现人物和场景或者来叙事的艺术;哑剧美国传统〔mime〕The whole of the banquet scene is mimed.整个宴会的场景是以哑剧的形式表演的。剑桥高阶〔mise en scène〕Physical environment; surroundings.背景,现场情况:物质环境;场景美国传统〔pad〕The film is padded with scenes of the girls dressing up in costumes and doing tunes from musicals.这部电影拖泥带水, 有很多场景表现少女盛装打扮并演唱音乐剧歌曲。外研社新世纪〔particularity〕She described the scene with great particularity.她极为详细地描述了当时的场景。韦氏高阶〔play for laughs〕Most performers would have taken a serious tone during the scene, but he decided to play it for laughs.大多数表演者在这个场景中都会用严肃的口吻,但他决定搞笑一回。韦氏高阶〔posterity〕A photographer recorded the scene on video for posterity.摄影师用摄像机为后代记录下了这个场景。柯林斯高阶〔program music〕Compositions intended to depict or suggest definite incidents, scenes, or images.标题音乐:用来描述或暗示一定的事件、场景或意象的音乐美国传统〔psychodrama〕A psychotherapeutic and analytic technique in which people are assigned roles to be played spontaneously within a dramatic context devised by a therapist.心理表演治疗法:一种精神治疗和分析方法病人在医师设计的一个戏剧性场景中扮演角色,并自然地表演美国传统〔realistic〕The violence is horribly realistic.暴力场景逼真得吓人。外研社新世纪〔realize〕These details help to realize the scene.这些细节有助于使场景显得真实。英汉大词典〔relive〕Whenever I smell burning, I relive the final moments of the crash.一闻到东西烧焦的味道,我就觉得好像又回到了那次撞车事故中最后几分钟的场景中。剑桥高阶〔retainer〕I found the gardener, a family retainer, morosely surveying the scene.我发现这个园丁——家里一个服侍多年的仆人,愁眉苦脸地审视着这个场景。柯林斯高阶〔retake〕It took seven retakes to get the scene exactly right.这个场景重拍了7次才完全达到要求。剑桥高阶〔rewind〕Will you rewind that scene so we can watch it again? 你能倒回到那个场景让我们再看一遍吗?剑桥高阶〔ripe〕John Carpenter's ripe B-movie boasts creepy set pieces and the authoritative presence of the great Donald Pleasence.约翰•卡朋特那些出格的B级片里常出现惊悚的场景以及了不起的唐纳德•普利森斯高高在上的身影。外研社新世纪〔same〕His latest movie is just more of the same—exotic locations, car chases and a final shoot-out.他的最新影片只不过是老一套,异国的场景、追车场面,以及最后的一场枪战。牛津高阶〔savage〕Seeing such a terrible sight before his eyes, he was savaged by his enemy's atrocity.看到眼前这可怖的场景,他被敌方的暴行激怒了。21世纪英汉〔scene〕He surveyed the scene with horror.他查看这一场景时心里充满了恐惧。牛津搭配〔scene〕The scene of this opera is laid (或set) in Switzerland.这部歌剧的场景安排在瑞士。英汉大词典〔scene〕There were scenes of great joy as the hostages were reunited with their families.当人质与家人团聚时,眼前是一幕幕无比喜悦的场景。剑桥高阶〔scene〕We sat in horror watching the scenes of violence unfold before us.我们惊恐地呆坐着,目睹暴力场景一幕幕在眼前呈现。牛津搭配〔sequence〕Scenes of a film are often shot out of sequence.电影场景常常不按电影放映顺序拍摄。麦克米伦高阶〔sequence〕The movie includes a few exciting action sequences.这部影片有几组激动人心的动作场景。牛津搭配〔setting〕The park provides the perfect setting for the play.公园为这部戏提供了极为适宜的场景。牛津搭配〔sex〕Movies containing scenes of explicit sex are banned.有露骨性爱场景的电影禁止上映。牛津搭配〔shooting script〕The final version of a movie or television script with the scenes arranged in sequence as they are to be filmed or taped.分镜头剧本:电影或电视剧本的最后定稿,其中各个场景以其将被拍摄或录制的顺序编排美国传统〔showcase〕A setting in which someone or something may be displayed, especially to advantage.展示地:可供某人或某物进行展示的场景,尤指为获取利益美国传统〔smithereens〕So many films involve everyone and everything being blown to smithereens.许多电影中都有人和东西被炸得粉碎的场景。剑桥高阶〔spectacle〕It was a strange spectacle to see the two former enemies shaking hands and slapping each other on the back.见到两个宿敌握手言欢,拍着彼此的背部,真是一幅奇怪的场景。剑桥高阶〔stage〕The scene of an event or a series of events.场景:一件事的场景或一连串事件美国传统〔stuntman〕A man who substitutes for a performer in scenes requiring physical daring or involving physical risk.替身演员:在需要胆量或有生命危险的场景中替代演员的人美国传统〔stuntwoman〕A woman who substitutes for a performer in scenes requiring physical daring or involving physical risk.特技女演员:在需要胆量或有生命危险的场景中替代演员的女性特技演员美国传统〔symbolism〕The scene is so rich in symbolism that any explanation risks spoiling the effect.该场景具有丰富的象征意义,任何解释都可能破坏其效果。柯林斯高阶〔tableau vivant〕A scene presented on stage by costumed actors who remain silent and motionless as if in a picture.舞台造型:舞台上的演员如同在一幅画中那样保持沉默和静止,从而展示出一个场景美国传统〔take〕A scene filmed or televised without interrupting the run of the camera.一个镜头:没有让摄影机中途停拍而成的一段电影或电视场景美国传统〔take〕It took us 20 takes to get the scene right.我们连拍了20个镜头才拍好这个场景。韦氏高阶〔talky〕The action scenes do a lot to make up for a slow and talky opening.那几个动作场景充分弥补了进展迟缓且对话过多的开场部分。英汉大词典〔touch〕With a touch of his brush he captured the scene.他画笔一挥就再现了那个场景。外研社新世纪〔visualize〕She tried to visualize the scene he was describing.她尽力去想象他所描绘的场景。韦氏高阶〔word〕The word 'cruise' conjures up images of a luxury.* cruise (巡游)这个词使人想起奢华的场景。牛津搭配〔zoom out〕The camera zoomed out to show a wider view of the scene.将照相机镜头推远,以便拍出更广阔的场景。韦氏高阶Gothic tales are usually set in haunted castles, graveyards or ruins.哥特派故事的场景一般是在闹鬼的城堡,坟墓或废墟。剑桥国际In the second half of the opera, the scene shifts to (= the action starts to happen in) a city street at night.这部歌剧的后半部分,场景移到夜晚的街头。剑桥国际The card showed a Christmassy scene of people singing carols (=Christmas songs) in a snowy street.这张贺卡显示了一幅圣诞节的场景,人们在白雪覆盖的街道上唱圣诞颂歌。剑桥国际The film depicts capitalist decadence, with champagne flowing into glasses, smoky rooms, promiscuity and corrupt leaders.影片用畅饮香槟、乌烟瘴气的房间、男女的滥交以及腐败的领导人等场景来描述资本主义的堕落。剑桥国际The film ‘2001’ has a spaceship as its setting.电影《2001》的场景是一艘宇宙飞船。剑桥国际The last scene has been cut from the film. 最后一个场景已从影片中剪去。译典通The new production at the National Theatre takes us on a romp through the rudest bits of Shakespeare.国家剧院的新演出通过莎士比亚戏剧中最粗野的片断让我们经历了嬉耍喧闹场景。剑桥国际The scene of this play is set in Ireland. 这出戏的场景是在爱尔兰。译典通 |
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