

单词 劳动
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BLS〕Bureau of Labor Statistics.劳动统计署美国传统〔LOT〕Latin America has an abundant labor force and natural resources. 拉丁美洲有充足的劳动力和自然资源。朗文写作活用〔RICH〕Why should those fat cats get rich through our efforts? 为什么我们努力劳动却让那些阔佬发财?朗文写作活用〔WORK FOR SB〕At the time there was a major shortage of trained manpower in computer science in the US. 当时在美国,计算机科学领域里训练有素的劳动力极其短缺。朗文写作活用〔WORK FOR SB〕Large-scale growth in this type of farming is limited by the climate and the high cost of labour. 这种农业的大规模发展受到气候和劳动力成本高的制约。朗文写作活用〔abundant〕There is an abundant supply of cheap labour.廉价劳动力供应充足。柯林斯高阶〔beef about〕Stop beefing about your housework and do some work!不要对你的家务劳动没完没了地抱怨,做点儿事吧!21世纪英汉〔benefit〕It was good to see her finally reaping the benefits(= enjoying the results)of all her hard work.看到她终于得享辛勤劳动的成果令人欣慰。牛津高阶〔benefit〕They would benefit by reducing their labour costs.他们将得益于劳动力成本的降低。朗文当代〔benefit〕You will eventually reap the benefit of your labour.你终将收获自己的劳动成果。外研社新世纪〔bless〕They prospered mightily and knew that God had blessed their labours.他们的日子非常兴旺, 知道上帝保佑了他们的辛勤劳动。外研社新世纪〔blue-collar〕Of or relating to wage earners, especially as a class, whose jobs are performed in work clothes and often involve manual labor.蓝领工人的:属于或和工薪阶层有关的,尤指其工作要求穿着工作服和从事体力劳动的阶层美国传统〔brainworker〕One whose profession primarily involves intellectual activity.脑力劳动者:其职业主要是从事脑力劳动的人美国传统〔brain〕His real reason for coming was to pick Michael's brains and pump him for information.他前来的真正原因是窃取迈克尔脑力劳动的成果,并从他那儿刺探情报。英汉大词典〔busy〕The raspberries were harvested by industrious workers.辛勤的劳动者收获了山莓。美国传统〔corvée〕A day of unpaid work required of a vassal by his feudal lord.徭役:封建地主要求其奴仆提供的一天的无偿劳动美国传统〔define〕Manual work is broadly defined as work that you do with your hands.手工劳动大致可以解释为用手干的活。麦克米伦高阶〔devalue〕Work in the home is often ignored and devalued.家务劳动常常被忽视和贬低。牛津高阶〔docilely〕They wanted a low-cost, docile workforce.他们想要廉价的、听话的劳动力。柯林斯高阶〔field〕People were working in the fields.人们在田间劳动。牛津高阶〔fray〕Denim frays so easily.劳动布很容易磨损。剑桥高阶〔free〕He offered to do the work for free.他主动提出来做无偿劳动。朗文当代〔fruit〕It's been hard work, but now the business is running smoothly you can sit back and enjoy the fruits of your labours.曾经很难,但现在公司业务运转顺利了,你可以闲坐下来享受你的劳动果实了。剑桥高阶〔glut〕Soldiers returning from the war had glutted the job market.从战场返乡的士兵挤爆了劳动力市场。柯林斯高阶〔gratitude〕I would like to express my gratitude to everyone for their hard work.我要对所有辛勤劳动的人表示感谢。牛津高阶〔grew〕Cities grew rapidly, a large labouring class developed.城市的迅速发展产生了一个强大的劳动阶级。21世纪英汉〔hand〕He's not frightened of getting his hands dirty.他不怕体力劳动。牛津高阶〔healthy〕Working in the open air has made him very healthy.户外劳动使他变得身强体壮。牛津搭配〔honourable〕It is honourable to earn a living with your hands.靠双手劳动来养活自己是光荣的。英汉大词典〔immigrant〕These were working-class immigrants, mainly from rural parts of Mexico.这些移民都是劳动阶层,主要来自墨西哥乡村地区。牛津搭配〔jobless〕One-sixth of the labour force was jobless.全部劳动力中当时有1英汉大词典〔laborsaving〕Designed to conserve human energy in performing work or to decrease the amount of human labor needed.节省劳力的:设计用来在工作时保持人体能量或减轻劳动强度的美国传统〔labor〕Of or relating to labor.劳动的:劳动的或与之有关的美国传统〔labor〕Something produced by work.劳动成果美国传统〔labor〕Work for wages.薪资劳动美国传统〔labour-intensive〕Construction remains a labour-intensive industry.建筑业仍是劳动密集型产业。外研社新世纪〔labour〕Dissidents were forced to work in labour camps.持不同政见者在劳改营被强制劳动。牛津搭配〔labour〕Every man should receive a fair price for the product of his labour.每个人的劳动成果都应该获得合理的回报。柯林斯高阶〔laziness〕Current employment laws will be changed to reward effort and punish laziness.现行劳动法要变革, 奖勤罚懒。外研社新世纪〔mainline〕We observe a striking shift away from a labor theory among all mainline economists.我们发现在主流经济学家中间出现了一种对劳动理论的明显偏移。外研社新世纪〔make〕Women make up 40 per cent of the workforce.妇女占劳动力的40%。麦克米伦高阶〔male〕The workforce is predominantly male.劳动力中男性占绝大多数。牛津搭配〔manpower〕Power in terms of the workers available to a particular group or required for a particular task.劳动力:以可以提供给某个集体或完成某项工作的工人为单位计算的力量美国传统〔manpower〕The industry has suffered from a lack of manpower.该产业缺少劳动力。剑桥高阶〔mechanize〕Farming has been mechanized, reducing the need for labour.耕作已经机械化了,减少了对劳动力的需求。剑桥高阶〔mobility〕The high cost of living acts as an obstacle to mobility of labor.高昂的生活费阻碍了劳动力的流动。牛津搭配〔motivated〕The key to a successful modern economy is a well-educated and motivated workforce.成功的现代化经济关键是要有受过良好教育、积极主动的劳动力。朗文当代〔nothing〕Nothing like enough was done to improve the working conditions.改善劳动条件的工作做得很不够。英汉大词典〔pay ... in〕Men must pay in to the trade society to which they transfer their labour.人们必须对向其转让自己劳动的行业社团捐款。21世纪英汉〔peasant〕A member of the class constituted by small farmers and tenants, sharecroppers, and laborers on the land where they form the main labor force in agriculture.小农,佃农,农民:由小农、佃农、土地劳动力等构成的阶级中的一员,他们形成农业部门的主要劳动力美国传统〔peon〕An unskilled laborer or farm worker of Latin America or the southwest United States.日工:拉丁美洲或美国西南部的不熟练的劳动力或农场工人美国传统〔per cent〕Eighty per cent of the work force is/are against the strike.百分之八十的劳动者都反对这次罢工。牛津高阶〔pitch〕Local companies pitched in with building materials and labour.当地的公司支援了建筑材料和劳动力。牛津高阶〔pool〕The region has a large and talented labour pool .该地区有一大批有才能的后备劳动力。朗文当代〔poor〕His parents were honest working poor.他的双亲是正直的穷苦劳动者。英汉大词典〔productivity〕Economics The rate at which goods or services are produced especially output per unit of labor.【经济学】 生产率:尤指每单位劳动生产的产品或服务的速率美国传统〔redneck〕Used as a disparaging term for a member of the white rural laboring class, especially in the southern United States.红脖子,乡下佬:对属于农村劳动阶层,特别是美国南方这一阶层白人的贬称美国传统〔return〕To produce or yield (profit or interest) as a payment for labor, investment, or expenditure.获利,生息:生产制造或产生(利润或收益)以支付作为劳动力、投资或开销的报酬美国传统〔salary〕Fixed compensation for services, paid to a person on a regular basis.薪水,薪金:付给一个人的固定劳动补偿美国传统〔service〕Those engaged in services are estimated at 40 percent of the working population.从事服务性工作的人估计为劳动人口的40%。英汉大词典〔surplus value〕The difference between the value of the product produced by labor and the actual price of labor as paid out in wages in Marxian analysis of capitalism.剩余价值:马克思对资本主义分析中劳动生产的产品价值与劳动在工资中所得报酬的实际价值之间的差别美国传统〔sweat〕A week's work sweated 6 pounds off him.一个星期的劳动使他减轻了六磅体重。21世纪英汉〔sweat〕Strenuous, exhaustive labor; drudgery.繁重、耗力的劳动;苦工美国传统〔till〕Workers were singing as they tilled the rice paddy fields.劳动者们一边耕种稻田一边唱歌。外研社新世纪〔toil〕Workers toiled long hours.工人们长时间辛苦劳动。柯林斯高阶〔top〕The housework is getting on top of him.繁重的家务劳动使他感到意气消沉。英汉大词典〔turn the spotlight on sth〕The documentary turned the spotlight on the low wages paid to manual workers.这个纪录片重点讲述体力劳动者面对的工资过低问题。剑桥高阶〔vanishing〕They expressed concern about the city's current budget crisis and its vanishing work force.他们对该地区目前的预算危机和劳动人口的渐趋消失表示担忧。剑桥高阶〔vestige〕We represent the last vestige of what made this nation great — hard work.是辛勤劳动成就了这个国家,而我们就是这一品质硕果仅存的代表。柯林斯高阶〔weigh〕Easy access to a skilled workforce weighed heavily with us when we chose a site for the new factory.我们选择新工厂的厂址时,是否离高质量劳动力比较近对我们非常重要。剑桥高阶〔white-collar〕Of or relating to workers whose work usually does not involve manual labor and who are often expected to dress with a degree of formality.白领阶层的:属于或与关于那些工作常不涉及体力劳动且常被要求按一定正式程度穿着的人们美国传统〔womanpower〕Power in terms of the women available to a particular group or required for a particular task.女劳动力:效力于某个特殊团体或某个特殊任务需要的女劳动力美国传统〔work force〕All the people working or available to work, as in a nation, a company, an industry, or on a project.劳动大军,劳动人口:所有正在工作或可以用于工作人的,如在国家、公司、工厂或项目中美国传统〔work force〕The workers employed in a specific project or activity.劳动力:受雇于一个特定的事业或活动的工人美国传统〔workforce〕A declining workforce has to provide for an increasing number of retired people.逐渐减少的劳动人口不得不供养越来越多的退休人员。牛津搭配〔workforce〕The Government is encouraging women back into the workforce.政府正鼓励妇女重新返回劳动队伍中来。麦克米伦高阶〔working class〕The part of society consisting of those who work for wages, especially manual or industrial laborers.工人阶级:包括那些为工资而工作的社会的一部分人,尤指体力或工业劳动者美国传统〔workingman〕A man who performs heavy manual or industrial labor.从事重体力或工业劳动的人美国传统〔work〕Crews work the quarry all day and night.采石场的工人不分昼夜地劳动。韦氏高阶All the furniture is the work of residents here.所有家具都是这里居民的劳动成果。剑桥国际All wealth comes ultimately from human labor. 一切财富归根到底来源于人类的劳动。译典通Companies are trying to keep their workforces lean, so jobs are hard to find.各公司正努力精简劳动力,所以很难找工作。牛津商务Direct labour is a major element of product costs for manufacturing companies.直接劳动力是制造企业中构成产品成本的主要部分。牛津商务For our country to remain competitive, we need a highly-skilled, highly-educated workforce.对我国来说,要保持竞争力,就需要具备高技术、高素质的劳动力。剑桥国际Inputs of labour, capital and energy are becoming more costly.劳动力、资本和能源的投入越来越昂贵。牛津商务It is honourable to earn a living with your hands. 靠双手劳动来养活自己是光荣的。译典通Many companies still treat their management staff better than their workers.许多公司仍然对待管理人员比对待劳动者好。剑桥国际Men still outnumber women in the paid workforce.在雇用劳动者中男性的数量仍然超过女性。牛津商务Retirement is the time to enjoy the fruits of your labours.退休是享受你劳动成果的时候。剑桥国际She was wearing a white cotton shirt and a blue denim wraparound skirt.她穿着一件白色棉衬衫和一条蓝色劳动布筒裙。剑桥国际Shorter contracts have meant an increasingly transient workforce.短期合同意味着劳动力的流动性越来越大。牛津商务The EU has issued some guidelines on appropriate levels of pay for part-time manual workers.欧盟已颁布了非全职的体力劳动工人工资水平的标准。剑桥国际The company recently announced plans to shut (down) two factories and reduce its workforce by 4 000.最近,公司宣布打算关闭两家工厂,减少4 000个劳动力。剑桥国际The direct labour costs are about 80% of the cost of producing one unit.直接劳动成本约占每单位的生产成本的 80%。牛津商务The employer is building an internal labour market, with a view to retaining skilled workers.雇主正在建立内部劳动市场以求留住熟练工人。牛津商务The factory's workforce reflects the ethnic mix from which it draws its labour.工厂的员工反映出劳动力来源的种族混杂情况。剑桥国际The high cost of labour will impact on/upon business growth.高劳动成本会对经济增长产生影响。牛津商务The industry has suffered from a lack of manpower.此项工业缺少劳动力。剑桥国际The labour market remains soft.劳动力市场继续走软。牛津商务We should not look down on manual labor. 我们不应该轻视体力劳动。译典通




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