

单词 今年
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔AMOUNT〕a 22% fall in this year's cotton yield 今年棉花的产量减少朗文写作活用〔Exchequer〕the Exchequer returns for the first half of this year今年上半年财政部的收益外研社新世纪〔award〕this year's average pay award for teachers of just under 8%今年教师平均加薪幅度将近8%外研社新世纪〔bad〕one of this year's worst films 今年最差的电影之一麦克米伦高阶〔budget〕this year's budget for AIDS prevention今年用于防控艾滋病的预算拨款外研社新世纪〔carnival〕this summer's carnival of sport 今年夏季的体育盛会牛津高阶〔civil marriage〕a mayor who has officiated at several civil marriages this year 今年主持过几次公证结婚典礼的市长韦氏高阶〔comparison〕a comparison between figures for last year and this year 去年与今年数字的对比牛津搭配〔crop〕this year's crop of rookie politicians 今年涌现的一群政治家麦克米伦高阶〔dub〕when the Prince of Wales dubbed me a knight at Holyrood this summer今年夏天威尔士王子在霍利鲁德册封我为爵士的时候外研社新世纪〔earlier〕political reforms announced by the President earlier this year. 总统于今年早些时候宣布的政治改革柯林斯高阶〔edition〕this year's edition of fall fashions from Paris. 今年巴黎秋装的期刊美国传统〔erupt〕the riots that erupted this summer in Britain今年夏天在英国爆发的动乱外研社新世纪〔examination〕the candidates who took national examinations this year今年参加全国考试的人员外研社新世纪〔excise〕this year's rise in excise duties. 今年消费税的提高柯林斯高阶〔festival〕the events in this year's festival 今年节日期间的活动项目牛津搭配〔focal point〕the focal point of the show this year今年这场展览的焦点外研社新世纪〔gopher ball〕a pitcher who has thrown eight gopher balls so far this year 今年到目前为止已投出八个本垒打投球的投手韦氏高阶〔graduate〕expect to graduate approximately 500,000 this year 预期今年大约有50万人毕业英汉大词典〔gubernatorial〕the Republican nomination in this year's gubernatorial election今年州长选举中的共和党候选人提名外研社新世纪〔haul〕the total haul of swindlers this year 今年拘捕的诈骗犯总数英汉大词典〔invasion〕this year's annual invasion of flies, wasps and ants. 今年,苍蝇、黄蜂和蚂蚁同往年一样的大批进犯柯林斯高阶〔invasion〕this year's annual invasion of flies今年同往年一样的蝇灾外研社新世纪〔last〕last summer 上一个夏天(去年夏天;今年过完的夏天)文馨英汉〔look〕the preferred look for this fall. 今年秋天的流行打扮美国传统〔loser〕the Dallas Cowboys and Buffalo Bills, the winners and losers of this year's Super Bowl. 达拉斯牛仔队和布法罗比尔队,今年超级碗的赢家和输家柯林斯高阶〔middle〕the middle of the present year 今年年中英汉大词典〔moon〕in the first moon of this year 在今年的第一个月英汉大词典〔panoply〕the marvellous panoply of exhibitions laid on this year. 今年异彩纷呈的全面展出柯林斯高阶〔pessimism〕the widespread pessimism among young people today 当今年轻人的普遍悲观情绪牛津搭配〔publication〕the posthumous publication this year of his unedited journals 在他去世后于今年出版的他那未经编辑的日记牛津搭配〔publicize〕his highly publicized trial this summer. 今年夏天他的审讯被广为报道柯林斯高阶〔snow〕one of the heaviest snows this winter 今年冬天最大的几场雪之一朗文当代〔spring〕last/this/next spring 去年/今年/明年春天麦克米伦高阶〔start〕a large number of new housing starts this year. 大量新房今年开工美国传统〔summer〕this/next/last summer 今年╱下一个╱上一个夏天牛津高阶〔tally〕as we tally the number of workers who have been laid off this year. 我们统计今年下岗工人数量的时候柯林斯高阶〔unusually〕this year's unusually harsh winter今年异常寒冷的冬天外研社新世纪〔year〕this year's harvest 今年的收成英汉大词典a fall in this year's coffee crop 今年的咖啡产量下降牛津商务




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