

单词 wax
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BACK〕He was trying to scrape the wax off with the back of a knife. 他尝试用刀背把蜡刮掉。朗文写作活用〔Edam〕A mild, yellow Dutch cheese, pressed into balls and usually covered with red wax.伊丹奶酪:一种味淡色黄的荷兰奶酪,被压缩成球状,外面常涂有红蜡美国传统〔FLOW〕Wax from the candle dripped on the tablecloth. 蜡烛上的蜡滴到桌布上。朗文写作活用〔HOT〕Wax melts quickly when it is heated. 蜡受热后就会迅速熔化。朗文写作活用〔LIQUID〕Blobs of wax had dripped from the candle onto the table cloth. 蜡烛油一滴滴地落到了桌布上。朗文写作活用〔RUB〕About once a month I rub wax into the table to keep it in good condition. 为了好好保养桌子,我大概每月给它擦一次蜡。朗文写作活用〔SHINE/SHINY〕Wax is sprayed on the apples to give them more luster. 在苹果上喷蜡可增加其光泽。朗文写作活用〔SOFT〕The wax will get softer as it is heated. 蜡加热后会变软。朗文写作活用〔STICK〕Edam cheeses have waxed coatings which adhere tightly to the cheese. 埃丹干酪表面涂有一层粘得很牢的蜂蜡。朗文写作活用〔WANT/NOT WANT〕There are several ways that you can remove unwanted hair, including waxing or electrolysis at a salon. 去除多余毛发有多种办法,包括去美容院做热蜡去毛或电蚀去毛。朗文写作活用〔affix〕I covered the scroll in sealing wax, and affixed a red ribbon.我用封蜡将卷轴封好, 还系了一条红丝带。外研社新世纪〔affix〕I covered the scroll in sealing wax, and affixed a red ribbon.我用封蜡将卷轴封好,并系上一根红丝带。柯林斯高阶〔ball〕I panicked, I cried—the whole ball of wax.我惊慌失措,我大喊大叫,所有的反应都做齐了。牛津高阶〔batik〕A method of dyeing a fabric by which the parts of the fabric not intended to be dyed are covered with removable wax.蜡染印花法:一种染织物的方法,用这种方法,织物的不染色部分被可剥落的蜡所覆盖而其余部分则染上色美国传统〔beeswax〕Commercial wax obtained by processing and purifying the crude wax of the honeybee and used in making candles, crayons, and polishes.黄蜡:由蜜蜂的粗蜂蜡加工和提炼而得到的商业蜡,用于做蜡烛、蜡笔和上光剂美国传统〔beeswax〕The yellow to grayish-brown wax secreted by the honeybee for constructing honeycombs.蜂蜡:蜜蜂分泌的筑蜂巢的黄色到灰褐色物质美国传统〔bikini line〕She wandered into a London beauty salon to have her bikini line waxed.她逛进伦敦一家美容院做了比基尼线热蜡除毛。外研社新世纪〔blob〕Blobs of wax covered the candlestick.烛台上全是一滴滴的蜡。英汉大词典〔bougie〕A wax candle.蜡烛美国传统〔buff〕The floors are waxed and buffed every year.地板每年都打蜡抛光。韦氏高阶〔burnish〕Then I applied a wax polish before finally burnishing all surfaces with a soft cloth.然后我打了光蜡, 最后用软布擦亮所有表面。外研社新世纪〔burn〕They managed to burn off the excess wax.他们设法烧掉了多余的蜡。麦克米伦高阶〔candleberry〕Any of certain bayberries, the wax myrtle, or the fruit of these plants.蜡杨梅:一种杨梅果实、蜡状桃金娘科植物或这些植物的果实美国传统〔candle〕A solid, usually cylindrical mass of tallow, wax, or other fatty substance with an axially embedded wick that is burned to provide light.蜡烛:通常是由动物油脂、蜡或其它脂肪物质构成的固态柱状物体,轴心中有烛绳,被点燃以照明美国传统〔cast〕They made a mask from a wax cast of her face.他们根据她脸型的蜡模做了一个面具。韦氏高阶〔cerated〕Coated with wax or resin.涂蜡的,涂树脂的美国传统〔cerecloth〕Cloth coated with wax, formerly used for wrapping the dead.蜡布:以前用于包裹尸体的涂蜡的布美国传统〔clay〕Clay the car after washing but before applying wax.洗车后先用黏土处理再上蜡。外研社新世纪〔commanding〕Lovett was a tall, commanding man with a waxed gray moustache.洛维特是个威严的高个儿男人, 蓄着打过蜡的灰白八字须。外研社新世纪〔commanding〕Lovett was a tall, commanding man with a waxed gray mustache.洛维特是个威严的高个男人,蓄着灰白的八字胡。柯林斯高阶〔crayon〕A stick of colored wax, charcoal, or chalk, used for drawing.用于绘画的有色蜡笔、炭笔或粉笔美国传统〔crayon〕To draw, color, or decorate with a stick of colored wax, charcoal, or chalk.画画,上色,装饰:用有色的蜡笔、炭笔或粉笔画画、上色或装饰美国传统〔crescent〕Waxing, as the moon; increasing.渐圆的,渐强的:月亮等渐圆的;逐渐增强的美国传统〔cylinder〕It was recorded on a wax cylinder.它被记录在一个蜡筒上。外研社新世纪〔cylinder〕It was recorded on a wax cylinder.它被记录在一个蜡质圆柱上。柯林斯高阶〔dental floss〕A waxed or unwaxed thread used to remove food particles and plaque from the teeth.洁齿线:一种上蜡或未上蜡的用于去除牙齿上的食物残碴和牙斑的线美国传统〔dip〕A candle made by repeated dipping in tallow or wax.蜡烛:反复在融蜡或某种物质中浸泡而做成的蜡烛美国传统〔dip〕To form (a candle) by repeatedly immersing a wick in melted wax or tallow.制造(蜡烛):把烛蕊反复在溶化的油或蜡中浸泡来制作(蜡烛)美国传统〔dribble〕Melted wax dribbled down the side of the candle.熔化了的蜡一滴滴从蜡烛边上流下。牛津高阶〔drip〕Drip some wax onto the paper to make a seal.往纸上滴点蜡把它封起来。麦克米伦高阶〔drip〕Hot wax dripped onto my fingers.热蜡滴落在我的手指上。韦氏高阶〔ductile〕Wax is ductile when it is warm.蜡在受热时是可塑的。英汉大词典〔ear canal〕Hearing can be affected by ear wax blocking the ear canal.耳垢堵塞耳道可能会影响听力。柯林斯高阶〔eloquent〕He waxed eloquent about her talents as an actress.谈到她的演艺才能,他变得口若悬河。牛津搭配〔epicuticle〕The outermost layer of cuticle of an arthropod exoskeleton, composed mostly of wax.上表皮:节肢动物外骨骼最外部的一层表皮,基本上由蜡构成美国传统〔fold〕She folded the sandwich in wax paper.她用蜡纸包三明治。英汉大词典〔gleam〕The wooden panelling was gleaming with wax polish.木嵌板上过蜡,显得很光亮。朗文当代〔gutter out〕The candle guttered out when the melted wax ran down its sides.熔化的蜡沿着蜡烛四周淌下,蜡烛就渐渐熄灭了。21世纪英汉〔gutter〕A candle gutters when the melted wax runs down its sides.融化的蜡从蜡烛的边上淌下时,蜡烛产生融流。21世纪英汉〔harden〕This is then dipped in cold water to harden the wax.然后将其浸入冷水中使蜡凝固。外研社新世纪〔heelball〕A wax colored with lampblack that is used to stain and polish the edges of the soles and heels of shoes or take rubbings of brass or inscriptions.黑色或棕色的蜡:烟灰色的蜡,用于鞋跟或鞋底的染色和打光,或用于铜印或纸印图案美国传统〔impression〕The wax bore the impression of a sailing ship.蜂蜡上有帆船印记。牛津搭配〔impress〕He impressed a seal in wax.他把印章印在蜡上。外研社新世纪〔impress〕He impressed the wax with the designs.=He impressed the designs on the wax.他在蜡上压印那些图案。文馨英汉〔impress〕They impressed the wax with a seal.他们在蜡上印上图章。外研社新世纪〔indignant〕She waxes indignant if anyone tries to contradict her.如果有人想反驳,她就会愤愤不平。牛津搭配〔leather〕The leather has been treated with wax.这块皮革上过蜡。牛津搭配〔leg〕I'm getting my legs waxed tomorrow.我打算明天用蜡除一除腿毛。牛津搭配〔likeness〕The museum displays wax likenesses of every U.S. president.这个博物馆展出所有美国总统的蜡像。外研社新世纪〔likeness〕The museum displays wax likenesses of every US president.这家博物馆陈列着历任美国总统的蜡像。柯林斯高阶〔luster〕Any of various substances, such as wax or glaze, used to give an object a gloss or polish.上光剂:任何一种能给物体带来光泽或光亮的物质,如蜡或釉料美国传统〔lyrically〕Adam waxed lyrically about the prince.亚当说起王子时眉飞色舞。外研社新世纪〔lyrical〕He waxed lyrical about the time he spent living in southern France.他热情洋溢地谈起了他在法国南部生活的那段美好时光。韦氏高阶〔lyrical〕He waxed lyrical about the variety of fish in the river.他兴高采烈地谈论了河里的鱼品种多样。牛津搭配〔lyrical〕He began to wax lyrical(= talk in an enthusiastic way)about his new car.他开始兴高采烈地谈论他的新车。牛津高阶〔lyrical〕I recall Rosie waxing lyrical about the flatness of his stomach.我想起了罗西说起他平坦的腹部时眉飞色舞的样子。剑桥高阶〔lyrical〕Maggie started to wax lyrical about patios and gardens.玛吉开始充满热情地谈论庭院和花园了。外研社新世纪〔lyrical〕One fisherman waxed lyrical about the variety of fish in the river.一个渔夫兴高采烈地谈论河里各种各样的鱼。朗文当代〔melt〕Heat gently until the wax has melted.慢慢加热, 直至蜡熔化。外研社新世纪〔melt〕The heat melts the wax.高温使蜡熔化。外研社新世纪〔modeling〕The act or art of sculpturing or forming in a pliable material, such as clay or wax.造型术:柔性的物质如粘土或蜡塑造或成形的行为或艺术美国传统〔mold〕She molded wax into candles.她把蜡制成蜡烛。文馨英汉〔montan wax〕A hard, white wax obtained from lignite and used in the manufacture of polishes, paints, and phonograph records.褐煤蜡:从褐煤中提取出的硬质白蜡,用于生产上光剂、漆料和照片蜡片美国传统〔motion〕The wax should be applied using a circular motion.应该以绕圈的方式打蜡。韦氏高阶〔ozocerite〕A yellow-brown to black or green hydrocarbon wax, found in irregular veins in sandstones and used in making electrical insulation and polishes.石蜡:一种棕黄粉至黑色或绿色的碳氢化合的蜡状物,发现于不规则沙石的岩脉中,并用来制作电绝缘和上光剂美国传统〔pass〕Wax passes from solid to liquid when you heat it.蜡受热后会从固体变成液体。剑桥高阶〔peel〕Peel away the waxed paper from the bottom of the cake.把蜡纸从蛋糕底上揭掉。朗文当代〔pellet〕A small, solid or densely packed ball or mass, as of food, wax, or medicine.颗粒状物,小丸:如食物、蜡或药等固态的或被紧包成一团的小球或小丸美国传统〔pellet〕Wearing a couple of wax pellets in the ears does not produce anything like deafness.在耳朵里塞两个蜡丸不会引起耳聋之类的病症。外研社新世纪〔philosophical〕I could wax philosophical on all the injustices of life.我可以从哲学角度认识生活中的所有不公平现象。牛津搭配〔poetic〕It's very easy to wax poetic (= speak in a poetic way) about the sport of baseball.很容易把棒球运动说得富有诗意。牛津搭配〔polish〕Did you use a wax polish on the table or an oil-based one? 这桌子你用的是蜡质上光剂还是油性上光剂?韦氏高阶〔preservable〕Wax polish preserves wood and leather.上光蜡可以保护木材和皮革。21世纪英汉〔preserve〕Wax polish preserves wood and leather.上光蜡可保护木材和皮革。牛津高阶〔prone〕Sun removes the oil and wax, leaving the leather prone to cracking.阳光晒掉了皮革上的油和蜡,使皮革容易破裂。牛津搭配〔protect〕Waxing your car will help protect against rust.给汽车打蜡能防止生锈。朗文当代〔rhapsodic〕Bostonians wax rhapsodic about their town.波士顿人对自己的城市赞不绝口。外研社新世纪〔run〕Skis are waxed on the bottom so that they run smoothly over the snow.滑雪板底部打了蜡,这样就能在雪上滑得顺畅自如。剑桥高阶〔run〕The wax began to run.蜡开始熔化了。牛津高阶〔run〕The wax ran when the candle was lit.蜡烛被点燃后,蜡便融化流淌。英汉大词典〔satin〕The final stage of waxing left it with a satin sheen.最后上完蜡后,它看起来犹如缎子般光滑亮泽。柯林斯高阶〔sealant〕A substance, such as sealing wax, used to seal a surface to prevent passage of a liquid or gas.密封剂:一种用来密封表面以防止液体或气体泄露的物质,如封蜡美国传统〔seal〕A die or signet having a raised or incised emblem used to stamp an impression on a receptive substance such as wax or lead.印章:一种有凸出或雕刻纹章的印模或图章,用来在可接受性物质上作印记,如蜡或铅上美国传统〔seal〕A small disk or wafer of wax, lead, or paper bearing such an imprint and affixed to a document to prove authenticity or to secure it.封缄:上有印章的圆形的小蜡片、铅片或纸片,附在文件后用来证明权威或保证文件的安全美国传统〔seal〕A substance, especially an adhesive agent such as wax or putty, used to close or secure something or to prevent seepage of moisture or air.封口之物:一种物质,尤指似蜡或油灰的粘性剂,用来封闭、保存某物或防止潮气或空气的渗流美国传统〔seal〕He broke the wax seal and unrolled the paper.他揭去封蜡,把纸卷展开。牛津高阶〔seal〕Small gaps can be sealed with wax.小裂缝可以用蜡封住。麦克米伦高阶〔shine〕Wax polish gives a high shine to wood furniture.用蜡打磨,可以使木制家具富有光泽。剑桥高阶〔ski〕He told me to wax my skis because he thought I was going too slowly.他让我给滑雪板打蜡,因为他觉得我滑得太慢了。牛津搭配〔smooth〕Smooth the wax over the wood before polishing.先把蜡涂在木头上,然后再抛光。韦氏高阶〔solidify〕Hot wax solidifies as it cools.热蜡冷却后就凝固了。韦氏高阶〔solid〕Melted wax becomes solid when it cools.熔化的蜡在冷却后成为固体。英汉大词典〔splutter〕The candles had spluttered wax across the tablecloth.蜡烛把蜡油喷得满桌布都是。外研社新世纪〔spread〕A thick layer of wax was spread over the surface.表面涂上了厚厚的一层蜡。柯林斯高阶〔spread〕A thick layer of wax was spread over the surface.表面涂了厚厚一层蜡。外研社新世纪〔stillness〕The face resumed its waxen, masklike stillness.那张脸又变得苍白呆滞、毫无表情了。外研社新世纪〔style〕A slender, pointed writing instrument used by the ancients on wax tablets.尖笔:古代人用来在蜡板上写字的尖利细长的书写工具美国传统〔tacky〕The floor was tacky with fresh wax.地板刚打过蜡,有点粘脚。英汉大词典〔take〕Waxed paper will not take ink.蜡纸不吸墨水。21世纪英汉〔texture〕Her skin is pale, the texture of fine wax.她肤色苍白, 肤质细腻如蜡。外研社新世纪〔texture〕Her skin is pale, the texture of fine wax.她肤色苍白,肤质细腻如蜡。柯林斯高阶〔wane〕Public interest in the issue has waxed and waned over the years.这些年来公众对这个话题的兴趣时冷时热。牛津搭配〔wane〕The moon waxes and then wanes.月有阴晴圆缺。韦氏高阶〔waterproof〕Rub the wax in to make the shoe waterproof .在鞋子上抹点蜡使其防水。朗文当代〔wax and wane〕His commitment to democracy and free markets has waxed and waned with his political fortunes.他对民主和自由市场的热情随着他自己政治命运的起伏而时强时弱。剑桥高阶〔wax museum〕A place where life-size wax figures, usually of famous people, are exhibited.蜡像馆:通常展出与著名人物大小一样的蜡像的地方美国传统〔wax paper〕Paper that has been made moistureproof by treatment with wax, used especially in cooking and for wrapping food for storage.蜡纸:用蜡处理过的防湿的纸,尤其用于烹饪和包裹食物贮藏美国传统〔waxberry〕The waxy fruit of the wax myrtle or the snowberry.杨梅,雪果:杨梅或雪果的柔软果实美国传统〔waxed paper〕Wax paper.蜡纸美国传统〔waxen〕Her eyes were fixed on the waxen face of her son, willing him to live.她凝视着儿子苍白的脸,盼着他好起来。柯林斯高阶〔waxen〕Her eyes were fixed on the waxen face of her son, willing him to live.她凝视着儿子蜡黄的脸, 盼着他好起来。外研社新世纪〔waxen〕Made of or covered with wax.蜡制的或覆盖着蜡的美国传统〔waxen〕She has a waxen complexion.她有苍白的脸色。文馨英汉〔waxer〕One that polishes with or applies wax.上蜡工:用蜡上光或打蜡的人美国传统〔waxing〕We offer manicures, facials, and waxing.我们提供美甲、美颜和热蜡除毛服务。剑桥高阶〔waxwork〕A figure made of wax, especially a life-size wax effigy of a famous person.蜡像:蜡制的像,尤指与真人大小一样的名人蜡像美国传统〔waxwork〕The art of modeling in wax.用蜡做模型的艺术美国传统〔waxy〕Consisting of, abounding in, or covered with wax.蜡组成的,多蜡的或涂蜡的美国传统〔wax〕A preparation containing wax used for polishing floors and other surfaces.地板蜡:含蜡的制剂用于打光地板和其它表面美国传统〔wax〕Discord waxed at an alarming rate.冲突迅速加剧,令人忧虑。英汉大词典〔wax〕He waxed angry at my criticism.他对我的批评动怒。文馨英汉〔wax〕He waxed his car today.他今天给自己的车上了蜡。韦氏高阶〔wax〕He waxed lyrical about the skills and commitment of his employees.他津津乐道于他的员工的精湛技术和敬业精神。外研社新世纪〔wax〕He waxed lyrical about the skills and commitment of his employees.他津津乐道于员工的技能和敬业精神。柯林斯高阶〔wax〕He waxed lyrical on the food at the new restaurant.他对这家新餐馆的菜肴越说越来劲。牛津高阶〔wax〕He is wax in her hands.他完全受她摆布。英汉大词典〔wax〕He spent Sunday washing and waxing the car.他利用礼拜天的时间洗车并给车打蜡。外研社新世纪〔wax〕He was like wax in her hands.他任由她摆布。文馨英汉〔wax〕I've waxed the floor so it's rather slippery.我刚给地板打了蜡,所以恐怕会有点滑。剑桥高阶〔wax〕Interest in the show has waxed and waned.人们对这个节目的兴趣已经过了。朗文当代〔wax〕Interest in the story seems to wax and wane depending on other news.人们对这一报道曾经颇有兴趣,随着其他新闻的出现,现在已热情不再。韦氏高阶〔wax〕Journalists wax lyrical about the band.新闻记者盛赞那支乐队。朗文当代〔wax〕My mother waxed eloquent on the theme of wifely duty.我母亲大谈为妻之道。柯林斯高阶〔wax〕My mother always used to wax lyrical about the lemon trees in her family's garden.我母亲过去总是会深情地谈起她家中花园里的那些柠檬树。剑桥高阶〔wax〕Portugal and Spain had possessed vast empires that waxed and waned.葡萄牙和西班牙都曾是经历了兴盛与衰落的大帝国。外研社新世纪〔wax〕Portugal and Spain had possessed vast empires that waxed and waned.葡萄牙和西班牙都曾是经历了兴衰的大帝国。柯林斯高阶〔wax〕She waxes her eyebrows/legs.她用热蜡脱去了眉毛/腿毛。韦氏高阶〔wax〕She could go shopping, and wax her legs.她可以去逛商店,顺便除一下腿毛。柯林斯高阶〔wax〕She had her legs waxed.她对腿部做了热蜡除毛。剑桥高阶〔wax〕She has just had her legs waxed at the local beauty parlour.她刚在当地一家美容院除了腿毛。外研社新世纪〔wax〕She has just had her legs waxed at the local beauty parlour.她刚在当地一家美容院除了腿毛。柯林斯高阶〔wax〕She helped me wax the floor.她帮我给地板打蜡。外研社新世纪〔wax〕She loved the scent in the house of wax polish.她喜欢房子里打过蜡的味道。柯林斯高阶〔wax〕She watched the wax as it dripped down the side of the candle.她注视着蜡从蜡烛边缘滴落下来。剑桥高阶〔wax〕Something suggestive of wax in being impressionable or readily molded.易于操纵的人或物:易受影响或摆布的似蜡之物美国传统〔wax〕The floor has just been waxed.这地板刚刚打过蜡。韦氏高阶〔wax〕The fortunes of football clubs wax and wane.足球俱乐部的境遇时好时坏。外研社新世纪〔wax〕There were coloured candles which had spread pools of wax on the furniture.彩色蜡烛在家具上留下一摊摊蜡油。柯林斯高阶〔wax〕They will syringe the ears out after the wax has been softened by drops.耳垢用药水软化后, 他们便会把耳朵冲洗干净。外研社新世纪〔wax〕To coat, treat, or polish with wax.用蜡涂、处理或上光美国传统〔wax〕We'd have long talks while she helped me wax the floor.她帮我给地板打蜡时我们谈了很久。柯林斯高阶Wax passes from solid to liquid when you heat it.蜡一经加热便从固体变成液体。剑桥国际A design is cut into the wax covering the copper plate and the acid then etches the plate.图案刻进覆盖铜盘的蜡里,然后酸就蚀进盘子。剑桥国际Brendan waxed eloquent on the subject of free enterprise.布伦丹在自由经营这个话题上口若悬河。剑桥国际Candle wax becomes transparent when it is liquefied.蜡烛油液化后变得透明。剑桥国际Candle wax is opaque when it is solid, but it becomes transparent when it melts.烛蜡在固体状态时是不透明的,而当它熔化后就变得透明了。剑桥国际Clay, wax, and plaster are plastic substances. 黏土,蜡和石膏是可塑物质。译典通Discord waxed at an alarming rate. 冲突迅速加剧。译典通He then coated it with wax. 他然后在它上面涂了一层蜡。译典通He's always waxing lyrical (= speaking enthusiastically) about the benefits of a daily 5-kilometre run.他津津乐道于每天5公里长跑的益处。剑桥国际I waxed the floor so I'm afraid it's a bit slippery.我给地板上了蜡,因此恐怕会有点儿滑。剑桥国际I bought a waxed jacket for the winter.为了过冬我买了上蜡的防水茄克衫。剑桥国际Let the wax dry on the wood then buff (up) the table with a cloth.让蜡在桌上变干,然后用布把桌子擦亮。剑桥国际Martin waxes his moustache.马丁用蜡使胡子有光泽。剑桥国际My mother, a Spaniard, always used to wax lyrical about the lemon trees which grew in the family garden.我的母亲是个西班牙人,她过去总就家中花园里的柠檬树抒发情感。剑桥国际Pigment is mixed into oil, glue, egg, vegetable gum or wax to make paint.色素被混入油、胶、鸡蛋、菜胶或蜡中制成颜料。剑桥国际Pileated woodpeckers are on the wax now. 有羽冠的啄木鸟现在在增加。译典通Really you should use a good wax polish on wood like this.你的确应该使用一块好蜡来给这样的木头上光。剑桥国际She had her legs waxed to remove unwanted hair.她用热蜡除去腿上多余的汗毛。剑桥国际She watched the wax as it dripped down the side of the candle.她注视着蜡从蜡烛的边上滴落下来。剑桥国际Skis are waxed on the bottom so that they run smoothly over the snow.滑雪板的底上了蜡以便更好地在雪上滑行。剑桥国际The waxed floor had a good shine. 打蜡地板闪闪发光。译典通The King waxed merry. 国王高兴起来。译典通The exhibition includes a wonderful group of animals sculptured in wax.展览包括一组出色的动物蜡像。剑桥国际The floor has just been waxed. 地板刚打过蜡。译典通The moon waxes and wanes every month. 月亮月月盈亏。译典通The moon waxes till it becomes full, and then wanes. 月亮渐渐变圆直至满盈,然后再变亏缺。译典通We mold wax into candles. 我们铸蜡成烛。译典通You should put some wax on those boots.你应该给这些靴子上点儿蜡。剑桥国际You should use wax polish on wooden furniture. 你应在木制家具上打上蜡。译典通




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