

单词 夸耀
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔boast about〕to boast about one's own country夸耀自己的国家21世纪英汉〔boast of〕to boast of one's achievement夸耀自己的成就21世纪英汉〔boastful〕be boastful of sth. 对某事总是夸耀英汉大词典〔boast〕our mother's stern instructions not to boast母亲不准我们自我夸耀的严厉训导外研社新世纪〔boast〕to boast about one's learning,abilities and success夸耀(或吹嘘)自己的学识、能力和成功21世纪英汉〔boast〕to boast of one's deeds夸耀自己的业绩21世纪英汉〔conquest〕people who boast about their sexual/amorous conquests 夸耀他们的性爱俘虏的人韦氏高阶〔display〕a display of one's accomplishments 对自己才艺的夸耀英汉大词典〔modesty〕his modesty about his achievements 他不夸耀自己的成就牛津搭配〔noise〕modern men who make a noise about the fact that they know how to look good 总是夸耀懂得如何打扮的时髦男子朗文当代〔parade〕paraded their wealth.See Synonyms at show 夸耀他们的财富 参见 show美国传统〔parade〕to parade your virtues.夸耀自己的美德。牛津同义词〔showy〕a pretentious scholarly edition; 夸耀的学术版本;美国传统〔show〕show off about the importance of one's job 夸耀自己工作的重要性 英汉大词典〔value〕value oneself on (或for) one's conversational powers 夸耀自己能说会道英汉大词典〔vaunted〕a new and much vaunted national theater 一座新的而备受夸耀的国家剧院文馨英汉〔vaunt〕to vaunt of one's success夸耀自己的成功21世纪英汉〔vaunt〕to vaunt one's achievements夸耀自己的成就21世纪英汉




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