

单词 异物
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔aspiration〕pulmonary aspiration of gastric contents从胃吸入肺部的异物外研社新世纪〔body〕a foreign body in the eye 眼中的异物英汉大词典〔body〕an operation to remove a foreign body(= sth that would not usually be there)from a wound 清除伤口异物的手术牛津高阶〔foreign body〕a foreign body in the eye. 眼中的异物柯林斯高阶〔foreign〕a foreign body in his eye.他眼睛里的异物。牛津同义词〔foreign〕a foreign body in the eye 眼睛里的异物英汉大词典〔foreign〕a foreign object in the eye. 眼睛中的异物美国传统〔foreign〕a foreign object/substance 异物剑桥高阶〔foreign〕cells that are designed to attack and destroy foreign bodies 旨在攻击并摧毁异物的细胞朗文当代〔foreign〕foreign objects in the food 食物中不应有的异物(如碎玻璃等) 英汉大词典〔object〕people who claim to have found foreign objects in cans 宣称在罐头里发现异物的人牛津搭配〔substance〕foreign substances that contaminated the experiments 使实验受到污染的异物牛津搭配




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