

单词 半导
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Gunn effect〕The production of microwave oscillations when a constant voltage in excess of a critical level is applied to opposite faces of a semiconductor.耿氏效应:当对一个半导体的相对的两面施加的稳压电流超过临界点时,产生的微波振荡现象美国传统〔LED〕A semiconductor diode that converts applied voltage to light and is used in digital displays, as of a calculator.发光二极管:一种半导体二极管,可将实用电压转变成亮光,用于数字显示,如计算器美国传统〔MOS〕Metal-oxide semiconductor.金属氧化物半导体美国传统〔NEW〕Moore's pioneering work on semiconductors has made him perhaps the most famous figure in Silicon Valley. 穆尔对半导体的开拓性工作使他成了硅谷可能最有名气的人物。朗文写作活用〔Ovshinsky effect〕The effect by which a specific glassy thin film switches from a nonconductor to a semiconductor upon application of a minimum voltage.奥弗辛斯基效应:在加某一最低电压的条件下,特种成分的薄玻璃呈现出非导体转化为半导体的效应美国传统〔SHOW〕The drop in profits bodes ill for Japan's semiconductor industry. 利润下降对日本的半导体工业来说不是个好兆头。朗文写作活用〔carrier〕A charge-carrying entity, especially an electron or a hole in a semiconductor.带电体:带电体,尤指一个半导体中的电子或孔穴美国传统〔charge-coupled device〕A device made up of semiconductors arranged in such a way that the electric charge output of one semiconductor charges an adjacent one.电荷耦合器件:由半导体组成的一种器件,其中一个半导体的电荷输出可以为另一个相邻的半导体充电美国传统〔crisis management〕Today's NSC is overcome by day-to-day crisis management.如今的美国国家半导体公司每天穷于应付危机。柯林斯高阶〔diode〕A two-terminal semiconductor device used chiefly as a rectifier.半导体二极管:主要作为整流器使用的一个有两端的半导体设备美国传统〔donor〕Electronics An element introduced into a semiconductor with a negative valence greater than that of the pure semiconductor.【电子学】 施主:放进半导体中的元素,其负价大于纯半导体美国传统〔dopant〕A substance, such as boron, added in small amounts to a pure semiconductor material to alter its conductive properties for use in transistors and diodes.掺杂质,掺质剂:加入纯半导体材料中的少量硼等物质,用于晶体管和二极管中以改变半导体的导电率美国传统〔dope〕Electronics To treat (a semiconductor) with a dopant.【电子学】 加入掺杂剂:用掺杂剂给(半导体)涂上保护层美国传统〔electrode〕A collector or emitter of electric charge or of electric-charge carriers, as in a semiconducting device.电极:电荷或带电荷载流子的收集体或发送体,如在一半导体装置中的美国传统〔excitonics〕The study of excitons and their behavior in semiconductors and dielectrics.激子学:研究半导体和电介质中的激子及其行为的一个学科美国传统〔gallium arsenide〕A dark-gray crystalline compound, GaAs, used in transistors, solar cells, and semiconducting lasers.砷化镓:一种深灰色的晶体材料,CaAs,用于晶体管、太阳能电池和半导体激光美国传统〔galvanomagnetic〕Of or relating to the generation of an electric field by a magnetic field in semiconductors and metals.电磁的:属于或关于在半导体和金属中由磁场产生电场的美国传统〔junction〕The interface between two different semiconductor regions in a semiconductor device.接口:半导体装置里两个不同的半导体区之间的接合部美国传统〔laser tuning〕A technique by which a laser's output frequency is adjusted to fall within a specific range of values, used in all semiconductor lasers.激光调谐:将激光输出频率向下调整至特定值域的技术,用于所有的半导体激光美国传统〔magnetoresistance〕A change in electrical resistance of a conductor or semiconductor when a magnetic field is applied.磁致电阻:当磁场产生作用时导体或半导体的电阻变化美国传统〔passivate〕To coat (a semiconductor, for example) with an oxide layer to protect against contamination and increase electrical stability.使钝化:在(半导体等)上覆盖氧化层以保护其免受腐蚀和增加电子稳定性美国传统〔reverse engineering〕The company for years engaged in the reverse engineering of semiconductors.多年来这家公司一直都在从事着半导体的反向工程。麦克米伦高阶〔semiconductor〕Semiconductors are used for making integrated circuits and computers.半导体用于制造集成电路和计算机。剑桥高阶〔semiconductor〕Silicon is a semiconductor.硅是一种半导体。韦氏高阶〔solid-state〕Based on or consisting chiefly or exclusively of semiconducting materials, components, and related devices.固态的:主要或仅仅建立在半导体物质、组件或相关装置之上的或由它们组成的美国传统〔study〕He studied up on semi-conductors and tried to design the circuits for the new device.他悉心研究半导体,想为这个新装置设计电路。英汉大词典〔thermistor〕A resistor made of semiconductors having resistance that varies rapidly and predictably with temperature.热敏电阻:半导体制成的电阻,随温度可迅速变化,并可预测美国传统〔transistor〕A small electronic device containing a semiconductor and having at least three electrical contacts, used in a circuit as an amplifier, a detector, or a switch.晶体管:一种小型电子装置,包含一个半导体和至少三个电接头并构成一个电路,用作扩音器、检波器或开关美国传统〔varactor〕A semiconductor device in which the capacitance is sensitive to the applied voltage at the boundary of the semiconductor material and an insulator.变容二极管,可变电抗器:一种半导体装置,其中电容对应用在半导体材料和绝缘体边界线处的电压很敏感美国传统〔wafer〕Electronics A small, thin, circular slice of a semiconducting material, such as pure silicon, on which an integrated circuit can be formed.【电子学】 晶片:半导体物质的小薄圆片,如纯硅,在上面可以形成一个完整电路美国传统〔zener diode〕A silicon semiconductor device used as a voltage regulator because of its ability to maintain an almost constant voltage with a wide range of currents.齐纳二极管:一种含硅的半导体仪器,被用来作电压调节器,因为它能够利用大幅的电流保持几乎所有的恒定电压美国传统A diode is a type of semiconductor which is used in circuits to convert alternating current into direct current.二极管是一种半导体,用在电路中变交流电为直流电。剑桥国际Semiconductors are used for making integrated circuits and computers.半导体用于制造集成电路和计算机。剑桥国际These highly sophisticated devices use semiconducting compounds which respond to infrared light.这些高精密的仪器使用对红外线有感应的半导体元件。剑桥国际




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