

单词 很深
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AGE〕There's still a pretty wide generation-gap in German society. 德国社会中仍然存在着很深的代沟。朗文写作活用〔DEEP/NOT DEEP〕Larry had a deep cut on his left leg. 拉里的左腿上有一条很深的刀伤。朗文写作活用〔DO/NOT DO〕I had seen him in action during the San José strike, and I was very impressed. 我看到过他在圣何塞的罢工中的表现,对他印象很深刻。朗文写作活用〔DREAM〕I keep having the same dream about trying to get across a deep river. 我老是做着同一个梦,想过一条水很深的河。朗文写作活用〔EFFICIENT/NOT EFFICIENT〕I was impressed by her speed and efficiency. 我对她的速度和效率印象很深刻。朗文写作活用〔GOOD AT〕Johann Sebastian Bach had three sons who all became highly accomplished musicians and composers. 约翰·塞巴斯蒂安·巴赫有三个儿子,他们都成了造诣很深的音乐家和作曲家。朗文写作活用〔GOOD〕Everything that he writes has a high moral purpose. 他写的每一样东西都有很深的道德寓意。朗文写作活用〔HOLE〕The old mineshaft had left a deep hole, dangerous to both people and livestock. 旧矿井留下了一个很深的洞,给人和牲口都带来了危险。朗文写作活用〔HURT/INJURE〕The wound was deep and needed eighteen stitches. 伤口很深,需要缝18针。朗文写作活用〔Nyanja〕A Bantu language closely related to Chewa and spoken in Malawi.尼扬扎语:在马拉维人们使用的一种班图语,与奇瓦语渊源很深美国传统〔READ〕My professor read over my dissertation and said that he was very impressed with it. 我的教授仔细地看了我的论文,说他对论文的印象很深。朗文写作活用〔abstruse〕Her subject matter is abstruse.她的题材很深奥。韦氏高阶〔another〕They seem to love one another very much.他们似乎彼此爱得很深。朗文当代〔attached〕I've grown very attached to this place.我对这个地方已产生了很深厚的感情。文馨英汉〔attachment〕They all have a deep attachment to the old house.他们都对老房子有很深的眷恋之情。韦氏高阶〔bad blood〕There's been a lot of bad blood between them since their quarrel.自从发生争吵后,他们之间积怨很深。韦氏高阶〔barrier reef〕A long, narrow ridge of coral or rock parallel to and relatively near a coastline, separated from the coastline by a lagoon too deep for coral growth.堡礁:一狭长的与海岸平行且相对靠近海岸的珊瑚礁或岩石,常被很深的、不适合珊瑚生长的环礁湖与海岸隔开美国传统〔cheering〕They were impressed by his steadfast good cheer.他整天笑呵呵的样子给他们留下很深的印象。柯林斯高阶〔chromogen〕Biology A strongly pigmented or pigment-generating organelle, organ, or microorganism.【生物学】 发色团:色泽很深或产色的细胞器官、器官或微生物美国传统〔citizenship〕I was impressed with her good citizenship.她的好品德给我留下了很深的印象。英汉大词典〔colouring〕His daughter has very dark colouring.他女儿肤色很深。牛津搭配〔culturally〕The French are a culturally sophisticated people.法国人民是文化底蕴很深的民族。朗文当代〔cut〕His mockery frightened her and cut her to the bone.他的嘲笑让她害怕,把她伤得很深。朗文当代〔cut〕I noticed he'd cut his finger quite badly.我发现他把手指头割破了,伤口很深。朗文当代〔cut〕She suffered a deep cut to her scalp.她头皮上有一个很深的伤口。麦克米伦高阶〔deeply〕The dog bit deeply into his leg.那条狗把他的腿咬很深。文馨英汉〔deep〕Her face was swollen and she had a deep cut on her lip.她的脸肿了, 嘴唇上还有一道很深的伤口。外研社新世纪〔deep〕She is very deep —you never know what she is thinking.她这人很深沉——你永远也不知道她在想什么。英汉大词典〔deep〕She was sitting in a deep leather chair.她坐在一张很深的皮椅子里。朗文当代〔deep〕She's always been a deep one, trusting no one.她这个人一直城府很深,对谁也不相信。牛津高阶〔deep〕The house has lots of deep closets.这幢房子有许多进深很深的壁橱。韦氏高阶〔deep〕The river is quite deep here.这里的河水很深。麦克米伦高阶〔deep〕The submarine sailed deep under the ice cap.潜艇在冰盖下很深的地方航行。剑桥高阶〔deep〕The water looks very deep there.那儿的水看上去很深。牛津搭配〔depth〕Any small object would be difficult to find because of the depth of the water.由于水很深,小东西很难找。麦克米伦高阶〔depth〕The ship's mast finally disappeared into the watery depths.船桅最终消失在水下很深的地方。牛津搭配〔depth〕Younger students cannot be expected to have great depth of understanding.不能期求年轻学生有很深刻的理解力。牛津搭配〔drift〕The car was stuck in a deep snow drift.汽车陷在很深的雪堆里。麦克米伦高阶〔eradicate〕These weeds are difficult to eradicate because their roots extend deep into the soil.这些杂草很难连根拔起, 因为它们的根在土里扎得很深。外研社新世纪〔erosion〕As their roots are strong and penetrating, they prevent erosion.它们的根十分粗壮而且扎得很深,从而避免了受侵蚀。柯林斯高阶〔expertise〕She has considerable expertise in French history.她研究法国历史有很深的造诣。剑桥高阶〔fall in〕The water's deep here,mind you don't fall in.这里水很深,你请注意不要掉下去。21世纪英汉〔feel〕He feels very strongly about a lot of issues.他对很多问题都感触很深。牛津搭配〔forficate〕Deeply forked or notched, as the tails of certain birds.分叉很深的:三叉形的和锯齿状的,如某些鸟的尾巴美国传统〔gorge〕The river flows along a deep gorge.那条河流经一个很深的峡谷。外研社新世纪〔go〕The difference goes deep.分歧很深。英汉大词典〔ground〕The tunnel goes deep under the ground.隧道在地下很深的地方。牛津搭配〔haunting〕His poems are haunting but opaque.他的诗给人印象很深但晦涩难解。英汉大词典〔high-octane〕The critics were impressed by Springsteen's high-octane performance.斯普林斯廷富有活力的表演给评论家们留下了很深的印象。麦克米伦高阶〔impressed〕I'm very impressed with the new airport.新机场给我留下了很深的印象。柯林斯高阶〔individualism〕He is struck by what he calls the individualism of American officers.他称其为美国军官的个性给他留下了很深的印象。柯林斯高阶〔injustice〕He had developed a deep sense of social injustice .他对社会不公有很深刻的认识。朗文当代〔insect〕Insects had bored deep into the wood.虫子在木头上钻了很深的洞。牛津搭配〔intimate〕She has an intimate knowledge of English.她英语造诣很深。英汉大词典〔involvement〕He was found to have a deep involvement in drug dealing.发现他与贩毒活动牵涉很深。牛津搭配〔involvement〕My personal involvement with him and his family is deep.我个人和他以及他的家庭瓜葛很深。英汉大词典〔in〕There was a deep crack in the ceiling above him.他头顶的天花板上有一道很深的裂缝。外研社新世纪〔knock ... out〕He's not a very accomplished pianist, but he can knock out a tune.他不是一个造诣很深的钢琴家,但他可以胡乱演奏一曲。21世纪英汉〔line〕She has deep lines on her forehead.她的额头上有很深的皱纹。文馨英汉〔mark〕Years of conditioning had left their mark on her, and she never felt inclined to talk to strange men.多年的熏陶对她影响很深,她从不愿意跟陌生人说话。柯林斯高阶〔nasty〕He had a nasty cut near his eye.他眼睛旁边有一道很深的伤口。外研社新世纪〔over〕I was impressed by Leonard's confidence and certainty over against his brother's weakness and hesitation.与他弟弟的软弱和优柔寡断形成对比的是,伦纳德自信又果断,给我留下了很深的印象。麦克米伦高阶〔piercable〕The knife did not pierce very deeply.刀扎得不很深。21世纪英汉〔place〕The snow was deep, in places, ready to avalanche.积雪很深,有几处已有崩落的可能。英汉大词典〔plenty〕The water looked plenty deep.这水看起来很深。柯林斯高阶〔profundity〕Great depth.深处:很深美国传统〔puddle〕The puddle was very dark when the blade came out of the water.桨叶出水时, 形成很深的水涡。外研社新世纪〔relationship〕He has a very good relationship with his uncle.他和他叔叔的感情很深。剑桥高阶〔richness〕We were impressed by the great richness of detail in her painting.她的画作着重细节刻画,给我们留下很深的印象。剑桥高阶〔say〕I have to say I was impressed.我得说我印象很深刻。朗文当代〔scar〕The war has left a deep scar on this community.战争给这个社区留下了很深的创伤。朗文当代〔scratch〕There were deep scratches all over her face.她脸上全是很深的划痕。朗文当代〔seamed〕He has a deeply seamed face.他有一张皱纹很深的脸。文馨英汉〔shoal〕Having little depth; shallow.浅的:不是很深的;浅的美国传统〔side〕The rough rock walls were like the sides of a deep canal.凸凹不平的石墙就像一条很深的运河的河岸。柯林斯高阶〔skew〕Their conception of religion is heavily skewed.他们的宗教观带有很深的偏见。英汉大词典〔snowshoe〕A racket-shaped frame containing interlaced leather strips that can be attached to the foot to facilitate walking on deep snow.雪鞋:一种球拍状结构,有相互交织的皮革带子,可以附在脚上,以便在很深的积雪中行走美国传统〔splendour〕Montagu was extremely impressed by the splendours of the French court.法国宫廷的豪华给蒙塔古留下了很深的印象。柯林斯高阶〔split〕The Kremlin is deeply split in its approach to foreign policy.克里姆林宫的领导层在外交政策上存在很深的分歧。柯林斯高阶〔split〕The woman had split her head open (= got a long, deep wound in her head) when she was thrown off the horse.那个女人从马上摔下来时,头上裂了个很深的大口子。剑桥高阶〔strike〕The roots of this plant strike deep.这株植物扎根很深。文馨英汉〔tread〕The fat, broad tyres had a good depth of tread.这种宽大的轮胎有很深的胎面花纹。柯林斯高阶〔twist drill〕A drill having deep helical grooves along the shank from the point.螺旋钻:从顶端开始沿着针杆有很深的螺旋槽的钻头美国传统〔vendetta〕The two sides have been engaged in a bitter private vendetta .双方有着很深的私仇。朗文当代〔wound〕He had deep wounds in his chest.他胸部有几处很深的伤口。牛津搭配After dinner, I ensconced myself in a deep armchair with a book.晚饭后我拿着本书安坐在一把很深的扶手椅中。剑桥国际Despite the deep antipathies between them, the two sides have managed to negotiate an agreement.尽管他们之间芥蒂很深,双方还是坐下来谈判一项协议。剑桥国际He had cut his leg badly, and his trousers were saturated with/in blood.他把腿割得很深,裤腿都被血浸透了。剑桥国际He has a deep slash across his face / on his arm / in his side, where he was hit by flying glass.在他的脸上/手臂上/侧边有一条被飞来的玻璃割出的很深的伤痕。剑桥国际He has an extensive inside knowledge of the telecoms industry.他对电讯产业的内幕了解很深。牛津商务He is a man with a lot of experience under his belt. 他是个阅历很深的人。译典通His feelings for her are very deep.他对她的感情很深。剑桥国际I heard a sharp intake of breath behind me.我听见后面有一声很深的吸气声。剑桥国际I'm so far-sighted I can't read the newspaper without my glasses.我的远视度数很深,不戴眼镜都不能读报纸。剑桥国际Interviewers are usually impressed by a candidate's smartness.面试考官通常对应聘者的仪容整洁留有很深的印象。剑桥国际Nick had a large gash on his cheek. 尼克的脸颊上有一道很大很深的伤口。译典通The sword did not pierce very deeply. 这剑刺得不很深。译典通There is a deep divide between the two factions. 这两派之间有很深的分歧。译典通These plants have very deep roots. 这些植物的根长得很深。译典通When I was doing an English course in Brighton, I formed a strong attachment to (=feeling of affection for) the other students in my class.当我在布赖顿学习一门英语课程时,我与班上其他同学产生了很深的友情。剑桥国际




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