

单词 币值
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MIDDLE〕As the value of the US dollar fell in the mid-1980s, so did the value of UK reserves. 20世纪80年代中期随着美元币值的下跌,英国的货币储备价值也随之下跌。朗文写作活用〔REACH〕Analysts say that the value of the Euro could hit rock bottom in the next few months. 分析师说接下来的几个月,欧元的币值可能降至最低点。朗文写作活用〔currency〕The system allows currencies to fluctuate within certain limits.这一机制容许币值在一定的限度内波动。牛津搭配〔dollar〕The dollar is worth more in Mexico.美元在墨西哥币值更高。韦氏高阶〔exchange〕The amount of difference in the actual value of two or more currencies or between values of the same currency at two or more places.兑换率的差异:两种或多种币值之差价或同一种币值在两地或多地的价值差额美国传统〔halfpenny〕A British coin worth one half of a new penny.半便士:一种英国硬币,币值是新版便士的一半美国传统〔halfpenny〕A British coin worth one half of an old penny, no longer in circulation.半便士:一种英国硬币,币值是老便士的一半,已不再流通美国传统〔inexpensive〕Their currency is undervalued, making their goods inexpensive for foreigners.他们的货币币值偏低,使他们的货物对外国人来说价格低廉。牛津搭配〔lean〕The value of the pound will force British companies to be leaner and fitter.英镑的币值将迫使英国公司厉行精兵简政。外研社新世纪〔monetary unit〕The standard unit of value of a currency, as the dollar in the United States or the peso in Mexico.货币单位:币值的标准单位,例如美国的美金或墨西哥的披索美国传统〔position〕When a trader holds a large position in a falling currency, he is obliged to make margin payments every month.当交易者在币值下跌中持有较大的仓位量时, 就不得不每月缴纳保证金。外研社新世纪〔rallied〕They tried to rally the pound sterling but in vain.他们企图恢复英镑币值,但劳而无功。21世纪英汉〔real〕Charitable donations declined in real dollars last year.按美元实际币值计算,去年慈善捐赠额下降了。韦氏高阶〔revaluate〕To increase the exchange value of (a nation's currency).币值的重新调整:增加(一国货币)的兑换值美国传统〔revalue〕To revise the value of (a nation's currency).重调(货币)的币值:调整(一国货币)的币价美国传统〔sink〕The value of their currency sank to almost nothing.他们的币值跌到几乎等于零。文馨英汉〔slump〕The currency slumped to a record low.币值跌到了历史低点。朗文当代〔small change〕Coins of low denomination.零钱:币值小的硬币美国传统〔sou〕One of several coins formerly used in France, worth a small amount.苏:旧时法国的一种硬币,币值很小美国传统Last year the dollar lost 9.6% of its value against a trade-weighted basket of currencies.去年美元币值对贸易加权一揽子货币下跌了 9.6%。牛津商务Remember to take some small change to use at the launderette.别忘了带些在自助洗衣店里用的小币值硬币。剑桥国际The country's currency headed south for the second day, weakening 1.4%.这国的币值连续两天下跌,跌幅达 1.4%。牛津商务The currency fell to a two-week low against (= compared to) the dollar.这一货币兑美元的币值下跌到两周来的最低点。牛津商务The pound left the ERM when its value fell below its required level.当其币值低于被要求水平时,英镑脱离开了汇率机构。剑桥国际The value of sterling fluctuated within a narrow range yesterday.英镑币值昨天在小范围内波动。剑桥国际The value of the dollar may fall. 美元的币值可能下降。译典通The value of the pound against a basket of world currencies has fallen to 81% of its 1985 value.英镑对一些世界货币的币值已经跌到1985年的81%了。剑桥国际The yen is to be revalued.日元的币值将调高。牛津商务




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