

单词 跳动
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Stokes-Adams syndrome〕An occasional temporary stoppage or extreme slowing of the pulse as a result of heart block, causing dizziness, fainting, and sometimes convulsions.斯托克斯-亚当斯病:因心脏传导阻滞而致的脉搏的暂停或极缓慢跳动,能引起头晕、昏厥,有时引起痉挛美国传统〔aerobic〕Aerobic exercise gets the heart pumping and helps you to burn up the fat.有氧运动加速心脏跳动, 有助于消耗脂肪。外研社新世纪〔aerobic〕Aerobic exercise gets the heart pumping and helps you to burn up the fat.有氧运动加速心脏跳动,有助于消耗更多脂肪。柯林斯高阶〔all〕That night, her heart all but stopped.那晚,她的心脏差点儿停止跳动。英汉大词典〔arrest〕The patient arrested en route to the hospital.病人在去医院的路上心脏停止了跳动美国传统〔beating〕A throbbing or pulsation, as of the heart.心脏跳动,心脏博动:跳动或博动,如心脏美国传统〔beat〕His pulse is still beating.他的脉搏还在跳动。英汉大词典〔beat〕She's alive—her heart is still beating.她没死 — 她的心还在跳动。牛津高阶〔beat〕The doctor could feel no pulse beating.医生感觉不到脉搏的跳动。剑桥高阶〔bob up and down〕The cork on a fishing line bobbed up and down on the water.钓丝上的浮子在水面上下跳动。21世纪英汉〔bobble〕The ball bobbled on the ground.球在地板上上下跳动。21世纪英汉〔bobble〕To bob up and down.上下跳动美国传统〔bob〕Something bobbed up and down in the water.水里有东西上下跳动。牛津同义词〔breathlessly〕I was a little breathless and my heartbeat was bumpy and fast.我有点儿喘不上气,心脏咚咚地快速跳动着。柯林斯高阶〔bring〕Her heart stopped three times, but they brought her back.她的心脏三次停止跳动,但是他们都把她救活了。麦克米伦高阶〔code〕Slang A patient whose heart has stopped beating, as in cardiac arrest.【俚语】 心脏已停止跳动的病人:心脏已停止跳动的病人,如患心脏病美国传统〔dance〕She tried to read it carefully, but the words danced and dissolved before her eyes.她努力想要仔细读一读, 可是这些字却在她眼前跳动渐至消失了。外研社新世纪〔dance〕She tried to read it more slowly and carefully, but the words danced and dissolved before her eyes.她试图读得更慢更仔细一些,但那些字却在她眼前跳动而变得模糊起来。柯林斯高阶〔dicrotism〕A condition in which the pulse is felt as two beats per single heartbeat.重脉搏,二脉波:心脏每跳动一次时脉搏发生两次搏动的情况美国传统〔drum〕The liquor he had drunk drummed at his temples.喝下的酒使他的太阳穴突突地跳动。英汉大词典〔dullness〕He heard his heart thump dully but more quickly.他听见低沉的心跳声,跳动的速度却更快了。柯林斯高阶〔fail〕The patient's heart failed.病人的心脏停止了跳动。英汉大词典〔fast〕Her pulse seemed very fast.她的脉搏好像跳动很快。牛津搭配〔flame〕Flames danced in the gas lantern.火苗在煤气灯里跳动。牛津搭配〔flame〕They sat around the campfire, watching the flickering flames .他们围坐在篝火旁,看着跳动的火焰。朗文当代〔flip〕A seal is flipping along the beach.一只海豹正沿着海滩啪嗒啪嗒地跳动。英汉大词典〔flutter〕His heart gave a little flutter as the ladder slipped a couple of inches.梯子滑动了几英寸,他的心微微跳动了几下。牛津搭配〔flutter〕I could feel a fluttering pulse.我感到脉搏跳动。牛津高阶〔flutter〕My heart fluttered wildly.我的心猛烈地跳动着美国传统〔flutter〕The dying man's pulse fluttered feebly.垂死者的脉搏微弱地跳动着。英汉大词典〔flutter〕You need sensitive fingers to find the flutter of a pulse.只有敏感的手指才能感觉到脉搏的跳动。外研社新世纪〔heartbeat〕A single complete pulsation of the heart.心搏:一次完整的心脏跳动美国传统〔heartthrob〕A pulsation of the heart; a heartbeat.心脏的跳动;心跳美国传统〔heart〕I could feel the beating of his heart.我能感觉到他心脏的跳动。外研社新世纪〔jig〕A typically metal fishing lure with one or more hooks, usually deployed with a jiggling motion on or near the bottom.拟饵手钓钩,滚钩:通常有一个或多个钩子的金属钓鱼钩,在底部或底部周围装有一个跳动的物体美国传统〔jumpy〕Characterized by fitful, jerky movements.跳跃的,跳动的:具有一阵阵的跳动的特征的美国传统〔jump〕An involuntary nervous movement; a start.惊跳:不自觉的神经性跳动;惊跳美国传统〔jump〕The film jumped during projection.电影图象在放映过程中发生跳动美国传统〔moment〕For one heart-stopping moment, we thought she was going to fall.有那么一刻我们的心脏几乎停止了跳动,以为她要摔倒了。牛津搭配〔monitor〕The heart monitor shows the strength of your pulse.心脏监测仪可以测出脉搏跳动的强度。牛津搭配〔needle〕The needle jumped and scratched the record.唱针跳动, 把唱片刮坏了。外研社新世纪〔palpitation〕Irregular, rapid beating or pulsation of the heart.心脏急速跳动:规则的,快速的心跳或心脏的博动美国传统〔pant〕A throb; a pulsation.博动;跳动美国传统〔pant〕To beat loudly or heavily; throb or pulsate.跳动:大声地或沉重地跳动;搏动或震动美国传统〔perch〕Three or four birds were moving restively on their perches.三四只鸟在栖枝上不安地跳动。英汉大词典〔pounding〕I could feel a pounding in my chest. = I could feel the pounding of my heart in my chest.我能感到心脏在怦怦地跳动。韦氏高阶〔pound〕My heart was pounding.我的心脏正在剧烈地跳动。外研社新世纪〔pulsate〕I could see the veins in his neck pulsating.我看到他脖子上的血管在跳动。朗文当代〔pulsate〕The heart continued to pulsate for some time.心脏继续跳动了一会儿。外研社新世纪〔pulsate〕To expand and contract rhythmically; beat.搏动,跳动,律动:有节奏地扩张和收缩;搏动美国传统〔pulsation〕A single beat, throb, or vibration.一次搏动、跳动或颤动美国传统〔pulse〕A muscle began to pulse in his jaw.他下巴上的肌肉开始跳动。麦克米伦高阶〔pulse〕A single beat or throb.脉动:一次搏动或跳动美国传统〔pulse〕Any of a series of intermittent occurrences characterized by a brief, sudden change in a quantity.一连串的持续跳动:以数量短促而突然的变化为特征的一系列间歇性出现美国传统〔pulse〕Before the singer went on, her pulse started to race.在继续演唱之前, 那个女歌手的脉搏开始剧烈跳动。外研社新世纪〔pulse〕Fear sent her pulse racing(= made it beat very quickly).她吓得脉搏急速跳动。牛津高阶〔pulse〕He noticed a tiny flicker of movement in her throat. Was it a pulse?他注意到她的喉咙处有细微的颤动。那是脉搏跳动吗?外研社新世纪〔pulse〕Her heart pulsed with excitement.她的心因兴奋而跳动。文馨英汉〔pulse〕Her pulse raced (=beat very quickly) with excitement.她激动得脉搏急速跳动。朗文当代〔pulse〕His heart pulsed with excitement.他的心激烈地跳动着。21世纪英汉〔pulse〕Physics To undergo a series of intermittent occurrences characterized by brief, sudden changes in a quantity.【物理学】 断续跳动:经历一系列以短促而突然的数量变化为特征的间歇性发作美国传统〔pulse〕The rhythmical throbbing of arteries produced by the regular contractions of the heart, especially as palpated at the wrist or in the neck.脉搏:尤在腕部和颈部可感觉到的由心脏有规律的收缩造成的动脉有节奏的跳动美国传统〔pump〕Age diminishes the heart's ability to pump harder and faster under exertion.随着年龄的增长, 心脏在高负荷下更有力、更快地跳动的能力减退了。外研社新世纪〔pump〕Her heart was pumping away.她的心在怦怦跳动。英汉大词典〔pump〕His heart was pumping very fast.他的心脏跳动得很快。文馨英汉〔pump〕My heart was pumping very fast.我的心脏像泵般跳动得很快。21世纪英汉〔race〕She took a deep breath to calm her racing pulse.她深深地吸了口气,想使急速跳动的脉搏平静下来。牛津高阶〔rib〕Her heart was thumping against her ribs.她的心脏紧抵着肋骨砰砰跳动。柯林斯高阶〔saltation〕The act of leaping, jumping, or dancing.跳跃,跳动或跳舞美国传统〔shadow〕The candles on the table threw huge flickering shadows against the wall.桌子上的蜡烛在墙上投下巨大而跳动的影子。牛津搭配〔still〕It seemed to still momentarily the beating of his heart.他的心脏似乎因此暂时停止了跳动。外研社新世纪〔stop〕His heart stopped beating.他的心脏停止了跳动。韦氏高阶〔stop〕His heart stopped three times.他的心脏曾 3 次停止跳动。柯林斯高阶〔throb〕Her heart throbbed violently.她的心剧烈地跳动。21世纪英汉〔throb〕The act of throbbing; a beating, palpitation, or vibration.跳动;一次跳动、搏动或振动美国传统〔throb〕To beat rapidly or violently, as the heart; pound.悸动:如心脏快而剧烈地跳动;砰砰跳美国传统〔thudding〕Jessica's heart was thudding against her ribcage.杰茜卡的心在胸腔里剧烈地跳动着。柯林斯高阶〔thump〕To throb audibly.吵闹地跳动美国传统〔tick〕His old heart is still ticking.他衰老的心脏依然在跳动。韦氏高阶〔trace〕This trace shows the heartbeat.这条描记线显示了心脏跳动的情况。朗文当代〔tricrotic〕Having three waves or elevations to one beat of the pulse.三波脉的:脉搏每跳动一次有三搏的美国传统〔twitch〕His left eyelid twitched involuntarily.他的左眼皮不由自主地跳动。外研社新世纪〔twitch〕His left eyelid twitched involuntarily… 他的左眼皮不由自主地跳动。柯林斯高阶〔warm〕The children jumped up and down to keep warm.孩子们上下跳动保持身体暖和。牛津高阶〔wash〕The colour had washed out of her face and her heart was beating violently.她脸色发白,心剧烈地跳动着。英汉大词典〔wildly〕My heart started beating wildly like a trapped bird.我的心像一只被困的小鸟, 开始狂躁地跳动起来。外研社新世纪Although he was badly injured, his heart was still beating.虽然他伤得很重,但他的心脏仍在跳动。剑桥国际He jerked the string and the puppet jumped. 他猛一拉线,木偶就跳动了。译典通Her heart was racing and her forehead was clammy.她的心在剧烈跳动,她的额头湿乎乎的。剑桥国际His heart leapt (=He suddenly felt very excited and happy) when the phone rang.电话铃响了,他的心兴奋地跳动起来。剑桥国际My heart missed a beat when she said,“ Yes, I'll marry you.” 当她说:“好的,我嫁给你”时,我的心脏几乎停止了跳动。剑桥国际My heart was palpitating with joy.我的心脏快乐地跳动着。剑桥国际She watched the sunlight dancing on the water's surface.她注视着水面上闪闪跳动的阳光。剑桥国际The heart pumps blood through the arteries /round the body.心脏跳动,通过血管输送血液/将血液输送到全身。剑桥国际The music had a pulsing rhythm.这音乐有着跳动的节奏。剑桥国际The pregnant woman needed to breathe deeply when her heart was beating with such fierceness. 当这位孕妇的心如此猛烈地跳动时,她需要做深呼吸。译典通With his feet tied together he could only move in little hops.他双腿被捆只能并足一点点跳动。剑桥国际You'd never guess it, but beneath (= hidden by) his cool exterior there beats a heart of pure passion.你永远也猜不到在他冷淡的外表下跳动着一颗多么纯情的心。剑桥国际




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