

单词 专科
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ADDICTED〕The city has proposed a plan to register all drug users at a special clinic. 该市已提出一项计划,让所有的吸毒者到一家专科诊所作登记。朗文写作活用〔DOCTOR〕If your GP can't help you he will refer you to a specialist. 如果普通医生看不了你的病,他会向你推荐一名专科医生的。朗文写作活用〔DOCTOR〕The doctor arranged for Marcel to see a top specialist in Paris. 医生安排马塞尔去看巴黎最好的一位专科医生。朗文写作活用〔address〕Specialist centres specifically address the needs of patients.专科医生中心专门解决患者的需求。外研社新世纪〔allergist〕A physician specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of allergies.过敏症专家:过敏症诊断和治疗的专科医生美国传统〔associate's degree〕An academic degree conferred by a two-year college after the prescribed course of study has been successfully completed.准学士学位,专科毕业证书:顺利完成规定的课程后,由两年制大学授予的大学学位美国传统〔chance〕The specialist who carried out the brain scan thought Tim's chances of survival were still slim.给蒂姆做脑部扫描的专科医生认为他活下来的可能性仍旧渺茫。柯林斯高阶〔college〕A school, sometimes but not always a university, offering special instruction in professional or technical subjects.专科学校:对职业或技术项目提供特殊咨询的学校,并不一定是一个综合大学美国传统〔college〕Paul's going to college in September.保罗9月份就要上专科学校了。麦克米伦高阶〔college〕She's at secretarial college.读专科学校麦克米伦高阶〔counsel〕The doctor's counsel was that we see a specialist.医生劝我们请教专科医生。英汉大词典〔deploy〕Hospitals in the South West are already planning to deploy specialist medical teams.西南地区的医院已在计划调动专科医疗队。外研社新世纪〔discriminate〕The education minister believed it was possible to positively discriminate in favour of colleges in the regions.教育部长认为, 对这些地区的专科学院给予优待是有可能的。外研社新世纪〔fault〕Her doctor was at fault for/in not sending her straight to a specialist.她的医生没有把她直接送到专科医生那里去治疗,在这一点上是有责任的。剑桥高阶〔gp〕The GP referred her to a specialist.全科医生转而把她介绍给一位专科医生。牛津搭配〔hitherto〕The polytechnics have hitherto been at an unfair disadvantage in competing for pupils and money.到目前为止,理工专科学校在争取生源和资金方面一直处于劣势。柯林斯高阶〔instance〕In the first instance your child will be seen by an ear, nose and throat specialist.你的孩子将首先由耳鼻喉专科医生来诊察。柯林斯高阶〔instance〕In the first instance your child will be seen by an ear, nose, and throat specialist.首先, 你的孩子将由一位耳鼻喉专科医生接诊。外研社新世纪〔junior college〕An educational institution offering a two-year course that is generally the equivalent of the first two years of a four-year undergraduate course.大专,两年制专科学校:一种学校,提供两年制的课程,相当于大学四年制本科前两年的课程美国传统〔opinion〕My doctor asked a specialist for a second opinion on my X-rays.我的私人医生请一位专科医师对我的X光片再次作出鉴定。英汉大词典〔opinion〕My doctor has referred me to a specialist for a second opinion on the results of my blood test.我的医生将我转诊给一位专科医生以对我的验血结果作再次鉴定。剑桥高阶〔ping-pong〕The clinic was accused of ping-ponging patients from one specialist to another.那家诊所让病人从一个又一个专科医生那里接受不必要的检查,因而受到责难。21世纪英汉〔polytechnic〕A school specializing in the teaching of industrial arts and applied sciences.工艺专科学校:专门教授工艺和应用科学的学校美国传统〔polytechnic〕I considered applying to university, but I eventually decided to go to the local poly.我考虑过申请上大学,但最终决定上本地的工艺专科学院。剑桥高阶〔referral〕She got a referral to a specialist.她被转诊到专科医生。外研社新世纪〔referral〕The doctor will give you a referral to a specialist in your area.医生将帮你转诊到你这方面的专科医生。朗文当代〔refer〕He referred Jenny to a specialist.他让珍妮转到一位专科医生那里就诊。外研社新世纪〔registrar〕A hospital registrar is of a lower rank than a consultant.医院的专科住院医生比会诊医生级别低。剑桥高阶〔residency〕If you decide to specialize, there would be internship and perhaps residency.如果你决定从事某一专科,就得经历实习期,可能还得从事高级专科住院实习。英汉大词典〔residency〕She recently completed her residency in pediatrics.她最近完成了儿科高级专科住院实习。韦氏高阶〔resident〕She's a first-year resident in oncology at Boston General Hospital.她现在波士顿综合医院肿瘤科做高级专科住院实习医生。剑桥高阶〔second opinion〕You could go to a private specialist to get a second opinion.你可以去找一位私人专科医生, 多听一种意见。外研社新世纪〔send〕My doctor sent me to a specialist.我的医生建议我去咨询一位专科医师。韦氏高阶〔specialist〕He saw a specialist for his foot problem.他找了位专科医生看脚疾。韦氏高阶〔specialist〕I've asked to be referred to a specialist about my back pain.我已经要求转诊,让专科医生来治我的背痛。剑桥高阶〔specialty〕A branch of medicine or surgery, such as cardiology or neurosurgery, in which a physician specializes; the field or practice of a specialist.专科:医生专门研究的医药学或外科学的一支,如心脏病学或神经外科学;专科医生研究的领域或实践美国传统〔special〕Police are still searching for a convicted rapist, who escaped from Broadmoor special hospital yesterday.警方仍然在搜寻昨天从布罗德莫尔专科医院逃跑的一名强奸犯。柯林斯高阶〔tertiary〕Selby Tertiary College.塞尔比高等专科学院柯林斯高阶〔transfer〕I couldn't transfer all my credits from junior college.我无法把我在专科学校的所有学分都转过来。牛津高阶〔try〕If I don't get into the academy this year, I'll try again next year.如果今年进不了这所专科学校,我明年还会努力的。剑桥高阶〔unit〕A fixed amount of scholastic study used as a basis for calculating academic credits, usually measured in hours of classroom instruction or laboratory work.上课时量,计算学分的学习量:学术研究的固定量,用作计算专科院校学分的基础,通常按教室教育或实验室工作的小时测量美国传统A hospital registrar is of a lower rank than a consultant.专科住院医生的级别比顾问医生低。剑桥国际I've asked to be referred to a specialist about my bad back.我要求让专科医生来检查我背上的毛病。剑桥国际The TV company is aware of the danger of ghettoizing disability issues by offering “specialist” programmes.电视公司意识到提供“专科医生”节目有区别对待残疾问题的危险。剑桥国际




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