

单词 差距
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔DIFFERENT〕the disparity in wealth between the highest and the lowest employees 最高级与最低级职员之间在财富上的巨大差距朗文写作活用〔TOWN〕deep divisions in wealth between town and country 城乡居民之间财富的巨大差距朗文写作活用〔area〕the widening economic gap between urban and rural areas 城乡越来越大的经济差距牛津搭配〔between〕the gap between rich and poor 贫富差距麦克米伦高阶〔bridge〕a fund that bridges the gap between students' needs and their incomes 缩短学生需要和学生收入之间差距的基金麦克米伦高阶〔chasm〕the chasm between rich and poor in America. 美国显著的贫富差距柯林斯高阶〔credibility〕a credibility gap between the Government's promises and their achievements 政府的承诺和所兑现事项之间的信用差距朗文当代〔difference〕a(n) age/price/temperature difference 年龄差距/价格差异/温度不同剑桥高阶〔differential〕a price differential 价格差距剑桥高阶〔disparity〕the great disparity of wealth between rich and poor countries富国和贫国在财富上的巨大差距外研社新世纪〔disparity〕the region's increasing income disparity 这一地区不断加剧的收入差距韦氏高阶〔disparity〕their disparity in age and lack of any real common ground他们在年龄上的差距以及真正共同点的缺乏外研社新世纪〔distance〕the social distance between farmers and farm workers 农场主和农场工人的社会地位上的差距麦克米伦高阶〔distant〕distant thoughts. 思想有差距的美国传统〔divide〕policies which have widened the divide between rich and poor 导致贫富差距扩大的政策牛津搭配〔division〕the growing division between rich and poor 越来越大的贫富差距麦克米伦高阶〔equalization〕to equalize the gap in…填补在…上的差距21世纪英汉〔gap〕a gap between revenue and spending; the widening gap between rich and poor. 收入和消费之间的差距;富人与穷人之间很大的悬殊美国传统〔gap〕a trade gap of $50 million 5000万美元的贸易差距英汉大词典〔gap〕the gap between rich and poor 贫富之间的差距牛津高阶〔gap〕the gap between rich and poor. 贫富差距柯林斯高阶〔gap〕the knowledge gap between doctor and patient 医患之间的知识差距牛津搭配〔gap〕the widening gap between the rich and the poor 贫富之间越来越大的差距朗文当代〔grotesquely〕the grotesque disparities between the wealthy few and nearly everyone else. 少数富人与几乎所有其他人之间悬殊的贫富差距柯林斯高阶〔gulf〕trying to close the widening gulf between the rich and the poor 试图缩小日益扩大的贫富差距麦克米伦高阶〔haves〕the widening gap between the haves and the have-nots 不断扩大的贫富差距朗文当代〔insuperable〕insuperable odds. 不可逾越的差距美国传统〔interval〕the interval between greatness and meanness 伟大与卑微的差距英汉大词典〔lofty〕the gap between lofty ideals and grubby reality崇高的理想与龌龊的现实之间的差距外研社新世纪〔marginal〕a marginal seat [constituency] 以少数得票差距赢得的席位[选区]文馨英汉〔narrow〕narrow the gap between city and country life 缩小城乡生活的差距英汉大词典〔opposite〕students at opposite ends of the ability range 能力差距两极的学生牛津高阶〔poor〕the gap between the rich and the poor 贫富差距麦克米伦高阶〔pro〕the small gap between top amateurs and pros in golf 顶级业余高尔夫球手和职业选手之间的微小差距朗文当代〔rich〕the increasing gap between the rich and the poor 不断拉大的贫富差距麦克米伦高阶〔spread〕a four-point spread 四分的差距朗文当代〔tawdry〕the yawning gulf between her fantasies and the tawdry reality. 她的幻想和冷酷的现实之间的巨大差距柯林斯高阶〔wage〕the wage gap between men and women 男女之间的工资差距牛津搭配a continuing divergence between the prices of goods and services 商品价格和服务价格之间的持续差距牛津商务the male-female wage gap 男女工资差距牛津商务




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