

单词 两方
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔balance〕balanced the pros and cons before making a final decision. 在做出最后决定前权衡赞成和反对两方面的意见美国传统〔bipartite〕a bipartite pact 两国盟约(或两方契约) 英汉大词典〔con〕an appraisal of the pros and cons 正反两方面的评价英汉大词典〔con〕argue a matter pro and con 从正反两方面辩论问题英汉大词典〔con〕debated the issue pro and con. 从正反两方面讨论这个问题美国传统〔double-barreled〕a double-barreled question 涉及两方面的问题韦氏高阶〔double-edged〕a double-edged attack on global warming 从两方面着手的对抗全球气候变暖的方法朗文当代〔mediation〕mediation by the prime minister between the two sides 首相在两方之间进行的调解牛津搭配〔omission〕sins of omission and commission on the part of a dictionary-maker 词典编纂人略而不收以及收时出错两方面的罪责英汉大词典〔pro〕an appraisal of the pros and cons 正反两方面的评价英汉大词典〔pro〕pro and con 由赞成与反对;从正反两方文馨英汉〔talk〕talked about the pros and cons of the issue. 谈论这一议题中的正反两方美国传统〔theory〕graduates who are well-trained in both the theory and practice of statistics. 在统计学理论和实践两方面都训练有素的毕业生柯林斯高阶〔two-way〕a two-way agreement 两方协定英汉大词典




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