

单词 它自己
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BURN〕It's only a small fire - we can leave it to burn itself out. 这只是场小火,我们可以让它自己烧完。朗文写作活用〔ILLNESS/DISEASE〕Minor illnesses such as colds are usually best left to get better by themselves. 像感冒这种小病一般最好让它自己好起来。朗文写作活用〔audience〕Every art form has its own audience.每一种艺术形式都有它自己的爱好者。英汉大词典〔befoul〕The bird befouled its own nest.鸟儿弄脏了它自己的鸟巢。21世纪英汉〔bowl〕Your dog should have his own bowls for food and water.你的狗应该有它自己进食和饮水用的碗。柯林斯高阶〔buoyancy〕Each of the balloons has its own buoyancy.每一个气球有它自己的浮力。文馨英汉〔dovetail〕It compelled other member states to dovetail their policies with its own.它迫使其他会员国,将它们的政策与它自己的相吻合。英汉大词典〔drain〕Don't bother drying the pans - just leave them to drain.不用专门擦干平底锅——让它自己干就行了。剑桥高阶〔echo〕The bat compares the sound of its cry with the sound of the returning echo.蝙蝠把它自己的叫声和折返的回声作比较。牛津搭配〔game〕Hollywood did not enjoy being beaten by the British at its own game.好莱坞可不喜欢在它自己所擅长的领域输给英国人。麦克米伦高阶〔itself〕The dog bit itself.狗咬了它自己。英汉大词典〔its〕Each region has its own customs.每个地区都有它自己的风俗习惯。韦氏高阶〔mind〕My computer seems to have a mind of its own! 我的电脑好像也有它自己的想法!牛津高阶〔peculiarity〕Each city has its own peculiarities, its own history and character.每座城市都有它自己的独特之处,自己的历史和自己的特性。英汉大词典〔per se〕Of, in, or by itself or oneself; intrinsically.亲身,切身:它自己或某人自己的,以或通过自己的;原有地美国传统〔turf〕On its home turf, the combined bank would be unrivalled.那家联合银行在它自己的地盘上就无可匹敌了。外研社新世纪〔turf〕On its home turf, the combined bank would be unrivalled.那家联合银行在它自己的地盘上就无可匹敌了。柯林斯高阶〔wait on〕We cannot wait on the government to make changes at its own pace.我们不可能等待政府按照它自己的步调作出改变。柯林斯高阶In arming the dictator, the US was creating a Frankenstein who threatened their influence in the region.武装那独裁者,美国是在创造一个弗兰肯斯泰因,危及了它自己在那地区的影响。剑桥国际It's advertised as ‘a free-standing barbecue which neatly stows away in its own case for easy storage’.广告里说这是‘一个独立式的烤肉架,可整洁地储藏在它自己的箱子内,存放方便’。剑桥国际Once you push it, it keeps going under its own momentum.一旦你推了它,它就会在它自己的动量作用下继续运动。剑桥国际Scotland has its own criminal law. 苏格兰有它自己的刑法。译典通Your cat keeps on rubbing itself (up) against my leg.你的猫不停地在我的腿上摩擦它自己。剑桥国际




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