

单词 对白
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COLOUR〕The Indians were at first frightened of the fair-skinned Europeans. 起初,印第安人对白皮肤的欧洲人感到害怕。朗文写作活用〔FUNNY〕The movie has a script that is smartly funny, and Hugh Grant is a hoot! 这部影片的对白妙趣横生,休·格兰特真叫人笑痛肚子!朗文写作活用〔INTERESTED〕From the opening line of the play, the audience was completely enthralled. 从该剧开场第一句对白起,观众就被彻底迷住了。朗文写作活用〔In that case〕He's skilled at writing dialogue, and in that regard/respect his new novel is excellent.他善于写对白,他的新小说在那方面很出彩。韦氏高阶〔RUDE〕It was great to see a movie that didn't rely on swearing for its dialogue. 能看到一部对白中没有骂人话的电影真不错。朗文写作活用〔STUPID/SILLY〕Bad acting, weak script and inane dialogue -- this movie is truly awful. 拙劣的演技、蹩脚的剧本、无聊的对白—这部电影糟透了。朗文写作活用〔Uncle Tom〕A Black person who is regarded as being humiliatingly subservient or deferential to white people.汤姆叔叔:被认为对白人卑躬屈膝或谦恭忍让的黑人美国传统〔abuzz〕Washington has been abuzz with stories about disarray inside the White House.整个华盛顿都对白宫内发生的混乱议论纷纷。柯林斯高阶〔asparaginase〕An enzyme isolated from bacteria that catalyzes the hydrolysis of asparagine and is used in the chemotherapeutic treatment of leukemia.天门冬醯胺酶:由细菌中分离出来的一种酶,能催化天门冬醯胺的水解,用于对白血病的化疗美国传统〔clunky〕The movie is ruined by wooden acting and clunky dialogue.这部电影被木讷的表演和笨拙的对白给毁了。牛津高阶〔dialogue〕Act Two begins with a short dialogue between father and son.第二幕以父子间的简短对白开场。剑桥高阶〔dialogue〕Conversation between characters in a drama or narrative.对白:戏剧或叙述中人物之间的谈话美国传统〔dialogue〕He is an expert at writing dialogue.他是个编写对白的高手。韦氏高阶〔dialogue〕Shakespeare's dialogues.莎士比亚戏剧中的对白柯林斯高阶〔dialogue〕Students were asked to read dialogues from the play.学生们被要求诵读这部剧里的对白。韦氏高阶〔dialogue〕The best part of the book is the clever dialogue.这本书最精彩的部分是里面机智的对白。韦氏高阶〔dialogue〕The dialogue is amusing but the plot is weak.对白有趣但情节薄弱。外研社新世纪〔dialogue〕The dialogue is amusing but the plot is weak.对白逗趣但是情节薄弱。柯林斯高阶〔dialogue〕There's very little dialogue in the film.这部电影的对白很少。韦氏高阶〔edit out〕She edited that line out.她把那句对白删了。外研社新世纪〔heavy on〕His movies are light/low on talk and heavy on action.他的影片轻对白,重动作。韦氏高阶〔honky〕Used as a disparaging term for a white person.白鬼子:用作对白人的蔑称美国传统〔improvise〕During certain scenes of the play there isn't any script and the actors just improvise (the dialogue).这出戏有几场没有剧本,演员们就即兴表演(对白)。剑桥高阶〔incidental music〕Music composed to accompany the action or dialogue of a drama or to fill intervals between scenes or acts.配乐:为配合戏剧中的人物活动或对白,或是为填补场间或幕间空档而创作的乐曲美国传统〔manfully〕The actors struggled manfully with some of the worst lines of dialogue ever written.演员们勉力念着那些糟糕透顶的对白。剑桥高阶〔mime〕A performance of or dialogue for such an entertainment.笑剧的表演对白:这种戏剧的表演或对白美国传统〔mute〕Berlin lay in ruins, the smouldering rubble mute testimony to the devastating efficiency of daylight bombing raids.柏林倒在一片废墟之中, 燃烧的瓦砾是对白天炸弹袭击破坏力的无声证词。外研社新世纪〔ofay〕Used as a disparaging term for a white person.白人:用作对白色人种的蔑称美国传统〔palatable〕Some of the dialogue has been changed to make it more palatable to an American audience.有些对白有所修改以适应美国观众的口味。牛津高阶〔pithily〕Many of them made a point of praising the film's pithy dialogue.他们中很多人特别赞扬了影片精炼的对白。柯林斯高阶〔pithy〕Many of them made a point of praising the film's pithy dialogue.他们中很多人特别赞扬了影片精炼的对白。外研社新世纪〔protagonist〕In ancient Greek drama, the first actor to engage in dialogue with the chorus, in later dramas playing the main character and some minor characters as well.古希腊戏剧中的演员:在古希腊戏剧中第一个与合唱团对白的演员,在后来的戏剧中扮演主要角色及一些不重要的角色美国传统〔rehearsal〕The dialogue was worked out by actors in rehearsal.对白是演员在排练时想出来的。朗文当代〔script〕The actors' dialogue was carefully scripted.演员们的对白经过了精心的编写。韦氏高阶〔snappy〕The show is well-acted, and the dialogue is snappy.这次演出精彩到位,对白幽默风趣。韦氏高阶〔stichomythia〕An ancient Greek arrangement of dialogue in drama, poetry, and disputation in which single lines of verse or parts of lines are spoken by alternate speakers.轮流对白:古希腊戏剧、诗歌和辩论中的对话安排,其中每行或行的部分由对话者交替来说美国传统〔subtitle〕The film is presented in French with optional English subtitles.影片对白为法语,但有可选的英语字幕。牛津搭配〔theatre〕He writes the sort of dialogue that makes good theatre.他写的对白戏剧效果很好。牛津搭配〔unconvincing〕The dialogue was unconvincing, partly because it was American actors trying to speak London English.对白听起来不真实,部分原因在于明明是美国演员,却非要说一口伦敦腔。剑桥高阶〔unrealistic〕The dialogue in the movie was unrealistic.这个电影中的对白不真实。韦氏高阶〔useful〕Household bleach is useful for stains on white cotton and linen.家用漂白剂对白棉布及亚麻布上的污渍很有效。外研社新世纪〔vaccinate〕To inoculate with a vaccine in order to produce immunity to an infectious disease such as diphtheria or typhus.给…接种牛痘:接种牛痘,以产生对白喉或班疹伤寒等传染病的免疫力美国传统〔whitey〕The poet vented his rage against whitey.诗人宣泄了自己对白种人的愤怒。韦氏高阶Desert plants, faced with severe diurnal temperature fluctuations and acute water shortage, only grow very slowly.沙漠植物面对白天严重的温差及水资源的极度缺乏,只能缓慢地生长。剑桥国际In the production, the recitatives are eliminated and replaced with much crisper spoken dialogue.在演出中,宣叙部被除去,代之以更清朗爽脆的对白。剑桥国际Plays are written in dialogue. 剧本用对白写成。译典通The actors struggled manfully with some of the worst lines of dialogue ever written.演员们勉力地朗诵那些糟糕透顶的对白。剑桥国际The dialogue was unconvincing, partly because it was American actors trying to speak London English.对白是令人怀疑的, 部分是因为美国演员在试图讲伦敦英语。剑桥国际The most exciting part of the drama is the quickfire dialogue.该出戏最令人激动处是快速的对白。剑桥国际




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