

单词 告发
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CONFUSED〕Police took a burglary report from a bewildered resident. 警方接到一位居民惊慌地报告发生了入室盗窃案。朗文写作活用〔FORCE SB TO DO STH〕The FBI blackmailed her into informing on the other members of the gang. 联邦调查局官员威迫她告发了团伙中的其他成员。朗文写作活用〔NAME〕Send the report to what's-her-name in Accounting. 把这份报告发给会计部的那个叫什么来着。朗文写作活用〔PREFER〕So we're agreed. Our preferable course of action is to do nothing until the report is published. 这样我们意见一致了。最好的做法是在报告发表以前先什么也别做。朗文写作活用〔TELL〕He categorically denied that he had ever informed on dissidents. 他断然否认自己告发过持不同政见者。朗文写作活用〔TELL〕I wouldn't inform on you -- I'm no grass. 我不会告发你的一我绝不会当告密者。朗文写作活用〔TELL〕I'm going to tell if you don't stop messing around. 如果你还是到处胡闹的话,我就要告发你。朗文写作活用〔TELL〕If the others ever found out he'd squealed on them, they'd kill him. 如果其他人发现他告发了他们,就会杀了他。朗文写作活用〔TELL〕Please don't tell on me -- Mum thinks I've been staying at my friend's house. 请别告发我—妈妈以为我一直是在朋友家里呢。朗文写作活用〔affray〕Barnstaple crown court was told he caused an affray at a pub in Braunton, Devon.有人向巴恩斯特珀尔刑事法院告发他在德文郡布朗顿的一家酒馆打架滋事。柯林斯高阶〔aid〕Three auditors were accused of aiding and abetting the men charged with fraud.有人告发三名税务稽查员与那些被控诈骗的人同谋作案。剑桥高阶〔appropriate〕The timing of the announcement was particularly appropriate .通告发布的时机很合适。朗文当代〔astonished〕The announcement was greeted with astonished laughter.通告发布之后爆出令人吃惊的大笑。韦氏高阶〔badness〕The report couldn't have come at a worse time for the European Commission.这份报告发布的时间对欧盟委员会极为不利。柯林斯高阶〔beef〕The victim beefed and went to the police.受害人去向警方告发了。21世纪英汉〔beef〕What if the mark beefs and goes to the police? 假如受害对象向警方告发怎么办?英汉大词典〔c.ross〕The thief fell into the hands of the police after his accomplices crossed him up.窃贼被同伙告发之后落入警察手中。21世纪英汉〔communique〕The announcement was made in a communiqué issued by the Defence Minister.这项通告发布在国防部长发表的公报中。牛津搭配〔denounce to〕She denounced him to the police as a criminal.她向警方告发他是罪犯。21世纪英汉〔denounce〕It was his own brother who denounced him to the secret police.是他的亲兄弟向秘密警察告发了他。麦克米伦高阶〔denounce〕Many people denounced their neighbours to the secret police.许多人向秘密警察告发自己的邻居。牛津高阶〔denunciation〕He could not tell them of his plan for fear of risking denunciation to the police.他不能把自己的计划告诉他们,因为怕有人会向警方告发。英汉大词典〔denunciation〕The act of accusing another of a crime before a public prosecutor.指控告发:在公众执行官面前指控别人是罪犯的行为美国传统〔dime on〕Jack has dimed on him.杰克已告发了他。21世纪英汉〔erase〕The gang had to erase Jack before he informed on them.那伙歹徒不得不在杰克告发他们之前动手干掉了他。21世纪英汉〔exasperate against〕She was exasperated against the informer.她对告发者十分忿怒。21世纪英汉〔ferment〕After their announcement the academic community was thrown into ferment.他们的通告发表以后,学术界沸腾起来了。英汉大词典〔finger〕If Lefty knew who'd put the finger on him, do you think that person would still be walking around?要是莱夫蒂知道是谁告发了他, 你觉得那个人还能四处逍遥吗?外研社新世纪〔finger〕To inform on.告发美国传统〔fink〕He was surprised that one of his cronies had gone fink on him.他想不到他的一个老朋友竟会告发他。英汉大词典〔grass on sb〕Dan grassed on them to the local police.丹向当地警方告发了他们。剑桥高阶〔grass on〕The police would never have caught the jewel robbers if the prisoner had not grassed on them and told them where they were hiding.要不是这罪犯向警方告发了抢劫珠宝的同伙,并说出他们的藏身之地,警方不可能抓到这伙劫匪。21世纪英汉〔grass〕Burton grassed on other prisoners.伯顿告发了其他犯人。朗文当代〔grass〕He must have grassed on us.他肯定告发了我们。英汉大词典〔grass〕He was too loyal to grass on his own brother.他很忠诚,不会告发他的亲兄弟。麦克米伦高阶〔grass〕You wouldn't grass up an old mate, would you? 你不会告发老朋友的,对吗?麦克米伦高阶〔harassment〕We encourage anyone who has been the subject of racial harassment to report it.我们鼓励所有受到种族骚扰的人前来告发。麦克米伦高阶〔impeach〕To make an accusation against.控告,告发美国传统〔informer〕An informer told the police that the store was selling stolen goods.一个告密者向警方告发那家铺子在销售赃物。英汉大词典〔inform〕He informed on his own brother.他告发了他的亲弟弟。牛津高阶〔inform〕I am not going to inform on anyone.我不打算告发任何人。英汉大词典〔inform〕Somebody must have informed on us.肯定有人告发我们了。柯林斯高阶〔inform〕The rule has always been that you don't inform on a friend.不告发朋友是一贯的规矩。麦克米伦高阶〔intelligencer〕A secret agent, an informer, or a spy.情报人员,告发者或间谋美国传统〔lengthy〕The announcement was followed by a lengthy period of silence.公告发布之后, 大家沉默良久。外研社新世纪〔marketing〕Users downloaded the ad and sent it on to friends, a pure form of viral marketing.用户下载广告发送给朋友,这是一种纯粹的病毒式营销。牛津搭配〔medical〕The report was published in a leading medical journal.这份报告发表在一本一流的医学杂志上。韦氏高阶〔onto〕Who put the police onto (= told the police about) her? 是谁向警方告发了她?剑桥高阶〔presence〕The radar reported a presence.雷达报告发现一个物体。英汉大词典〔rat on〕They were accused of encouraging children to rat on their parents.他们被指控唆使儿童告发自己的父母。外研社新世纪〔rat〕He ratted on the gang to the police.他向警方告发团伙。英汉大词典〔rat〕I can't believe that rat turned us in to the police! 我真不敢相信那个小人竟会向警方告发我们!韦氏高阶〔rat〕Someone ratted him out to the police.有人向警方告发了他。韦氏高阶〔rat〕Someone ratted us out to the police.有人向警方告发了我们。牛津高阶〔rat〕You can't rat out your team-mates.你不能告发你的队友。朗文当代〔relation〕An action is brought by the Attorney-General at the relation of X.诉讼由检察长据某某人的告发提起。英汉大词典〔relator〕Law A beneficially interested person on whose behalf an action is maintained by a sovereign power or a state.【法律】 提起公诉的刑事事件的告发人:有权享受利益的人,作为他所代表的统治权力或国家来维持一个行动美国传统〔report back〕They're scared that their sentiments might be reported back to the government.他们很害怕自己的看法有可能被人告发到政府。柯林斯高阶〔report〕A report by the Association of University Teachers finds that only 22 per cent of lecturers in our universities are women.大学教师联合会发表的报告发现只有22%的大学讲师为女性。柯林斯高阶〔report〕I reported him to the police.我向警方告发他。牛津同义词〔report〕Polish referee Ryszard Wojoik reported two Leeds United players for violent conduct.波兰裁判理夏德‧沃耀克告发利联队的两名队员行为粗暴。朗文当代〔report〕The crash happened seconds after the pilot reported engine trouble.飞行员报告发动机有故障后几秒钟飞机就坠毁了。牛津高阶〔report〕There have been many new findings since the original report.最初的报告发表之后又有许多新的发现。牛津搭配〔return mail〕We received a lot of return mail after the announcement.通告发布后我们收到了很多回函。韦氏高阶〔right〕Do you think I was right to report them to the police? 你觉得我向警方告发他们做得对吗?朗文当代〔set〕If I refuse, he'll set the police onto me.如果我拒绝,他就要向警方告发我。朗文当代〔shop〕His ex-wife shopped him to the police.他的前妻向警方告发了他。剑桥高阶〔shop〕Nobody I know would shop their friends to the police.在我认识的人当中,没有人会向警方告发自己的朋友。麦克米伦高阶〔sink to such a level/such depths〕I can't believe you would sink so low as to snitch on your best friends.我无法相信你堕落到如此地步,竟然会告发你最要好的朋友。剑桥高阶〔snitch〕He snitched on his comrades.他告发了他的同伴美国传统〔snitch〕She felt like a fifth-grader who had snitched on a classmate.她觉得自己就像一个告发了同班同学的五年级学生。柯林斯高阶〔speak〕Strictly speaking (= if I behave according to the rules), I should report it to the police.严格地说,我应该向警方告发这件事。剑桥高阶〔split〕Don't you dare split on us! 谅你也不敢告发我们!朗文当代〔split〕She split on her husband to the government.她向当局告发了她的丈夫。21世纪英汉〔split〕They knew Josie wouldn't split on them to the teacher.他们知道乔西不会向老师告发他们的。剑桥高阶〔spy〕He was denounced as a foreign spy.有人告发他是外国间谍。牛津高阶〔squeal〕I arrested him on whom someone had squealed.因有人告发,我抓到了他。21世纪英汉〔superior〕She threatened to report the assistant to his superiors.她威胁说要把助理的事向上级告发。牛津搭配〔tag〕The police officer tagged his car for overtime parking.那名警察给他的汽车贴上逾时停车的告发单。文馨英汉〔tell〕If you hit me, I'll tell.你要是打我,我就去告发你。朗文当代〔tell〕Promise not to tell on me! 答应我,别告发我!牛津高阶〔turn〕Margrave's wife finally turned him in.马格雷夫的妻子最终告发了他。朗文当代〔wise〕Someone put the police wise to the plan of the bank robbers.有人向警方告发了银行抢劫犯们的计划。英汉大词典〔write up〕Lena wrote him up on assault?莉娜告发他人身侵犯?外研社新世纪An announcement will be made next week. 下周将有一个通告发布。译典通Dan grassed on them to the local police.丹向当地警方告发了他们。剑桥国际He denounced the offenders to the authorities. 他向当局告发了肇事者。译典通He informed against the drugpusher. 他告发了那个毒品贩。译典通His former colleagues have denounced him as a spy.他以前的同事告发他是个间谍。剑桥国际His friends made a scapegoat of him because they knew that he wouldn't dare tell on them.他的朋友们把他作为替罪羊,因为他们知道他不敢告发他们。剑桥国际I'll send you a copy of the report on disk.我会将磁盘上的报告发一份拷贝给你。牛津商务My neighbours reported me to the police for firing my rifle in the garden.我的邻居向警方告发我在花园里开枪。剑桥国际Snitching on your friends is generally regarded as fairly low behaviour.告发朋友是种卑劣的行为。剑桥国际Strictly speaking (= If I behave according to the rules), I should report you to the police--but I'll be kind to you this time! 严格地说,我应该到警察那儿去告发你----但这次我就放过你了。剑桥国际The cop said he'd have to write me up for not stopping at the red light.警察说他将不得不告发我,因为我没有在红灯时停下来。剑桥国际The server then transmits an ad to the user's computer screen.服务器随后将广告发送到用户的计算机屏幕上。牛津商务The shop only agreed to give me a refund when I threatened to take them to the small claims court.只是在我威胁向小额索赔法院告发时,商店才同意退款。剑桥国际The terrorists said that anyone caught informing (on them) would be killed.恐怖主义分子说任何告发他们的人都会被干掉。剑桥国际They branded her a coward for informing on her colleagues during the interrogation.她在审讯中告发了同事,因此他们骂她是胆小鬼。剑桥国际They knew Josie wouldn't split on them to the teacher.他们知道乔西是不会向老师告发他们的。剑桥国际




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