

单词 因果
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔PROBLEM〕We all hate lawyers, but they're in business because so many people sue each other: it's a classic chicken-and-egg situation. 我们都讨厌律师,但是他们经营业务是由于那么多人对簿公堂:这是个因果难定的典型情况。朗文写作活用〔causality〕Scientists found no causality between the events.科学家发现这些事件之间不存在因果关系。韦氏高阶〔causality〕The principle of or relationship between cause and effect.因果关系:原因与结果之间的原则或关系美国传统〔causally〕The events are causally related.这些事件存在因果关系。韦氏高阶〔causal〕Are the two factors causally connected? 这两个因素有因果关系吗?牛津高阶〔causal〕He would dearly love to show a causal relationship between culture and imperialism, but cannot.他倒是十分想揭示文化与帝国主义之间的因果联系,可是却无能为力。柯林斯高阶〔causal〕He would dearly love to show a causal relationship between culture and imperialism, but cannot.他非常希望证明文化和帝国主义之间存在着某种因果关系, 但却做不到。外研社新世纪〔causal〕Is there a causal relationship between violence on television and violent behaviour? 电视暴力和暴力行为之间有因果关系吗?剑桥高阶〔causal〕Is there any causal link? 有任何因果关系吗?文馨英汉〔causal〕No causal connection/relationship between the events was found.没发现这些事件之间存在因果关系。韦氏高阶〔causal〕Rawlins stresses that it is impossible to prove a causal link between the drug and the deaths.罗林斯强调不可能证明该药物与这几起死亡事件存在因果联系。外研社新世纪〔causal〕Rawlins stresses that it is impossible to prove a causal link between the drug and the deaths.罗林斯强调无法证明这种药物和多起死亡事件之间存在因果关系。柯林斯高阶〔causal〕There is a causal link between poverty and crime.贫穷和犯罪之间有因果联系。韦氏高阶〔causal〕They long ago established a causal link between smoking and lung cancer.他们很久以前就确定吸烟和肺癌之间有因果联系。麦克米伦高阶〔causation〕He claimed that the accident caused his injury, but the court ruled that he did not provide sufficient evidence of causation.他声称此次事故导致他受伤,但法院裁定他没有提供充分证据来证明其中的因果关系。韦氏高阶〔connection〕The study suggests a connection between small class sizes and higher reading scores.研究表明小班授课与阅读高分之间存在因果关系。韦氏高阶〔consecution〕Logic The relation of consequent to antecedent; deduction.【逻辑学】 推理:前后因果关系;推理美国传统〔consequence〕The relation of a result to its cause.因果关系:结果与其原因之间的关系美国传统〔correlate〕To put or bring into causal, complementary, parallel, or reciprocal relation.相互联系:建立或使…发生互为因果、相互补充、平行或互惠的关系美国传统〔distinguish〕It is important to distinguish between cause and effect.重要的是区分因果。牛津搭配〔distinguish〕They concluded that even three-year-olds are able to distinguish between causes and effects.他们得出结论,连3岁的孩子也能区分因果。麦克米伦高阶〔effect〕In mental illness, there is a complex relationship between cause and effect .精神病有复杂的因果关系。朗文当代〔explanation〕The causal explanation must be that old age causes poverty, not that poverty causes people to be old.因果解释一定是年老引起贫困,而不是贫困催人老。牛津搭配〔justice〕Maybe there's a sort of poetic justice to it.也许那件事有点儿因果报应的意思。牛津搭配〔karma〕Fate; destiny.命运;因果报应美国传统〔link〕The report failed to prove a causal link between violence on screen and in real life.这份报告没能证明银幕暴力与现实生活中的暴力行为之间的因果关系。牛津搭配〔mechanical〕Philosophy Interpreting and explaining the phenomena of the universe by referring to causally determined material forces; mechanistic.【哲学】 机械论的:运用由于因果关系而产生的物质力量来阐述宇宙的各种现象美国传统〔mechanistic〕According to mechanistic views of behaviour, human action can be explained in terms of cause and effect.根据行为机械论的观点,人类的行为可以用因果关系来解释。剑桥高阶〔related〕Is unemployment causally related to crime? 失业与犯罪有因果关系吗?牛津搭配〔synchronicity〕Coincidence of events that seem to be meaningfully related, conceived in the theory of Carl Jung as an explanatory principle on the same order as causality.同时发生:按照卡尔·荣格的相同因果关系的解释理论,用于解释意义相关的偶然巧合事件美国传统No causal relationship has been established between violence on television and violent behaviour (=Violent behaviour has not been shown to be a result of watching violent television programmes).电视上的暴力和生活中的暴力行为之间没有什么因果关系。剑桥国际




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