

单词 崇拜者
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Boswell〕An assiduous and devoted admirer, student, and recorder of another's words and deeds.极度崇拜者:崇拜另一人言行的殷勤和忠实的、学生和记录者美国传统〔DEAD〕He is a big fan of reggae music and the late Bob Marley. 他是雷盖音乐和已故的鲍勃·马利的狂热崇拜者。朗文写作活用〔Johnsonian〕An admirer or a student of Samuel Johnson or his work.约翰逊研究者:塞缪尔·约翰逊或其作品的崇拜者或研究者美国传统〔Shavian〕An admirer or a disciple of George Bernard Shaw.乔治·伯纳德·萧的崇拜者或门徒美国传统〔Wagnerian〕An admirer or a disciple of Richard Wagner.作曲家瓦格那的崇拜者或门徒美国传统〔admirer〕She soon gained admirers in England and France.不久,她就在英法两国赢得了崇拜者。牛津搭配〔admirer〕The celebrity was surrounded by friends and admirers.这位名人被朋友和崇拜者包围着。麦克米伦高阶〔adoring〕She was lavished with gifts from adoring fans the world over.她收到了世界各地崇拜者寄来的大批礼物。外研社新世纪〔aim〕He leapt into the crowd, aiming a kick at a fan.他跳进人群,对着一个狂热崇拜者踢了一脚。麦克米伦高阶〔all〕The general was an unattractive man to all but his most ardent admirers.除了他那些铁杆崇拜者外,这位将军对于其他人并无吸引力。柯林斯高阶〔among〕Imran was standing among a crowd of admirers.英朗站在一群崇拜者中间。麦克米伦高阶〔army〕She was surrounded by an army of adoring fans.她被大批狂热的崇拜者包围。麦克米伦高阶〔back-slapping〕Scott breaks away from his back-slapping admirers.斯科特摆脱了热情喧嚷的崇拜者。柯林斯高阶〔balletomane〕An ardent admirer of the ballet.芭蕾舞迷:芭蕾舞的狂热崇拜者美国传统〔chant〕Ali was mobbed by adoring crowds chanting his name.阿里被高声反复喊着他名字的崇拜者团团围住。麦克米伦高阶〔cluster〕There was a cluster of fans around him, asking for autographs.一大群崇拜者围着他,找他签名。剑桥高阶〔compliment〕He told her he admired her paintings and she returned/repaid the compliment by saying that she was a fan of his sculptures.他夸赞说他很欣赏她的画,她回敬说她是他的雕刻作品的崇拜者。韦氏高阶〔confession〕A church or group of worshipers adhering to a specific creed.基督教团体(派别):一群坚持特定教义的崇拜者或教堂美国传统〔court〕Dylan was holding court upstairs to a group of fans.迪伦在楼上给一群崇拜者讲笑话。朗文当代〔cram〕Friends and admirers crammed the chapel at the small Los Angeles cemetery where Monroe is buried.梦露的朋友和崇拜者涌进安葬她的洛杉矶小墓地旁的小教堂里。外研社新世纪〔deify〕Valentino was virtually deified by legions of female fans.瓦伦蒂诺几乎被众多的女性崇拜者奉若神明。外研社新世纪〔deify〕Valentino was virtually deified by legions of female fans.瓦伦蒂诺几乎被众多的女性崇拜者奉若神明。柯林斯高阶〔delight〕She won the game easily, to the delight of all her fans.这场比赛她赢得很轻松,令所有的崇拜者大为高兴。牛津高阶〔devotee〕He is a great devotee of the prime minister.他是首相的狂热崇拜者。剑桥高阶〔disillusion by〕The actress disillusioned her fans by her sloppy play.这位女演员马马虎虎的表演使她的崇拜者们感到失望。21世纪英汉〔dress down〕She dresses down in baggy clothes to avoid hordes of admirers.为了避免被成群的崇拜者围追, 她穿上了宽松的便装。外研社新世纪〔exhibition〕He responded in champion's style by treating the fans to an exhibition of power and speed.他向崇拜者展示了他的力量和速度,表现得颇有冠军风范。柯林斯高阶〔fact〕His admirers claim that he came to power perfectly legally, but the fact remains that he did so by exploiting an illegal situation.他的崇拜者称他的上台是完全合法的, 但必须承认, 他是利用了一次非法事件上台的。外研社新世纪〔fact〕His admirers claim that he came to power perfectly legally, but the fact remains that he did so by exploiting an illegal situation.他的崇拜者称他的上台是完全合法的,但必须承认,他是利用了一次非法事件上台的。柯林斯高阶〔fan base〕His fan base is mostly middle-aged ladies.他的崇拜者大多是中年女士。柯林斯高阶〔fan club〕I'm not in his fan club.我不是他的崇拜者。外研社新世纪〔fan〕He's a big fan of Elvis Presley.他是“猫王”的狂热崇拜者。朗文当代〔fan〕His wife was a great fan of Frank Sinatra.他妻子是弗兰克•辛纳屈的狂热崇拜者。外研社新世纪〔fan〕I'm a big fan of Madonna.我是麦当娜的狂热崇拜者。麦克米伦高阶〔fervent〕I have always been one of his most fervent admirers.我一直是他最热心的崇拜者之一。麦克米伦高阶〔fetishist〕He is said to be a hygiene and religion fetishist.据说他是个卫生和宗教的盲目崇拜者。英汉大词典〔flood〕She was inundated by floods of fan mail.她收到了崇拜者雪片般的来信。牛津搭配〔go into sth〕Some of the fans seemed to go into a trance when she appeared on stage.当她出现在舞台上时,她的一些崇拜者好像着了魔一样。剑桥高阶〔god〕His most devoted fans think of him as a sort of god.他在大多数忠实的崇拜者心目中就像是一个神。剑桥高阶〔god〕To her fans she's a god.对她的狂热崇拜者来说,她就是偶像。牛津高阶〔harried〕He was harried by constant bothering of his fans.他的崇拜者的不断打扰令他十分苦恼。21世纪英汉〔idolater〕One who blindly or excessively admires or adores another.盲目崇拜者:盲目地或过分地羡慕或喜欢别人的美国传统〔inundate〕They have inundated me with fan letters.他们转给我的崇拜者来信都快把我淹没了。外研社新世纪〔jealous〕Sophia had admirers, and I was jealous of them.索菲娅有很多崇拜者,我很嫉妒他们。麦克米伦高阶〔legion〕Her admirers were legion. His mistakes were legion.她的崇拜者很多。他的错误很多美国传统〔legion〕The actress had a legion of fans.这个女演员拥有一大批崇拜者。英汉大词典〔mega〕He was mega popular with the fans.他极受其崇拜者的喜爱。麦克米伦高阶〔number one〕I'm your number one fan.我是你的超级崇拜者。剑桥高阶〔obsessive〕He is the latest star to become the focus of obsessive fans.他是成为痴迷的崇拜者关注焦点的最新一位明星。麦克米伦高阶〔overzealous〕He had to be protected from overzealous fans.他不得不被保护起来,与过分热心的崇拜者保持距离。剑桥高阶〔pull〕He said the support of his fans had pulled him through.他说他的崇拜者们的支持帮他渡过了难关。麦克米伦高阶〔roar〕The fans roared (out) their approval.崇拜者大声叫好。牛津高阶〔self-same〕You find yourself worshipped by the self-same people who beat you up at school.你发现原来在学校里痛扁你的同一群人现在成了你的崇拜者。柯林斯高阶〔sell〕Selling their fans short in such a shabby way is not acceptable.如此过分地怠慢他们的崇拜者令人无法接受。柯林斯高阶〔sigh〕His departure prompted a few wistful sighs and the odd tear from admirers.他的离去引来崇拜者的几声悲叹和些许眼泪。牛津搭配〔stage〕A fan jumped up onto the stage.一个狂热崇拜者跳到台上。牛津搭配〔stalk〕She was stalked by an obsessed fan.她被一名痴迷的崇拜者盯梢。朗文当代〔stream〕Traffic was streaming by. Fan mail streamed in.车辆川流不息崇拜者信件大量涌至美国传统〔surround〕He's always been surrounded by people who adore him.他总是被崇拜者包围。朗文当代〔switchboard〕Hundreds of fans jammed the switchboard for over an hour.在一个多小时里,好几百个崇拜者打去电话,交换台应接不暇。牛津高阶〔take the piss (out of) sb or sth〕They're always taking the piss out of him because he's a Barry Manilow fan.他们总是取笑他,因为他是巴里‧马尼洛的狂热崇拜者。剑桥高阶〔talented〕She has a huge army of young fans, and is extremely talented.她拥有一大批年轻的崇拜者,而且她极具天赋。柯林斯高阶〔thank you〕The actor sent a big thank you to all his fans for their letters of support.这位演员向所有来信表示支持的崇拜者表示万分感谢。牛津高阶〔touch〕She prefers to answer any fan mail herself for a more personal touch.她喜欢针对每一位崇拜者的来信,亲自予以回复。牛津高阶〔to〕The princess stepped ashore to be greeted by an enthusiastic crowd of admirers.王妃踏上岸,受到一群崇拜者的热烈欢迎。朗文当代〔triumphantly〕The fans cheered triumphantly.崇拜者们兴高采烈地欢呼。韦氏高阶〔uncritical〕I'm hardly an uncritical admirer of the police.我绝不是警方的盲目崇拜者。外研社新世纪〔vie〕Screaming fans vied to get closer to their idol.尖声喊叫的崇拜者争先恐后地涌向他们的偶像。牛津高阶〔vigil light〕A candle lighted by a worshiper for a special devotional purpose.祷告烛:为了某种特殊的虔诚目的由崇拜者点燃的蜡烛美国传统〔witch〕A believer or follower of Wicca; a Wiccan.巫术崇拜者;巫术迷信的追随者美国传统〔worshipper〕Are you more of a sun worshipper or a sightseer? 你更接近于阳光崇拜者还是观光者呢?麦克米伦高阶〔would〕His fans would already be familiar with Caroline.他的崇拜者们肯定已经很熟悉卡罗琳了。柯林斯高阶After they had done their lap of honour they were besieged by fans demanding their autographs.绕场一周之后,他们被要求签名的崇拜者围住了。剑桥国际Her bodyguards shouldered her fans out of the way as she walked up the steps.当她走上台阶时,她的保镖用肩膀将崇拜者推开。剑桥国际Importunate admirers had blocked the entrance to the hotel in their efforts to catch a glimpse of the film star.胡搅蛮缠的崇拜者们为了看上一眼电影明星堵住了旅馆的入口。剑桥国际It was suggested that some children have recently been the victims of satanic abuse (= cruel treatment by people who worship Satan).有人反映一些儿童近来成为撒旦崇拜者虐待的受害者。剑桥国际She / He has many admirers (=men / women who are attracted to her / him).她/他有许多崇拜者。剑桥国际She was an admirer of the late president. 她是已故总统的崇拜者。译典通She's got a secret admirer who keeps sending her gifts through the post.她有一个不断给她邮寄礼物的秘密崇拜者。剑桥国际The fans, who had been waiting for several hours, were in a real lather.崇拜者们等了好几个小时,非常着急。剑桥国际The three-hour ceremony was relayed on giant television screens to thousands of worshippers in the surrounding streets.这个3小时的仪式在巨大的电视屏幕上对四周街道上成千上万的崇拜者们进行了转播。剑桥国际There was a little cluster of admirers around the actress. 女演员周围拥著一小群崇拜者。译典通They are admirers of the great philosopher. 他们是那位伟大哲人的崇拜者。译典通They are enthusiastic admirers of that movie star. 他们是那位电影明星的狂热崇拜者。译典通




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