

单词 便士
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔P, p〕plans to increase income tax by 1p. 将所得税提高1便士的计划柯林斯高阶〔add〕proposals to add a penny on income tax 所得税增加一便士的提议朗文当代〔balance〕a balance in hand of £1 9p. 1镑9便士的余款英汉大词典〔big deal〕made a big deal out of getting there on time; losing one penny was no big deal. 如果不能按时到达事情就大了;丢一便士不是什么大事美国传统〔bit〕a threepenny bit 一枚三便士硬币韦氏高阶〔bit〕a threepenny bit. 三便士硬币美国传统〔bit〕a threepenny/sixpenny bit 3便士/6便士硬币剑桥高阶〔coin〕a 10p/ten pence coin 面值10便士的硬币剑桥高阶〔coin〕a fifty pence coin.五十便士的硬币。牛津同义词〔coupon〕a 50p money-off coupon. 可以便宜50便士的优惠券柯林斯高阶〔deposit〕a 50p deposit on each bottle对每个瓶子收取的50便士的押金外研社新世纪〔fuss〕make much fuss over losing a penny 为丢失一个便士大惊小怪英汉大词典〔halfpenny〕twopence halfpenny 两便士半 英汉大词典〔head〕the head of a penny 一便士的正面韦氏高阶〔increase〕a dividend increase to 11.4 pence 股息涨到 11.4 便士牛津搭配〔increase〕an increase of 1p on income tax所得税1便士的增幅外研社新世纪〔increase〕an increase of 2p in the pound on income tax 所得税每英镑增加 2 便士牛津高阶〔in〕a tax rate of 22 pence in the pound 每英镑 22 便士的税率牛津高阶〔k〕farthing , from Old English fēorthing , fēorthung , fourth part of a penny. a, b, and c all from Germanic *fe(d)worthōn- . farthing , 源自 古英语 fēorthing , fēorthung , 一便士的四分之一. a, b, 和 c 都源自 日耳曼语 *fe(d)worthōn- . 美国传统〔pence〕a few pence 几便士朗文当代〔pennyworth〕a pennyworth of mustard pickle 1便士(或1分)钱的芥末泡菜英汉大词典〔pennyworth〕buy (sell) fruit drops by the pennyworth 论便士(或分)买(卖)水果糖英汉大词典〔penny〕a 50p piece (=coin) 一枚 50 便士的硬币朗文当代〔penny〕a fraying shirt I'd bought for fifty pence from the Oxfam shop我花50便士从乐施商店买来的一件破旧衬衣外研社新世纪〔penny〕a penny arcade; penny candy. 一便士游乐场;一便士糖果美国传统〔penny〕a shiny newly minted penny一枚亮闪闪的新铸便士外研社新世纪〔penny〕a threepenny bit (=coin) 一枚 3 便士硬币朗文当代〔penny〕b) plural pennies a coin worth one penny 一便士硬币:朗文当代〔penny〕fourpenny/sixpenny etc a fourpenny cigar 4 便士的雪茄朗文当代〔penny〕twopence/threepence etc a book costing only sixpence 只卖 6 便士的书朗文当代〔piece〕a 50p piece 一枚 50 便士的硬币牛津高阶〔piece〕a penny piece 一枚1便士硬币英汉大词典〔retail〕an article that is retailed at (或 for) sixty pence 一件零售价为60便士的物品英汉大词典〔shed〕shed 2 p 下跌2便士英汉大词典〔threepenny〕a threepenny bar of chocolate 三便士的一块巧克力英汉大词典〔threepenny〕a threepenny bit 一枚三便士硬币剑桥高阶〔threepenny〕a threepenny bit/piece 三便士硬币韦氏高阶〔twopenny〕a twopenny chew (= type of sweet) 一颗两便士软糖剑桥高阶〔twopenny〕a twopenny toy 一件两便士的玩具英汉大词典〔voucher〕a 50p money-off voucher redeemable against any future purchase of the product 今后任何时候购买本产品都可抵 50 便士的优惠券牛津搭配




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