

单词 很流行
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FASHIONABLE/NOT FASHIONABLE〕Latin music is very much in fashion. 拉丁音乐目前很流行。朗文写作活用〔FASHIONABLE/NOT FASHIONABLE〕Long skirts are in at the moment. 长裙目前很流行。朗文写作活用〔ROUGH/NOT SMOOTH〕Hessian cloth provides a rough homespun texture that was popular in the 1950s. 麻布有一种粗糙的家庭织物的手感,在20世纪50年代很流行。朗文写作活用〔abroad〕The books about Harry Potter are very popular now, both at home and abroad .有关哈利‧波特的书目前在国内外都很流行。朗文当代〔alive〕The sport is still very much alive and kicking in this country.这项体育活动在该国依然很流行。朗文当代〔caravanning〕Camping and caravanning are popular in this area.在这个地区,野营和乘旅行拖车度假很流行。韦氏高阶〔caravan〕Caravan holidays are very popular.乘活动房车度假现在很流行。外研社新世纪〔cult〕Pot noodles are now a student cult.桶面现在在学生中很流行。外研社新世纪〔day〕Vegetarianism is very popular these days.现在素食很流行。剑桥高阶〔du jour〕Long hair was the style du jour.长发在当时很流行。韦氏高阶〔elsewhere〕This song is popular in Europe and elsewhere.这首歌在欧洲和其他地方很流行。外研社新世纪〔fashionable〕Such thinking is fashionable among right-wing politicians.在政界右翼人士中这种想法很流行。牛津高阶〔fashion〕Eastern religions used to be the fashion in the 60s.东方宗教曾在 60 年代很流行。朗文当代〔fashion〕Self-help books are all the fashion (=they are very fashionable) .自助类图书很流行。朗文当代〔fashion〕Sequined evening bags, chiffon scarves, and fashion jewellery are in vogue.带亮片的晚装包、雪纺绸围巾和时髦珠宝现在很流行。外研社新世纪〔fashion〕She wore a wig, as was the fashion of the day.她带着假发,这在当时很流行。牛津搭配〔go〕Those shoes are all [quite] the go this year.这种鞋子今年很流行。文馨英汉〔in〕High heels are in this season.本季高跟鞋很流行。剑桥高阶〔in〕The band was popular in the sixties.该乐队在60年代很流行。外研社新世纪〔momentum〕The style prevails and picks up momentum.这式样很流行,而且越来越流行。英汉大词典〔mountaineering〕Walking and mountaineering are now very popular.漫步与登山现在很流行。文馨英汉〔obtain〕Your dress still obtains now.你的这款套裙现在还很流行。21世纪英汉〔popular〕That song was popular with people from my father's generation.那首歌在我爸爸那一代人中很流行。剑桥高阶〔popular〕They have names that were popular a century ago.他们的名字一个世纪以前就很流行。韦氏高阶〔popular〕Walking is a popular form of exercise in Britain.在英国,步行是很流行的运动方式。剑桥高阶〔quite〕I believe that shoulder-length hair is quite the fashion.我认为齐肩发确实很流行。麦克米伦高阶〔rife〕Disease is rife in the area.疾病在这一区很流行。牛津同义词〔song〕He had a string of hit songs in the 1970s.在 20 世纪 70 年代,他唱的许多歌都很流行。牛津搭配〔the〕The style was popular during the 1980s.这种风格在20世纪80年代很流行。韦氏高阶〔thing〕Chain belts were the thing a few years ago.链式腰带在几年前是很流行的。英汉大词典〔too〕It's a popular book, and a good one too.这本书很流行, 而且还是一本好书。外研社新世纪〔vogue〕Thin moustaches used to be the vogue.稀疏的小胡子过去曾很流行。麦克米伦高阶〔wear〕It was fashionable for men to wear their hair long.男人留长发曾经很流行。麦克米伦高阶Australian wines were quite popular for a while, but now they're rather passé 澳大利亚葡萄酒有一阵很流行,但现在已相当过时了。剑桥国际In the 1980s, shoulder pads were very fashionable in women's clothes. 20 世纪80年代,女子服装很流行垫肩。剑桥国际Surfing (= The sport of riding on waves on special boards) is very popular in California.冲浪运动在加利福尼亚很流行。剑桥国际The Japanese jujitsu is widely practiced in the world. 日本柔术在世界上很流行。译典通This view was current in the country. 当时这种看法在这个国家很流行。译典通




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