

单词 apart
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Asianization〕Development of more complex, integral relations among Asian nations, apart from external involvements.亚洲化:在没有外部干预的情况下亚洲各民族之间发展的更为复杂的,一统化的关系美国传统〔BREAK〕I only bought these shoes last week, and they're falling apart already. 我上周才买的这双鞋已经破烂了。朗文写作活用〔CONDITION〕San Diego's public buildings are falling apart, but the city refuses to do anything about it. 圣迭戈的公共建筑都快散架了,该市却袖手旁观。朗文写作活用〔DIFFERENT〕Such seriousness and ambition in a very young man set him apart. 一个这么年轻的人就具有如此的认真态度和远大抱负使他与众不同。朗文写作活用〔DIRTY〕The journal was dusty and beginning to fall apart. 这本杂志积满了灰尘,已开始散架了。朗文写作活用〔Darby and Joan〕An elderly married couple who live a placid, harmonious life together and are seldom seen apart.一对幸福的老夫妇:一对已婚的老夫妇过着一种平静详和的生活,而且很少分开过美国传统〔FINISH〕Apart from a few loose ends that need to be tied up, everything has gone according to schedule. 除了还有一些零星事务要处理,一切都如期进行。朗文写作活用〔SAME〕They are identical twins and it's impossible to tell them apart. 他们是同卵双胞胎,根本分不出谁是谁。朗文写作活用〔SEPARATE〕He'd shown her how to take a gun apart and clean it. 他教了她如何把枪拆开来清洗。朗文写作活用〔SEPARATE〕Jo and Sam decided to try living apart for a while. 乔和萨姆决定尝试分开住一段时间。朗文写作活用〔SEPARATE〕The two sets of rival fans had to be kept apart by the police. 警察不得不把那两批敌对的球迷分开。朗文写作活用〔SERIOUS〕Joking apart, I do feel somebody should tell him what we think. It's for his own good. 说正经的,我真的觉得应该有人把我们的想法告诉他,那是为了他自己好。朗文写作活用〔SHOW〕Separate holidays and weekends apart reveal more clearly than any words the state of their marriage. 假期和周末都分开各自过,这毋庸多言就清楚地揭示了他们的婚姻状况。朗文写作活用〔WITH/TOGETHER〕After 50 years apart, the twin sisters were eventually reunited. 分别50年后,这对孪生姐妹终于团聚了。朗文写作活用〔a world apart from〕The place where she lives now is a world apart from the small town where she grew up.她现在生活的地方与她长大的那个小镇有天壤之别。韦氏高阶〔abstracted〕Removed or separated from something else; apart.提取的,被分离的:从其它事物中提取或分离的;分开的美国传统〔amuse〕A band of hooligans amused themselves by tearing the place apart.一伙流氓在这个地方翻箱倒柜, 以此来取乐。外研社新世纪〔apart from〕Apart from his salary, he also has a private income.除了薪水, 他还有私人收入。外研社新世纪〔apart from〕Apart from that, everything's fine.除此之外, 一切都很好。外研社新世纪〔apart〕A couple of men started fighting and we had to pull them apart .几名男子打起架来,我们不得不将他们拉开。朗文当代〔apart〕A few blemishes apart, the novel is excellent.撇开少数瑕疵不谈,这是一部优秀的小说。英汉大词典〔apart〕Bribery apart, there is almost no method of persuasion that is not allowed.除贿赂外,几乎就没有被禁止的说服方式了。麦克米伦高阶〔apart〕Galbraith's views and my own are not far apart on the issue of free trade.加尔布雷思在自由贸易问题上的观点与我的相差不大。麦克米伦高阶〔apart〕He lives entirely alone, apart from the rats, bats, and moths.他孑身独处,只有老鼠、蝙蝠和飞蛾同他作伴。英汉大词典〔apart〕He sets some money apart for a vacation each year.他每年拨出些钱供度假之用。英汉大词典〔apart〕He took the watch apart.他把表拆开。英汉大词典〔apart〕Her bedroom is apart from the rest of the house.她的卧室与屋里的其他房间分开。文馨英汉〔apart〕Her marriage fell apart.她的婚姻瓦解了。外研社新世纪〔apart〕I can't tell the twins apart.我无法区分这一对双胞胎美国传统〔apart〕I hardly know anyone in the village apart from William and you.除威廉和你之外,我几乎不认识村里的任何人。麦克米伦高阶〔apart〕I realized we were still worlds apart.我意识到我们仍有很大的分歧。朗文当代〔apart〕I took the motor apart (= separated it into pieces) to see how it worked.我把发动机拆开了,想看看它是怎样运转的。剑桥高阶〔apart〕It will be better for us to be together than apart.我们聚在一起要比分散开来好。文馨英汉〔apart〕Joel stood apart from the group, frowning.乔尔皱着眉头,独自站在一边。朗文当代〔apart〕Joking [Jesting] apart, you ought to give up smoking.且不说笑话[说正经的],你应该戒烟。文馨英汉〔apart〕Lewis and his father drifted apart after he moved to New York.刘易斯搬到纽约后和父亲逐渐疏远了。朗文当代〔apart〕Many school buildings are falling apart.很多校舍都快散架了。外研社新世纪〔apart〕My jacket is so old it's falling apart.我的夹克太旧了,都穿烂了。剑桥高阶〔apart〕My marriage was coming apart.我的婚姻正在解体。英汉大词典〔apart〕My wife and I are living apart at the moment.目前我和妻子分开住。朗文当代〔apart〕New York and Taipei are thousands of miles apart.纽约与台北相隔数千英里。文馨英汉〔apart〕Only his accent sets him apart.他只是口音跟别人不一样。外研社新世纪〔apart〕Over the years, Rosie and I had drifted apart.多年以来,我和罗西早已疏远。牛津高阶〔apart〕Place the two posts 6 metres apart.打下这两根桩,间距 6 米。朗文当代〔apart〕Plant the seeds 25 cm apart.间隔25厘米播种。麦克米伦高阶〔apart〕She tore the book apart.她把那本书拆开来。文馨英汉〔apart〕The Swiss economy is a case apart, unlike any other.瑞士经济是个独特的例子,不同于其他的经济形式。麦克米伦高阶〔apart〕The allies are still apart.同盟者之间仍有分歧。英汉大词典〔apart〕The army is a “society” and must promulgate its own laws apart.军队可说是一个“独特的社会”,必须颁布独特的法律。英汉大词典〔apart〕The attacks happened twenty minutes apart.这些袭击的发生前后间隔20分钟。外研社新世纪〔apart〕The country's economy is in danger of falling apart.该国经济面临崩溃。朗文当代〔apart〕The old house fell apart from decay.那栋旧房子由于腐朽而崩塌。文馨英汉〔apart〕The two groups were kept apart by more than 1,500 police officers.这两群人被1,500多名警察隔离开了。外研社新世纪〔apart〕The two houses stood 500 metres apart.两座房子相距 500 米。牛津高阶〔apart〕The two towns are 10km apart.两镇相距10公里。外研社新世纪〔apart〕Their birthdays are only three days apart.他们的生日仅隔三日。牛津高阶〔apart〕They separated and have been living apart for the past year.他们分居了,过去一年都没有住在一起。韦氏高阶〔apart〕We had a pleasant time, apart from the weather.我们玩得很快活,可就是天气不大好。英汉大词典〔apart〕We hate being apart, but Gary emails me every day.我们讨厌分离,但加里天天给我发电子邮件。麦克米伦高阶〔be worlds apart〕They are worlds apart in their political views.他们的政治观点截然相反。剑桥高阶〔blow〕An artillery shell blew our headquarters apart.炮火炸飞了我们的指挥部美国传统〔blow〕The committee blew apart.委员会分裂了。英汉大词典〔blow〕The prosecution's case was blown apart by new evidence.诉讼案因为新的证据而被推翻。韦氏高阶〔blow〕What we discovered blew apart all our preconceptions about this fascinating species.我们的发现将我们对这一奇妙物种的先入之见全盘推翻了。牛津高阶〔brace〕He braced his feet apart and held her against his body.他两脚分开站稳, 让她靠到身上。外研社新世纪〔co-ordinated〕Choose clothes and hosiery that will set you apart and think about a more co-ordinated look.选择别具一格的衣服和丝袜, 并在装扮上更加注重搭配。外研社新世纪〔cockpit〕The space set apart for the pilot and crew, as in a helicopter, large airliner, or transport aircraft.驾驶座:将驾驶员与乘客隔开的空间,如在直升机、大型民航机或运输机上美国传统〔come/fall apart at the seams〕The plan/company is falling apart at the seams.计划/公司快垮掉了。韦氏高阶〔come〕The book just came apart in my hands.这本书就在我手中散开了。牛津高阶〔conflict〕For years the region has been torn apart by armed conflicts.多年来这一地区被武装冲突搞得四分五裂。朗文当代〔cross-legged〕With the legs or ankles crossed and the knees far apart.盘着腿的:两腿或踝部交叉且双膝分开的美国传统〔crummy〕The house is so old and crummy it's falling apart.那座房子太破旧, 都开始坍塌了。外研社新世纪〔crumple〕To cause to fall apart.使破裂美国传统〔disjoint〕To come apart at the joints.脱节,脱离美国传统〔distant〕Separate or apart in space.远离的:在空间上分离或分开的美国传统〔draw〕The two political parties are drawing apart.那两个政党开始分道扬镳。英汉大词典〔drift〕She and her husband gradually drifted apart until they separated.她和丈夫逐渐疏远,最后终于分居了。英汉大词典〔entity〕The existence of something considered apart from its properties.与属性区别的本质存在美国传统〔everything〕Apart from the bus arriving late, everything else seemed to be going according to plan.除了公共汽车晚到之外,其他一切似乎都在按计划进行。朗文当代〔ever〕They grew ever further apart.他们变得越来越疏远了。柯林斯高阶〔extraordinarily〕Apart from the hair, he looked extraordinarily unchanged.令人惊奇的是,除了头发,他看起来一点儿都没变。柯林斯高阶〔extraordinarily〕Apart from the hair, he looked extraordinarily unchanged.除了头发, 他看起来一点儿都没变。外研社新世纪〔fall apart〕I've tried everything to stop our marriage falling apart.我已竭尽所能去维系我们的婚姻。外研社新世纪〔fall apart〕Their marriage fell apart when she found out about her husband's affair.她发现丈夫有婚外情后,他们的婚姻破裂了。剑桥高阶〔fall apart〕We used to be good friends,but fell apart about a year ago.我们过去曾经是好朋友,但一年前关系破裂了。21世纪英汉〔fall〕I was falling apart. I wasn't getting any sleep.我要崩溃了,我一直都没合眼。柯林斯高阶〔fall〕My car is falling apart.我的汽车要散架了。牛津高阶〔fall〕The book fell apart.书本散架了。英汉大词典〔fall〕The crowd fell apart.人群溃散了。英汉大词典〔fall〕The deal fell apart when we failed to agree on a price.我们在价格上未能达成一致意见,生意吹了。牛津高阶〔fall〕The health service is falling apart at the seams .医疗保健制度正在崩溃。朗文当代〔fall〕Tommy's old bicycle was rusty and falling apart.汤米的旧自行车锈迹斑斑,都快散架了。朗文当代〔farther〕The boats were drifting farther and farther apart.那些小船漂流着,彼此距离越来越远。朗文当代〔fester〕This festering hatred could tear the community apart.这种不断郁积的怨恨能够使社会分裂。麦克米伦高阶〔fly apart〕The gun flew apart when I fired it, and wounded my hand.我射击时,枪爆炸成碎片,伤了我的手。21世纪英汉〔force〕The play portrays a marriage torn apart by external forces.这部剧描述了一桩被外部力量拆散的婚姻。牛津搭配〔give〕I give the project six months at the most before it all falls apart.这个项目我估计最多不出六个月就会告吹。朗文当代〔grant〕Being apart from my family for so long has made me realize that I've been taking them for granted.离开家人这么长时间让我认识到自己一直没有珍惜家人。韦氏高阶〔grow apart〕It sounds as if you have grown apart from Tom.听起来好像你和汤姆之间产生了隔阂。柯林斯高阶〔grow apart〕My wife and I have grown apart over the years.这些年来我妻子和我逐渐疏远。韦氏高阶〔grow apart〕The two halves of the main branch have grown apart, forming separate trees.主枝的两半朝不同方向生长,形成了两棵树。21世纪英汉〔hallow〕To make or set apart as holy.使成为神圣美国传统〔hardly〕Their two faces were hardly more than eighteen inches apart.他俩的脸相隔还不到18英寸。柯林斯高阶〔host〕Apart from my host, I didn't know a single person there.除了主人外,那里的人我一个也不认识。柯林斯高阶〔host〕Apart from my host, I didn't know a single person.除了主人以外, 其他人我一个也不认识。外研社新世纪〔lift〕He stood, legs apart, arms lifted above his head.他站着,两腿分开,胳膊举过头顶。牛津搭配〔live apart〕Jane had been living apart from her husband for 3 months before she sued for a divorce.简和丈夫分居三个月后请求离婚。21世纪英汉〔metaphor〕The divided family remains a powerful metaphor for a society that continued to tear itself apart.破碎的家庭仍旧是对持续分崩离析的社会的有力譬喻。外研社新世纪〔miss〕You won't be missing much on TV tonight apart from the usual repeats.今晚的电视上就演些通常的重播节目, 你不看也不会错过多少的。外研社新世纪〔moan〕Apart from a slight moan about the waiter, he seemed to enjoy the meal.除了对侍者有点不满外,他这餐似乎吃得很愉快。剑桥高阶〔nearness〕Apart from anything else, he comes near to contradicting himself.不说别的,他几乎自己就是自相矛盾。柯林斯高阶〔newsagent〕Do you want anything from the newsagent's apart from a paper? 除了报纸,你还有什么要在报刊店里买吗?剑桥高阶〔paid〕Apart from a small team of paid staff, the organisation consists of unpaid volunteers.除了一小组受薪员工外,这个组织里都是不领报酬的志愿者。柯林斯高阶〔pale〕Overhead, the clouds paled and pulled apart, revealing stars.天上,云层变淡并疏散,露出了星星。英汉大词典〔piecemeal〕In pieces; apart.成碎片地,分开地美国传统〔pocket〕The government controls most of the city apart from a few pockets of resistance.除了几小片区域还在抵抗之外, 政府控制了该市的大部分地区。外研社新世纪〔pole〕In temperament, she and her sister are poles apart (= completely different).她和姐姐的性情截然相反。牛津搭配〔pole〕She is, socially, poles apart from her fiancé.她在社交方面和她的未婚夫根本不是一路人。外研社新世纪〔pole〕Their emotional needs are poles apart.他们的情感需求截然不同。外研社新世纪〔pole〕They are poles apart in their attitude to education.他们对教育的态度大相径庭。英汉大词典〔prise〕She prised the child's fingers apart and forced him to give her the coins. 她把小孩的手指掰开,逼着他把硬币给她。剑桥高阶〔prize〕She couldn't prize his fingers apart to get the key.她没法掰开他的手指拿到钥匙。剑桥高阶〔pull apart〕The baby was happily pulling apart a stuffed toy.那个婴儿在乐呵呵地撕拆一个毛绒玩具。外研社新世纪〔pull〕He rushed in to pull apart the boys that were fighting.他冲了进去,把正在厮打的男孩们拉开。英汉大词典〔pull〕His drinking pulled the family apart.他酗酒搞得家里不和睦。朗文当代〔pull〕Pull the meat apart with two forks.用两把叉子把肉分开。朗文当代〔pull〕The table is so made that you can easily pull it apart (或 that it easily pulls apart).这张桌子做得易于拆卸。英汉大词典〔pull〕They're pulling that plane apart to find out what's wrong.他们要把飞机拆开,看看出了什么毛病。麦克米伦高阶〔reave〕To break or tear apart.扯碎:敲开或撕裂美国传统〔repair〕She repaired an old chest that was coming apart.她修好了一个几乎散架的旧柜子。韦氏高阶〔reunion〕It was an emotional reunion after 25 years apart.分别 25 年后,这场团聚令人激动。牛津搭配〔reverse engineering〕Xerox set about a process of reverse engineering. It pulled the machines apart and investigated the Japanese factories to find out how they could pull off such feats.施乐公司展开了一项逆向工程。他们把日本的机器拆开,调查了日本的工厂以弄清楚他们如何能生产出如此了不起的产品。柯林斯高阶〔rip apart〕The presenters and audience ripped her apart, enjoying a laugh at her expense.主持人和听众都公开批评她,并以取笑她为乐。柯林斯高阶〔rip apart〕We are the only paper in Britain that has consistently ripped apart these shallow lies and half-truths.我们是英国唯一一家坚持批判这些浅薄的谎言和半真半假的报道的报纸。柯林斯高阶〔rip〕A blast ripped apart a parked police car.一声爆炸把停着的警车炸裂了。英汉大词典〔rip〕The explosion ripped the bus apart.爆炸彻底毁坏了那辆公共汽车。麦克米伦高阶〔rip〕The thieves ripped the house apart but could find nothing.贼在屋内翻箱倒箧,但一无所获。英汉大词典〔same〕The two pictures look the same to me – I can't tell them apart.这两幅画对我来说看上去一样,我无法区分它们。麦克米伦高阶〔score〕She scored the paper and tore it apart.她把纸压出折痕,然而将其撕开。21世纪英汉〔scratch〕She was unharmed apart from a few cuts and scratches.除了几处皮外伤外,她安然无恙。朗文当代〔seam〕Our friendship is falling apart at the seams.我们的友谊正在破裂。英汉大词典〔seam〕The dress is falling apart at the seams.连衣裙开线了。外研社新世纪〔seam〕Their marriage is coming/falling apart at the seams (= likely to fail).他们的婚姻已接近破裂。剑桥高阶〔separate〕To come apart.切断美国传统〔set sth/sb apart〕What set her apart from the other candidates for the job was that she had a lot of original ideas.她与其他求职者不同的地方在于,她有许多独特的见解。剑桥高阶〔set〕Graf's natural athleticism set her apart from other tennis players.格拉芙对体育天生的热爱使她显得与其他网球运动员不同。麦克米伦高阶〔set〕Her bright red scarf set her apart from the other girls.她那鲜红的围巾使她在姑娘们中间显得特别引人注目。英汉大词典〔set〕Man's ability to reason sets him apart from other animals.人的推理能力使他有别于其他动物。朗文当代〔set〕Several acres of public land have been set apart for recreation.已经留出来几英亩的公共用地来建造娱乐设施。麦克米伦高阶〔set〕Two rooms were set apart for use as libraries.留出两个房间作为图书室。牛津高阶〔space〕Bean plants should be spaced three inches apart.大豆植株之间要间隔3英寸。麦克米伦高阶〔space〕Space your workouts two days apart to avoid sore muscles.体育锻炼要间隔两天进行以防肌肉疼痛。麦克米伦高阶〔sphere〕Apart from photography, he has several other spheres of interest.除了摄影外,他还有其他一些兴趣爱好。英汉大词典〔spread〕To become separated; be forced farther apart.分散开;被分隔开美国传统〔squarely〕She stood squarely, with her feet apart.她两脚分开,站得笔直。剑桥高阶〔stand〕They can't stand being apart.他们讨厌离别。韦氏高阶〔strife〕The country has been torn apart by years of civil strife.这个国家被多年的内乱弄得四分五裂。牛津搭配〔swimmer〕Apart from a few swimmers, the rest of us stretched out on the bank to sunbathe.除了几个人在游泳外,我们其他人伸开四肢躺在岸边晒日光浴。柯林斯高阶〔take apart〕He proceeds to take apart every preconception anyone might have ever had about him.他继续逐一剖析人们对他可能怀有的成见。柯林斯高阶〔take〕The false witness was literally taken apart.伪证人真个是被驳得体无完肤。英汉大词典〔take〕The police took the house apart looking for clues.警察彻底搜查了那所房子,寻找线索。朗文当代〔tear apart〕Don't think it hasn't torn me apart to be away from you.不骗你,离开你让我痛苦万分。柯林斯高阶〔tear apart〕The dogs kill foxes by tearing them apart.这群狗把几只狐狸撕咬死。外研社新世纪〔tear apart〕Their clothes were torn apart.他们的衣服被扯破了。外研社新世纪〔tear sth apart〕Ethnic rivalries threaten to tear this country apart.种族对立使这个国家面临分裂的危险。剑桥高阶〔tear sth apart〕He resigned, depressed at the way that the party was tearing itself apart.由于对党内正在发生的分裂倍感忧虑,他辞职了。剑桥高阶〔teardown〕The act or process of taking apart or demolishing.拆毁:拆开或毁坏的行为或过程美国传统〔tear〕The police tore the place apart looking for the money.警方彻底搜查了这个地方,寻找赃款。麦克米伦高阶〔tear〕We tore the other team apart in the second half.我们在下半场把对方球队打得落花流水。牛津高阶〔tell apart〕I can't tell them apart.我分不清他俩谁是谁。外研社新世纪〔thin〕Thin the carrots to two inches apart.把胡萝卜间成相隔两英寸。朗文当代〔unkind〕They have a shared conviction that some unkind fate or chance is keeping them apart.他们一致坚信是无情的命运或机缘让他们难成眷属。外研社新世纪〔unscathed〕Tony emerged unscathed apart from a severely bruised finger.托尼除了一根手指严重淤青外没有受到其他伤害。柯林斯高阶〔valid〕If the underlying assumption isn't valid, then the prosecution's case simply falls apart.如果基本的假设无法成立,那么控方的诉讼就不攻自破。麦克米伦高阶〔weight〕Stand with your legs apart and your weight evenly distributed.双腿分开站立,平均分配身体的重量。牛津搭配〔wide apart〕Our opinions are wide apart.我们的看法非常不同。21世纪英汉〔wide〕He stood with his legs wide apart.他站在那里,两腿大张。牛津高阶〔wide〕Sandy stood with his back to the fire, legs wide apart.桑迪背对火炉站着,两腿叉得开开的。朗文当代〔wide〕Stand with your legs wide apart.双腿分开, 大步跨立。外研社新世纪〔world〕His world fell apart when his wife died.他的世界随着妻子的去世崩溃了。牛津搭配〔world〕The novel is worlds apart from his academic writings.这部小说和他的学术著作截然不同。外研社新世纪〔wrangle〕The party was torn apart by wrangles over fiscal policy.该党内部因为在财政政策上争执不休而出现了分裂。柯林斯高阶Apart from a small minority, the crowd have been good humoured and well behaved.除了少数人以外,这群人一直温文尔雅,循规蹈矩。剑桥国际Apart from publishing, the company has several interesting subsidiary activities.除出版外,这家公司还从事一些有意思的附属业务。牛津商务Apart from the expected increase in staff costs, there was no increase in revenue expenditure.除了预期的人员费用增加外,营业支出没有增加。牛津商务After his wife died, he began to fall apart.他妻子死后,他的精神崩溃了。剑桥国际As babies, the twins were so similar that I just couldn't tell them apart (= didn't know which was which).这对双胞胎婴儿时长得很像,我分不清他们。剑桥国际As the train approached, the embracing couple slowly and reluctantly drew apart (= separated).当火车开近的时候,相拥着的夫妇依依不舍地分开了。剑桥国际I bought a pair of cheap shoes which fell apart after two weeks.我买了双便宜的鞋子,两个星期后就全破了。剑桥国际I'm going to have to take this TV apart -- there's no other way of mending it.我将不得不把电视机拆开----没有其他的修理方法。剑桥国际One day of the week should be set apart for relaxation. 每周应该拨出一天时间休闲。译典通One more stupid mistake like that and the whole deal could fall apart.若再犯一次同样愚蠢的错误,这笔交易肯定做不成。剑桥国际People say I've got a one-track mind, but I am interested in things apart from sex.别人说我的思路单一狭隘,但是我除了性以外对其他的东西也感兴趣。剑桥国际She's done all the important Shakespearean roles apart from Lady Macbeth.除了麦克佩斯夫人,她扮演了几乎所有的莎士比亚重要角色。剑桥国际The clouds paled and pulled apart. 云层变淡,渐渐疏散。译典通The deal fell apart because of a lack of financing.因缺少经费,这次交易失败了。剑桥国际The healer uses the laying on of hands or hands held slightly apart from a person's body to work on its energy field.医疗术士用手触摸病人身体或与它保持很近距离来施法于能场。剑桥国际Their ways of life are worlds apart. 他们的生活方式真是有天壤之别。译典通We made a deliberate decision to live apart for a while.我们故意决定分开住一段日子。剑桥国际You'll have to skewer that meat before you cook it or it will fall apart.在烹饪之前你得把那肉用串肉扦串起来,否则它会散开。剑桥国际




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