

单词 如不
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BAD〕It would be a crime not to take this opportunity to reconstruct our educational system. 如不抓住这一机遇重塑我们的教育体制,真是罪过。朗文写作活用〔BELIEVE〕I finally accepted the fact that I would die if I didn't stop smoking. 我终于接受了这么一个事实:如不戒烟就要没命了。朗文写作活用〔DAMAGE〕If the river is not controlled, it will erode its banks as well as the surrounding farmland. 如不对这条河加以控制,它就会侵蚀两岸及周边的耕地。朗文写作活用〔FAIL〕Constant correction by a teacher is often counterproductive, as the student may become afraid to speak at all. 老师如不断纠正学生的错误往往会事与愿违,因为这样学生会不敢开口说话。朗文写作活用〔FUTURE〕Richard's going to have a heart attack one of these days if he doesn't slow down. 理查德如不放慢速度,总有一天会心脏病发作的。朗文写作活用〔ILLEGAL〕You're breaking the law if you drive without wearing a seat belt. 驾车如不系好安全带即属违法。朗文写作活用〔aortic valve disease〕Untreated aortic valve disease can lead to heart failure.主动脉瓣疾病如不及时治疗可能引起心脏衰竭。剑桥高阶〔appeal〕The teenager has been given leave (= allowed) by the High Court to appeal against her two-year sentence.该少女被判刑两年,高级法院允许她如不服判决可提起上诉。剑桥高阶〔applicant〕Unsuccessful applicants may appeal against the decision.申请失败的人如不服本决定可以上诉。牛津搭配〔atrophied〕An ability may atrophy if it is not used.一种能力如不加以使用将会减退。21世纪英汉〔bed〕Litter in the pigsty beds down if it is not raked.铺在猪圈里的草如不耙松就会粘结成层。英汉大词典〔check〕Life on Earth will become unsustainable unless population growth is held in check.如不控制人口增长, 地球上的生命将无法持续。外研社新世纪〔clip〕If he weren't careful he'd get clipped some fine day.如不小心,他总有一天要挨揍的。英汉大词典〔correct〕Correct my spelling (pronunciation) if it's wrong.我的拼写(发音)假如不对就请纠正。英汉大词典〔deafening〕A silence or lack of response that reveals something significant, such as disapproval or a lack of enthusiasm.震耳欲聋的安静:透露某种重要的事的安静或不回答,例如不同意或缺乏热诚美国传统〔dispossess〕To deprive (another) of the possession or occupancy of something, such as real property.夺取,霸占:剥夺(另一个人)的财产或占有物,如不动产美国传统〔dissatisfied〕Dissatisfied customers can return the product for a full refund.顾客如不满意, 可以全额退款。外研社新世纪〔dissatisfied〕Dissatisfied customers can return the product for a full refund.顾客如不满意可以全额退货。柯林斯高阶〔evaluate〕It's impossible to evaluate these results without knowing more about the research methods employed.如不能对使用的研究方法有更多了解,就无法对其结果作出评价。剑桥高阶〔exchangeable〕These cold dishes are exchangeable if you find they are not satisfactory.这些冷盘如不合意,可以更换。英汉大词典〔included〕Botany Not protruding beyond a surrounding part, as stamens that do not project from a corolla.【植物学】 内藏的:不伸出花冠之外的,如不伸出花冠的雄性花蕊美国传统〔involve〕Refusal of permission will involve them in paying huge compensation.他们如不同意,就要承担一笔巨额赔偿。英汉大词典〔junk mail〕Third-class mail, such as advertisements, mailed indiscriminately in large quantities.三级邮件:如不加区别地大量发出的邮寄广告宣传品美国传统〔live〕Students can live out if they wish.学生如不想住校,可以任意。英汉大词典〔miss out〕Will you feel as if you're missing out if you don't take part in the concert?假如不参加这次音乐会,你会不会感到错过了机会?21世纪英汉〔nag〕To torment persistently, as with anxiety or pain.困扰,折磨:如不安或忧虑一直困扰美国传统〔narrow〕Left untreated, the arteries will gradually narrow, restricting the flow of blood.如不加以治疗,动脉会逐渐变窄,从而限制血液流通。牛津搭配〔paper〕To downplay or gloss over (differences, for example), especially in order to maintain a nominal, apparent, or temporary unity.虚饰:掩饰或暂平息(如不同点),尤其为了维持名义上的、表面的或暂时的团结美国传统〔persistent〕If she hadn't been so persistent she might not have gotten the job.假如不是如此执着,她可能得不到这份工作的。朗文当代〔quit〕If he doesn't pay his rent, he'll receive notice to quit.假如不缴房租,他就会收到搬家的通知。英汉大词典〔repartee〕The first rule of repartee is better never than late.机敏应答的首要原则就是与其迟答不如不答。英汉大词典〔repeat〕This is an offer never to be repeated.如不接受这个报价,以后就再也没有这样的机会了。剑桥高阶〔rust〕Without practice her tennis will rust.如不经常练习,她的网球将会荒废。21世纪英汉〔spoil〕Milk spoils if not refrigerated.牛奶如不冷藏就会变质。英汉大词典〔stop〕If you don't deal with that bill quickly, they might stop your electricity.你如不赶快把账单付掉,他们可能切断你的电。英汉大词典〔tend〕Plants tend to die in hot weather if you don't water them.植物在炎热天气如不浇水容易枯死。英汉大词典〔tenure〕The act, fact, or condition of holding something in one's possession, as real estate or an office; occupation.占有:某人占有某物如不动产或职位的行为、事实或状态;占有美国传统〔trouble〕If I don't get this finished in time, I'll be in trouble.我如不按时把这完成就要倒霉了。牛津高阶〔unchecked〕The plant will soon choke ponds and waterways if left unchecked.如不控制这种植物的生长,池塘和水道很快就要被阻塞。牛津高阶〔wholesale〕This company will not be successful until there are wholesale changes.如不作出重大变革,这家公司不会有所作为。朗文当代I've been told that if I don't shape up, I'll lose my job.我被告知如不好好工作,就会被解职。剑桥国际Sales were up 5%—or 1% excluding currency effects.销售额上升了 5%,如不考虑货币效应则是 1%。牛津商务Send recipes, stating the source if not original, to Emily Green.把配方寄给埃米莉·格林,如不是独创的,请说明出处。剑桥国际




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