

单词 人们对
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CAUSE〕The President's frequent cancellations have given rise to concerns about his health. 总统时常取消安排引起了人们对他健康状况的担忧。朗文写作活用〔EXAMINE〕A series of studies was made to discover the relationship between diet and behavior. 人们对日常饮食和行为方式之间的关系进行了一系列的研究。朗文写作活用〔IMPORTANT〕There has been a significant change in people's attitude to the environment. 人们对待环境的态度已有了很大的转变。朗文写作活用〔INCREASE〕There are growing fears for the safety of the kidnap victims -- fears that have been fuelled by rumours of new terrorist threats. 人们对于被绑架者的安全越来越担心—一近来又有人要发动恐怖主义活动的传闻更使得人心惶惶。朗文写作活用〔INTERESTED〕His book did much to revive interest in long-forgotten natural remedies. 他的书对重新引发人们对遗忘已久的自然疗法的兴趣起了很大的作用。朗文写作活用〔INTERESTED〕There has always been a lot of interest in the question of life on other planets. 人们对其他星球上是否有生命的问题总是深感兴趣。朗文写作活用〔OPINION〕Since the 1960s, there has been a big change in people's attitudes to sex before marriage. 自20世纪60年代以来,人们对婚前性行为的态度有了很大的转变。朗文写作活用〔REACT〕People reacted to the speech in different ways. 人们对这次演说反应不一。朗文写作活用〔REPUTATION〕Millet's work is less well thought of today than it was during his lifetime. 如今人们对米利特的作品的评价不如他在世时的那么高了。朗文写作活用〔RESULT〕Another by-product of space exploration is a growing awareness of this planet's fragile environment. 太空探险的另一个意外收获,是人们对地球的脆弱环境意识越来越强。朗文写作活用〔START〕In an attempt to reduce opposition to its tax reforms, the government plans to phase them in gradually. 为了缓解人们对这次税务改革的反对,政府打算分阶段逐步实施。朗文写作活用〔anger〕There is much anger over plans to close the hospital.人们对于关闭医院的计划有很多不满。牛津搭配〔anxiety〕A lot of anxiety surrounds the issue of human cloning.人们对克隆人的问题很担忧。牛津搭配〔anxiety〕There was much anxiety about the future of these theatres.人们对这些剧院的前途忧心忡忡。英汉大词典〔certain〕Although little is known about these ancient people, it is certain that they grew a number of crops.尽管人们对这些古代人知之甚少,但他们肯定种过许多种作物。韦氏高阶〔clinch〕This has fuelled speculation that he is about to clinch a deal with an American engine manufacturer.这进一步激起了人们对他即将和一家美国发动机制造商达成交易的猜测。外研社新世纪〔confused〕A survey showed people were confused about what they should eat to stay healthy.调查表明, 人们对吃什么能保持健康很困惑。外研社新世纪〔confusion〕There has been considerable confusion regarding the facts of her death.人们对她死亡一事感到颇为费解。牛津搭配〔critical〕People have been critical of the way she has handled the affair.人们对她处理那件事的方式很有意见。麦克米伦高阶〔criticism〕He finds criticism of his team's performance hard to take.他觉得很难接受人们对他球队的批评。麦克米伦高阶〔demand〕There's always a great demand for our soups in winter.冬天人们对我们的汤的需求量总是很大。牛津搭配〔dial down〕The government attempted to dial down widespread concern over the current flu outbreak.政府试图减轻人们对当前流感大暴发的广泛担忧。外研社新世纪〔discredit〕The latest news has thrown discredit on his account of the accident.最新消息使人们对他有关这一事故的报道产生怀疑。英汉大词典〔disillusionment〕Disillusionment with the city government grew as conditions worsened.随着局势的恶化,人们对市政府越来越不抱幻想了。韦氏高阶〔diversion〕For the government, the war was a welcome diversion from the country's economic problems.政府欢迎这场战争,因为它转移了人们对国家经济问题的注意力。牛津高阶〔divert〕Cooper claims the council used the inquiry to divert attention from their financial problems.库珀声称地方政务会利用这项调查来转移人们对其财务问题的注意力。麦克米伦高阶〔doubt〕This latest scandal has raised doubts about whether he could win the election.最近这宗丑闻让人们对他是否能够赢得大选表示怀疑。剑桥高阶〔drop off〕The demand for mobile phones shows no signs of dropping off.人们对手机的需求并未出现下降的迹象。剑桥高阶〔dullness〕Share prices and trading have been dulled by worries over the war.股票价格和交易因人们对战争的忧虑而走低。柯林斯高阶〔dynamism〕People responded positively to Ruth's cheerfulness and dynamism.人们对露丝的开朗热诚和十足干劲表示肯定。麦克米伦高阶〔engender〕The vice-president's speech did not engender confidence in his judgment.部长的演讲并未使人们对他的判断产生信心。剑桥高阶〔environmental〕People are becoming far more aware of environmental issues.现在人们对环境问题的关注程度正明显提高。剑桥高阶〔erode〕These scandals are eroding confidence in the market.这些丑闻正在消磨人们对市场的信心。外研社新世纪〔favour〕All in favour (=used when asking people to vote on something by raising a hand) ? 都同意吗 ?〔用于要求人们对某事举手表决时〕朗文当代〔flap〕Why do people get in a flap over nuclear energy?为什么人们对核能惶恐不安呢?外研社新世纪〔fuel〕The result will inevitably fuel speculation about the Prime Minister's future.这一结果必然会让人们对首相的未来有更多的猜测。外研社新世纪〔gooey〕Women went gooey over him.女人们对他缠绵多情。外研社新世纪〔hell〕People are raising hell about the new law.人们对新法怨声载道。韦氏高阶〔hope〕The latest job figures have boosted hopes for the economy.最新的就业数据使人们对经济寄予更大的希望。牛津搭配〔ignorant〕And yet people are profoundly ignorant about tax policy.然而, 人们对税收政策却一无所知。外研社新世纪〔incredulity〕His suggestion was greeted with incredulity.人们对他的建议持怀疑态度。外研社新世纪〔influential〕She was extremely influential in raising people's awareness of the disease.她在提高人们对于疾病的意识方面非常有影响力。麦克米伦高阶〔insensitivity〕There was concern about the apparent insensitivity of the minister's remarks人们对这位部长话中明显的不近人情感到担忧。外研社新世纪〔look〕Strangers to the village are looked upon with a mixture of fear and suspicion.人们对到村子来的陌生人既害怕又怀疑。朗文当代〔mail-order house〕A business that is organized primarily to promote, receive, and fill requests for merchandise or services through the mail.邮购商号:以通过邮寄来推销、接收、和满足人们对商品或服务的需求为基本目的而组建起来的公司美国传统〔manifest〕Lack of confidence in the company manifested itself in a fall in the share price.人们对公司缺乏信心表现为股价下跌。剑桥高阶〔market testing〕Results from market tests in the US and Europe show little enthusiasm for the product.美国和欧洲的市场测试结果显示,人们对该产品不是很感兴趣。柯林斯高阶〔matter〕Does it matter that people don't know this?人们对此不了解, 这有关系吗?外研社新世纪〔morality〕Sexual morality was enforced by the fear of illegitimacy.性道德因人们对未婚生子的畏惧得以加强。外研社新世纪〔more〕More is expected of him.人们对他抱有更大的期望。英汉大词典〔mushroom〕Interest in local history is suddenly mushrooming.人们对当地历史的兴趣突然间大增。韦氏高阶〔muted〕Reaction to the news was muted.人们对这则新闻反应冷淡。外研社新世纪〔muttering〕He will lead the party into the election, in spite of the mutterings about his leadership.尽管人们对他的领导颇有微词,他仍将领导其政党参加选举。柯林斯高阶〔pairing〕People were surprised by the pairing of candidates for president and vice president.人们对总统和副总统候选人的组合感到吃惊。韦氏高阶〔people〕There has been a complete change in people's ideas on the subject.人们对这个问题的观念已经完全改变了。外研社新世纪〔pestilent〕People grow impatient with such pestilent heresies.人们对这种蛊惑人心的左道邪说越来越感到不耐烦了。英汉大词典〔plausible〕A plausible explanation would seem to be that people are fed up with the Conservative government.一个看似可信的解释似乎是, 人们对保守党政府感到厌倦了。外研社新世纪〔play〕She plays on the fact that people feel sorry for her.她利用了人们对她的同情。麦克米伦高阶〔polling〕Foreign Office polling showed an astonishing level of ignorance.外交部民调显示, 人们对此的无知程度令人震惊。外研社新世纪〔praise〕Guests were full of praise for the food.客人们对食物赞不绝口。麦克米伦高阶〔presume〕The book presumes some familiarity with the basic principles of particle physics.该书假定人们对粒子物理的基本原则已经有所了解。麦克米伦高阶〔pride〕The people have a sense of pride in their community.人们对自己的社区有一种自豪感。朗文当代〔propagandize〕You can propagandize just by calling attention to something.你只要通过唤起人们对某事的注意就能起到宣传的作用。柯林斯高阶〔provenance〕This raised doubts about the provenance of the painting.这引起了人们对这幅画的来历的怀疑。剑桥高阶〔rag〕His was a rags-to-riches story and people admire that.他白手起家,人们对他都很钦佩。柯林斯高阶〔raise〕This attack raises fears of increased violence against foreigners.这次袭击使人们对日渐增多的针对外国人的暴力事件感到担忧。朗文当代〔regrettable〕It's regrettable that classical music receives so little attention.遗憾的是,人们对古典音乐关注甚少。朗文当代〔revival〕There has been a revival of interest in Picasso's work.人们对毕加索的作品恢复了兴趣。朗文当代〔revive〕It was a goodwill gesture which revived hopes of a resumption in peace talks.这一友好的表示使得人们对恢复和谈重新燃起希望。外研社新世纪〔safe〕It's safe to assume (that)there will always be a demand for new software.可以肯定地认为,人们对新的软件一直有需求。牛津高阶〔secure〕Workers no longer feel secure about the future.工人们对未来不再感到有保障。朗文当代〔sharpen〕A series of attacks have sharpened fears of more violence.一连串的袭击事件增加了人们对发生更多暴力事件的担心。朗文当代〔sign〕The lack of interest in the media is a telling sign of the industry's health.人们对媒体兴趣寥寥,这足以说明传媒业的业态状况。牛津搭配〔slow〕There was impatience over the slowness of reform.人们对改革的缓慢进程缺乏耐心。牛津高阶〔split〕Opinion is split on the wording of the new law.人们对这项新法律的措辞意见不一。韦氏高阶〔stereotype〕There's always been a stereotype about successful businessmen.人们对于成功商人一直都有一种固定印象。柯林斯高阶〔stimulate〕The exhibition has stimulated interest in her work.展览增进了人们对她作品的兴趣。牛津高阶〔stoke〕These demands are helping to stoke fears of civil war.这些要求助长了人们对内战的恐惧。柯林斯高阶〔strident〕People are put off by his strident voice.人们对他刺耳的嗓音感到很厌恶。剑桥高阶〔survey〕A recent customer survey showed widespread ignorance about organic food.最近的顾客调查显示人们对有机食品普遍缺乏了解。牛津搭配〔wax〕Interest in the show has waxed and waned.人们对这个节目的兴趣已经过了。朗文当代〔wax〕Interest in the story seems to wax and wane depending on other news.人们对这一报道曾经颇有兴趣,随着其他新闻的出现,现在已热情不再。韦氏高阶〔whip〕They'll do anything to whip up a bit of interest in a book.他们会想方设法激起人们对某一本书的兴趣。朗文当代〔within living memory〕There is possibly less chance of another world war while the last one is within living memory.当人们对上一次世界大战还记忆犹新的时候,爆发新的世界大战的可能性会很小。剑桥高阶〔yet〕As yet little was known of the causes of the disease.当时人们对这种疾病的起因几乎一无所知。牛津高阶Her suitability for the post has been questioned.人们对她是否能够胜任这一职位提出了质疑。剑桥国际Interest in the skate board tailed off. 人们对滑冰板的兴趣渐渐小了。译典通It matters little to Carin what people think of her.卡琳不在乎人们对她的评价。剑桥国际It was the manner of her death that stuck in the public's mind.人们对她的死亡方式留下了深刻印象。剑桥国际New evidence has cast doubt on the guilty verdict.新的证据引起了人们对于判决有罪的怀疑。剑桥国际People are becoming increasingly worried about pollution. 人们对污染越来越感到忧虑。译典通People can be allergic to certain foods.人们对某些食物可能有过敏反应。剑桥国际People have different interpretations of the passage. 人们对这一段文字有不同的解释。译典通The events of last year are still fresh (=clear) in people's minds.人们对去年发生的一些事仍记忆犹新。剑桥国际The people showed no surprise or anger at their treatment.人们对他们所受的待遇未表现出惊讶或愤怒。剑桥国际The proposal was dismissed as a diversionary tactic intended to distract attention from the real problems.这个提议被视为牵制性的战术意在转移人们对真正问题的关注,因而遭到拒绝。剑桥国际The unions assured the new owners of the workers’loyalty to the company.工会向新业主保证了工人们对公司的忠诚。剑桥国际There has been a resurgence of interest in health-related holidays.人们对与健康有关的度假再次表现出兴趣。牛津商务This job creation scheme is just a smokescreen to divert attention from the government's poor record on unemployment.这项创造就业计划只是个烟幕,它的目的在于转移人们对政府解决失业措施不力的注意。剑桥国际Why don't we have a quick confab to see what people think about it.我们为什么不简短谈谈,看看人们对此怎么想。剑桥国际




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