

单词 安排
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔ARRANGE〕to carefully or secretly arrange something 仔细地或秘密地安排某事朗文写作活用〔MEET〕arrange to meet someone 安排与某人见面朗文写作活用〔MEET〕to meet someone who you have arranged to meet 按照安排与某人见面朗文写作活用〔accommodation〕living accommodations for the crews 为机组人员安排的住宿朗文当代〔agreeable〕an arrangement agreeable to both sides 对双方都合适的安排英汉大词典〔arrange for〕to arragne for a series of lectures安排一系列讲座21世纪英汉〔arranger〕arrangers of care services for the elderly 安排照料老人的筹划者牛津高阶〔budget〕needed help budgeting our income; budgeted my time wisely. 必需帮助预算我们的收入;明智地安排我的时间美国传统〔choreograph〕advance people who choreographed the candidate's whistle-stop tour. 为候选人短暂停留的巡视作安排的先遣人员美国传统〔communal〕a communal living arrangement 公社生活安排韦氏高阶〔conflict〕a scheduling conflict 日程安排上的冲突韦氏高阶〔curriculum〕curriculum planning 课程安排朗文当代〔domestic〕domestic arrangements.家务的安排。牛津同义词〔exhibition〕the gallery's exhibition schedule for next year 画廊明年的展期安排牛津搭配〔frame〕frame a prizefight. 预先安排职业拳击赛美国传统〔hastily〕a hastily arranged news conference 仓促安排的记者招待会朗文当代〔house〕to house someone.给某人安排住处。牛津同义词〔imprimatur〕give one's imprimatur to such arrangements 同意这样的安排英汉大词典〔job sharing〕a job-sharing arrangement 工作分担安排韦氏高阶〔large〕arrangements made at large 笼统的安排英汉大词典〔lay〕lay out a programme 安排具体方案 英汉大词典〔logistics〕the logistics of modern broadcasting现代广播的统筹安排外研社新世纪〔logistic〕the logistical problems of implementing the proposals 实施这些建议的安排协调问题朗文当代〔management〕time management 时间安排韦氏高阶〔marshal〕marshal the guests at a banquet 为参加宴会的客人安排席位英汉大词典〔order〕order one's life according to strict rules 按照严格的规定安排生活 英汉大词典〔point〕arrange sth. point by point 逐项安排某事英汉大词典〔put〕put sb in (sth) The company is putting in new management. 公司正在安排新的管理层。朗文当代〔reciprocal〕a reciprocal arrangement/relationship 交互的安排/互惠的关系麦克米伦高阶〔regularly〕a regularly scheduled program 安排得有规律的计划韦氏高阶〔reluct〕reluct at the inevitable course of destiny 反抗不可避免的命运安排英汉大词典〔reschedule〕rescheduled the meeting for the following week; rescheduled the debts of many developing nations. 重新安排下个星期的会议;重订许多发展中国家的债务计划美国传统〔schedule〕a schedule of events.活动项目日程安排。牛津同义词〔scheme〕a scheme for the term's work 学期工作安排英汉大词典〔sleeping〕investigations of people's finances, sleeping arrangements and housekeeping habits. 对人们的财务状况、住宿安排以及家务管理习惯的调查柯林斯高阶〔squeeze〕squeeze in a break between two meetings 在两次会议之间设法安排一次休息英汉大词典〔travel〕travel arrangements/insurance/expenses 旅行安排/保险/费用麦克米伦高阶〔up-tempo〕an up-tempo arrangement. 快速度的安排美国传统〔work〕plan one's work for the day 安排一天的工作英汉大词典the flexing of working days/hours 工作日/时间的灵活安排牛津商务




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