

单词 一卷
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MATERIAL〕She ran her eye over the rolls of brightly-coloured cloth displayed on the stall. 她打量着摊位上陈列的一卷卷色彩鲜艳的布料。朗文写作活用〔OPEN〕While we were admiring the rugs, the shopkeeper started to unroll a splendid carpet. 我们在欣赏小地毯的时候,店主开始铺开一卷华丽的大地毯。朗文写作活用〔REMAIN〕I need to get some more film; this is my last roll. 我还需要些胶卷,这是最后一卷了。朗文写作活用〔anticipation〕We await the next volume of this superb edition with keen anticipation.我们殷切期盼着这本精装版下一卷的面世。柯林斯高阶〔bankroll〕A roll of paper money.一卷钞票美国传统〔bankroll〕He pulled a bankroll from his pocket and started counting out the bills.他从衣服口袋里掏出一卷钞票, 开始一张一张数起来。外研社新世纪〔billhook〕An implement with a curved blade attached to a handle, used especially for clearing brush and for rough pruning.锚钩:长柄上有一卷刃的工具,尤用于清理灌丛和粗略修枝美国传统〔bind〕Each volume is bound in bright-coloured cloth.每一卷都采用色彩亮丽的布面装帧。柯林斯高阶〔bind〕Each volume is bound in red cloth.每一卷都采用红色的布面装帧。外研社新世纪〔bob〕A small lock or curl of hair.一束、一卷头发美国传统〔bolt〕A large roll of cloth of a definite length, especially as it comes from the loom.一匹:有一定长度的,尤指当其从织机上卸下来时的一卷布美国传统〔cf.〕For the more salient remarks on the matter, cf. Isis Unveiled, Vol. I.关于这个问题的更重要的评论,参看《揭开面纱的伊希斯》第一卷。柯林斯高阶〔coil〕A coil of rope lay on the beach.海滩上放着一卷绳子。剑桥高阶〔coil〕A roll of postage stamps prepared for use in a vending machine.一卷邮票:准备用于自动售货机的一卷邮票美国传统〔collate〕To verify the order and completeness of (the pages of a volume).核对:证实(一卷书的页数)顺序和完整性美国传统〔direction finder〕A device for determining the source of a transmitted signal, consisting mainly of a radio receiver and a coiled rotating antenna.无线电测向仪:一种确定被传送的信号源的装置,主要由一个无线电接收器和一卷盘绕的旋转天线组成美国传统〔distil(l)〕His important writings are distilled into one volume.他的重要著作已精选汇编成一卷。英汉大词典〔drum〕He had found a drum of electric cable.他发现了一卷电缆。柯林斯高阶〔fake〕One loop or winding of a coiled rope or cable.一卷绳索,一捆船索:卷起的绳子或钢丝的一圈或一卷美国传统〔film〕I've only got one roll of film left.一卷胶卷麦克米伦高阶〔fold〕A coil or bend, as of rope.一卷:一卷或一圈,如绳圈等线圈或带子美国传统〔furl〕A single roll or a rolled section.一卷东西或被卷起来的一段美国传统〔hank〕A coil or loop.一圈或一卷美国传统〔line〕Volumes of the great works of literature line the shelves.书架上排列着一卷卷文学巨著。英汉大词典〔load〕My camera is loaded with a colour film.我的相机里装着一卷彩色胶卷。麦克米伦高阶〔perforation〕A hole or series of holes punched or bored through something, especially a hole in a series, separating sections in a sheet or roll.孔:穿过某物的一个孔或一系列孔,尤指用以分割一张或一卷东西的一系列小孔美国传统〔photographer〕The photographer shot the usual roll of pictures.摄影师拍摄了一卷普通的照片。牛津搭配〔player piano〕A mechanically operated piano that uses a perforated paper roll to actuate the keys.自动钢琴:使用一卷打孔纸来按键的机械演奏的钢琴美国传统〔pluck〕He plucked a couple of plastic bags from the roll.他从那一卷里面扯下几个塑料袋。朗文当代〔publication〕The final volume is due for publication in October.最后一卷定于10月出版。外研社新世纪〔publish〕The first volume of the dictionary was published in 1989.那部词典的第一卷出版于1989年。英汉大词典〔reel〕The job required a 30m reel of cable.这项工作需要一卷30米长的电缆。外研社新世纪〔reel〕The quantity of wire, film, or other material wound on one reel.一卷:卷在卷轴上的电线、胶片或其它物质的数量美国传统〔release〕I am anxiously awaiting the release of the next volume.我正在热切盼望下一卷的发行。牛津搭配〔roach〕A roll of hair brushed up from the forehead or temple.额前卷发:从前额或太阳穴梳上去的一卷头发美国传统〔roll〕A quantity, as of cloth or wallpaper, rolled into a cylinder and often considered as a unit of measure.一卷:一卷布或一卷墙纸等被卷成圆筒状且通常被当作度量单位的数量美国传统〔roll〕He produced a roll of banknotes from his pocket.他从兜里拿出一卷钞票。外研社新世纪〔roll〕I always roll my clothes when I pack.我收拾行李时,总是把衣物卷成一卷。麦克米伦高阶〔roll〕There's a new roll of silver foil in there.里面有一卷新铝箔。朗文当代〔rotary press〕A printing press consisting of curved plates attached to a revolving cylinder that prints onto a continuous roll of paper.轮转印刷机:一种由与旋转的圆筒相连的变曲印版构成的印刷机,圆筒在一卷连续不断的纸张上印刷美国传统〔scroll〕A roll, as of parchment or papyrus, used especially for writing a document.卷轴:一卷如羊皮纸或者纸草纸,尤用于写公文美国传统〔scroll〕To inscribe on a scroll.在一卷纸上写美国传统〔skein〕A length of thread or yarn wound in a loose, elongated coil.一绞:线或纱线绕成松的,伸长的一卷的长度美国传统〔slub〕A slightly twisted roll of fiber, as of silk or cotton.初纺的丝或棉:略微搓在一起的一卷纤维,如丝或棉花美国传统〔snap〕She snapped a rubber band deftly around a roll of bills.她熟练地把橡皮筋往一卷钞票上一箍。英汉大词典〔start〕You'll have to start a new roll of tape. This one's empty.你得启用新带子了,这一卷用完了。韦氏高阶〔stump〕A short, pointed roll of leather or paper or wad of rubber for rubbing on a charcoal or pencil drawing to shade or soften it.擦笔:作铅笔画或炭画时用的来打阴影的一卷短而尖的皮革、纸张或一块用来擦铅笔画或炭画的橡皮美国传统〔swipe〕He swiped at the wasp with a rolled-up newspaper.他挥起一卷报纸打那只黄蜂。外研社新世纪〔tamp〕Philpott tamped a wad of tobacco into his pipe.菲尔波特往烟斗里塞了一卷碎烟叶。外研社新世纪〔tamp〕Philpott tamped a wad of tobacco into his pipe.菲尔波特往烟斗里塞了一卷碎烟叶。柯林斯高阶〔tool〕Each volume is tooled in colours of red and gold.每一卷书的封面都用红、金两色套印。英汉大词典〔turn〕A single wind or convolution, as of wire on a spool.盘绕一圈:绕一圈或一卷 ,如缠在锭子上的线美国传统〔turn〕Something that winds or turns around a center axis.一卷:围绕着轴心绕成一圆圈的东西美国传统〔vol.〕The Works of Shakespeare, Vol. I 《莎士比亚作品集》第一卷韦氏高阶〔volume〕Abbr. vol.,v.A roll of parchment; a scroll.缩写 vol.,v.书卷:一卷羊皮纸、卷轴美国传统〔wad〕A sizable roll of paper money.可观的一卷纸币美国传统〔web〕A large continuous roll of paper, such as newsprint, either in the process of manufacture or as it is fed into a web press.卷筒纸的一卷:在制造过程中或已进入新闻出版网的一大卷连续不断的纸,如新闻纸美国传统〔yellow pages〕A volume or section of a telephone directory that lists businesses, services, or products alphabetically according to field.黄色电话薄:根据不同领域,按字母顺序列出商业、服务单位或产品的一卷或一部分的电话薄美国传统〔youth〕The first volume is the author's account of his misspent youth in the bars of Dublin.第一卷是作者对他在都柏林酒吧里虚度青春的叙述。剑桥高阶A coil of rope lay on the beach.海滩上放着一卷绳子。剑桥国际Coils of rope lay untidily all over the ship's deck.一卷一卷的缆绳杂乱无章地放在船的整个甲板上。剑桥国际I need a new roll of sticking plaster.我需要一卷新的粘贴用橡皮膏。剑桥国际I put a new reel of film in my camera.我在照相机里装了一卷新胶卷。剑桥国际Inside a roll of toilet paper there's a cardboard cylinder.一卷卫生纸里头有个纸筒。剑桥国际Open the door wide and wedge it with a wad of newspaper. 把门开大,再用一卷报纸把它楔牢。译典通Please buy a roll of film for me. 请给我买一卷底片(软片)。译典通Waugh's first volume of memoirs dealt with his childhood and youth.沃的第一卷自传写的是他的童年和青年时代。剑桥国际




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